Source of influenza A:
The difference in the origin of avian influenza A with common is that in the case of influenza a virus contains genetic material matched a strain of human influenza virus, a strain of bird flu and two separate strains of virus swine flu.
Differences between the symptoms of influenza and common cold:
* Muscle pain: is much more intense in influenza A.
* Shivering or chills: are much more intense in influenza A. Instead they are less common and less intensity in the common flu.
* Headaches: is much more intense in influenza A.
* Fever: in influenza A may have an onset of 39 º C. In contrast to the common cold is not unusual for more than 39 º C.
* Fatigue: asthenia or fatigue is most marked in influenza A.
* Cough: is more intense in the common flu.
* Mucus: in the common flu is a more nasal congestion while more mild influenza A.
* Ocular Discomfort: is unusual in the common flu but, instead, may cause a burning sensation in the eyes in patients with influenza A.
Risk groups:
The risk groups are the same as before the common cold:
People with weakened immune systems.
Pregnant women and children.
Diabetics and asthmatics.
Chronically ill kidney, heart and lung.
How to reduce the possibility of contamination
Maximize hygiene measures such as washing hands before eating and after sneezing or coughing.
If you have flu symptoms go to the clinic and avoid crowds. Then, after diagnosis so, bed rest, continue treatment and avoid visits to improve.
Avoid sharing handkerchiefs, towels, cups, spoons, forks, etc….
Conventional Treatment:
Antivirals can reduce complications of influenza A.
Paracetamol help reduce fever and discomforts of the flu.
Antibiotics are given to prevent any secondary infections.
Working toward a vaccine for influenza A.
Natural Remedies for influenza A:
* Fitoterapia or medicinal plants: Echinacea is one of the most appropriate herbs to fight any viral illness like influenza.
* The propolis: is a substance produced by bees and is a great ally against the virus.
* Oligoterapia: Copper-Gold-Silver is a very effective combination of trace elements to prevent infections or fight the flu symptoms when you already have.
* Garlic: is one of the natural remedies to combat all types of infections.
* Wild mushrooms: shiitake, maitake and some others will be of great help to boost our immune systems and respond more effectively to any type of flu is the common or influenza A.
* "Intestinal Flora" if we habitually tend to antibiotics or chronic diarrhea can appreciate the convenience of taking probiotics and prebiotics.
From the standpoint of natural medicine are advised, in general, follow guidelines to strengthen health and that is the best vaccine. Eating a balanced diet, following hygiene measures discussed above, physical exercise, to the extent possible avoid stress and boost immune systems.
Read more remedies for viral infections and Influenza A treatment.
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