In the depression as an illness (depressive disorder), can not always be clear about which life events led them to become depressed, unlike normal depressive reactions and depressive adjustment reactions, in which you can find the starting point.
The causes of depression are multiple, so that added up they can start the disease. Due to constitutional questions of the person, with genetic and brain neurotransmitters combined with environmental factors, social and psychological, such as:
Life events such as crises and marital separation, death in the family, climacteric crisis of middle age, among others.
In depression the intensity of suffering is intense, lasting most of the day for at least two weeks, is not always possible to know why the person is so. The most important is how the person feels, as continues to organize life work, home care, personal care with hygiene, food and clothing and how it is relating with others.
Often the person may think very death, in other people who have died, or your own death. Often there is a suicide wish, sometimes with attempts to kill himself, thinking that this is the only way to get rid of suffering, these feelings caused by depression itself, which make people blame themselves, feel useless or a burden to others. This aspect makes the depression is a major cause of suicide, especially in depressed people who live in solitude. It is worth remembering that the very tendency to isolate them is a consequence of depression, which creates a vicious cycle of depression that results in loss of hope.
Natural treatment for depression:
Almond is more nutritious than cow's milk and 100% higher. It is rich in calcium, manganese, phosphor, iron, potassium and Vitamin A. Almond blended with fig is a perfect laxative for the body. It is important to be careful with the shell, the high concentration of oxalic acid. I suggest leaving the almond sauce in mineral water or distilled water a day to the next. Rinse in the morning and refrigerate.
Avocado is another fruit exceptional. Super high-fat, Vitamin E and minerals than meat because it has bacteria and hormones.
Olives is one of the fruits richest in calcium and amino acid. Take fruit juice red because they contain a high concentration of iron. Prepare a juice with 10 strawberries, 10 raspberries, a slice of watermelon and green parsley. Beat in a blender and take in the morning. Avoid dairy products, fried foods, sugar and coffee.
Marine algae and aloe are an excellent source of minerals. They contain 20 to 22 amino acids, including 8 essential nutrients and an excellent source of chlorophyll, Vitamin B12 and iron. Help in detoxification, hormonal balance and boost immune system.
One of the best home remedies to treat depression is exercise and yoga. Exercise and yoga helps in physical movement, especially repetitive movement. Physical movement has been associated with stimulation of the production and release of mood improving and have beneficial effects in depression.
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