1. If cardiovascular disease is only one, why make distinctions between men and women?
Until recently, general medicine and cardiology in particular ignored women in scientific studies. In the absence of specific data, doctors risked undertreated or treated too much to women. For example, symptoms of heart attack are more subtle or different in women. As a result, women themselves and even doctors can not identify an attack time. That could explain why the mortality rate after an infarct is greater in women.
2. What happens to the drugs? Do they act the same in men than in women?
The answer is often different. For example, some thrombolytic (drugs to remove blood clots that clog arteries and cause heart attacks and stroke) act differently in women. If used just as in men, may increase the risk of complications.
3. What are the symptoms different in women?
Both men and women, the most common symptom of a heart attack is some kind of pain, Tightness or discomfort in the chest. However, this symptom may not be sharp, even relevant in women. In fact, signs and chest symptoms are usually not as severe in women. Instead, they are common:
1) Discomfort in the neck, shoulders, back and abdomen
2) Shortness of breath
3) Nausea and vomiting
4) The sweats
5) Dizziness and confusion
6) The feeling of severe tiredness...

In the presence of Heart Attack Symptoms or at the slightest suspicion, women (and men) should call emergency immediately and indicate their status and act upon the instructions directed. Of course, not affected or affected to take the car in any case.
5. Few people know that the cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in women. Why did not broadcast this reality better?
Many women still believe that the primary cause of death in women is the breast cancer. They have internalized the idea that heart problems are a thing of men. Even women smokers, hypertensive or obese no linkage with risk. The great fear is indeed the breast cancer.
6. What's life with a high risk of heart attack?
The affected may not be able to attend your home, sometimes can not even walk or play with their children. Some women with certain types of heart disease have very poor quality of life. This scenario can be avoided with proper treatment, applied in time. For this, the doctor should be able to recognize the symptoms.
7. What can be done to reduce the risks?
The 3 basic tips are to avoid a sedentary lifestyle, maintaining a healthy weight and not smoking. Women, who are treated, must make their drugs (Beta blockers, anticoagulants, aspirin,) as your doctor prescribes them. Of course, they must control all risk factors: hypertension rates of cholesterol and blood sugar. As for food, the more rich in fresh and raw (fruits, vegetables, fish, legumes, nuts ...) and less abundant in refined products, the better.
8. What kind of physical activity is recommended?
Being active means taking the stairs instead of taking the elevator, walking several miles a day (ideally, buy a pedometer and try to take 10,000 steps a day), sign up for dance classes, hiking or cycling...
9. What are you doing now medicine for women?
Further studies are helping to identify gaps in knowledge and create better treatments. Physicians are increasingly aware of the differences between the sexes and act accordingly. As for women, all information is little to prevent this relentless disease.
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