Executive functions are mechanisms that allow us to solve new complex situations in an efficient and acceptable to the individual and society. There are two powers of the executive functions closely related, but different meta-cognitive executive functions and executive functions (FFEE) emotional.
The anatomical substrate is in the prefrontal lobe cortex and its afferent and efferent structures. The lesions in the frontal lobes are associated with impaired executive functions. The frontal syndrome is classified into three more specific syndromes: dorsolateral prefrontal syndrome, syndrome or orbit frontal and cingulated mediobasal syndrome. Executive functions (FFEE) are affected in various neurological and psychopathological disorders.
The term executive functions (FFEE) refer to a group of capabilities that are altered by lesions in the frontal lobes, which include deficits in the initiative, motivation, formulation of goals and plans and self-control of behavior. However, had earlier proposed that the brain areas dealing with these tasks and gave them a role in the inhibition of irrelevant stimuli and the preservation of programmed behavior and goal-oriented.
It proposed the existence of three functional systems to explain the work of the brain. The first functional system would be alert and motivated and would depend on the limbic system and reticular formation, the second system would be responsible for receiving, processing and storage of information and be located in the posterior cortical areas, and the third system deal with the programming, control and monitoring of behavior and would be located in the prefrontal area. The latter produce functional unit essential mental abilities to perform a behavior effectively, creatively and socially accepted.
Concept of executive functions (FFEE)
Many authors have provided different definitions of executive functions (3-10), and although each of them focuses on one of its factors, in general, everyone agrees on a number of features:
• They are responsible for the generation of behaviors and goals, including the anticipation and the selection of the final objectives. This implies a motivational component.
• Conduct planning strategies to achieve the objective as well as anticipating possible obstacles and difficulties.
• Include the temporal and spatial organization of the task, so they are in charge of sequencing behaviors in the proper order.
• oversee the implementation of automated behaviors. To do this, are responsible for self-regulation of behavior, self-control, direction of attention to relevant stimuli, interference control and inhibition of irrelevant stimuli. For this it is necessary to monitor both implementation and the information available at all times, which requires the involvement of working memory.
• Produce adjustments and modifications necessary to achieve the goal through feedback. They are responsible for the necessary flexibility of behavior, so that response can be changed depending on the demands of context.
• Detect the achievement or otherwise of the proposed goal and the need to continue or end the activity (recognition of achievement).
• are essential to the success of novel or complex behaviors, especially those involving problem solving and the use of abstract concepts.
• include emotional and social skills, such as inhibition of impulses, morality, social adjustment or self-consciousness.
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