Vitamin C:
Vitamin C is responsible for the development of healthy collagen, which is necessary to hold together body tissues. The lack of Vitamin C can cause split ends and hair breakage, but this is easily reversible with an increase to normal levels of vitamin C. Vitamin C can be found in fresh foods, like peppers, citrus fruits, melons, berries, potatoes, tomatoes and dark green leafy vegetables.
Vitamin E:
Vitamin E is necessary to provide good blood circulation to the scalp, increasing absorption of oxygen. Vitamin C deriving from food such as green leafy vegetables, nuts, seeds, vegetable oils, and now ready to eat cereals, fortified with Vitamin E. Vitamin E is rare shortages of labor and in North America and Europe.
Copper is a trace mineral that is also necessary for the production of hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is vital to the process that carries oxygen to tissues and hair. Good sources of copper are liver, seafood, nuts and seeds.
Another key mineral vital for the production of hemoglobin is iron. Iron is in two forms, heme and non heme; heme iron is much easier to be absorbed into the system. Of course most people know that red meat is a good source of iron, however red meat is non-heme iron and is difficult for the body to absorb, like many iron supplements.
Good heme iron sources are green leafy vegetables, kidney beans and bran. Also, one can increase the absorption of non-heme iron in the body through food consumption of non-heme sources and sources of vitamin C in the same meal.
Zinc another vital component of healthy hair growth. Zinc is responsible for cell production, tissue growth and repair and maintenance of oil-secreting glands of the scalp. It also plays a large role in protein synthesis of collagen and formation. For this reason, zinc is important for both hair maintenance and dandruff prevention.
Most Americans are deficient. Most foods of animal origin, mainly seafood, contain good quantities of zinc; oysters are particularly rich in zinc. Zinc is also in eggs and milk, though in much smaller amounts. Zinc from sources such as nuts, PULSES, and the grain differ from those found in animal sources and can not easily be used by the body. Oats are a good source of zinc, which is readily absorbed by the body.
If heartburn take antacids to reduce your ability to digest and absorb vitamin C and iron. As you do more alkaline gastric acid with antacids, your ability absorbs vitamin C and iron reduction.