Green tea is a beverage that has oriental double effect: on the one hand refreshes and stimulates brain activity, on the other hand, melts fat. Rich in manganese, it strengthens the tissues, activates the metabolism and eliminates fat cells. Other active substances which contains flowers and leaves of perfect component regulates the digestive path. Six cups of tea a day provide all the necessary vitamins. Weight loss, green tea is drunk after the main meals of the day, prepared as an infusion.
The therapeutic effect of green tea is not, nor him, rejected him. Do you feel tired and limp? You have always a bad mood? Call with confidence from green tea: he refreshes will enhance attention; will increase the ability of effort.
Method of administration:
- Put water to boil and leave to cool for 10 minutes.
- Prepare injections in a larger vessel; the essence is spread more easily.
- A teaspoon of tea with head covered with a cup of hot water and allow to infuse for 2 minutes half time. Important: green tea is not ever operating hot water, because it loses curative properties.
- For Office: fill a thermos with hot tea. You will have the reach of all time: excellent substitute for coffee (much more dangerous) and also an remedy to the fat to accumulate.
Read more information on lose weight fast and weight loss tea.
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