Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Oatmeal as Facial wash?

Guess what!
 Yes, it’s an oatmeal! You might think, “oh so now, you’re going to talk about foods too?!”.. Enkkk! 

For your info, I love watching bubzbeauty in youtube and I saw this skincare and I was like, “Oh my! I have to try this!”

So here’s the link.
Okay, I’ve been using this for almost a month now. (i guess?) I don’t love it like I can't live without it but I do like using oatmeal as my facial wash. I actually do this routine with celeteque facial wash. 

First, I wash my face with oatmeal then rinse off. Then, wash my face with celeteque facial wash. You might think that it is a bit too much. Yes, it is. But, I just love the softness of my skin afterwards. (PROMISE! you're skin won't feel dry)

In additional, I love the smell of oatmeal while putting it on my face. 

BUT, it’s a bit messy. A bit??? or maybe not! IT’S REALLY MESSY! It requires PATIENCE! If you don’t have that, might as well skip using this product.

I remember the first time I used it; oh, what a mess! oatmeal is all over the sink. 
 With the benefits on oatmeal, I have not felt any improvement other than it softens skin. It doesn’t whitens, brighten, removes acne or the likes. But I will definitely continue using it as long as it still gives me the “smooth and soft” feeling.

I don’t highly recommend this because it really doesn’t do miracles I’m sure you are all looking for. But, for ALL-NATURAL lover, you might like to give this a try. Atleast, it doesn’t contain harmful chemicals right. 
Anything that doesn’t harm our skin in any way must be a really good product.

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