Eye care: Sprinkle with cold eyes. Apply cotton pads soaked in warm milk or weak solution of tea or rose water. Lightly expose do for your health beauty and let it act for 10-15 minutes.
To avoid eye strain:
• Do not work in low light
• Do not read on a regular basis when traveling by train or bus
• Do not look any too long without blinking. inmpotriva defend trigger flashing light lubrication.
• Do not rub your eyes too hard
• To rest your eyes occasionally, cover them with your hands so you do not enter any ray of light. Then open your eyes and look causal palms in the dark for a minute.
Exercises for eyes:
• Raise your eyes to the ceiling and lowers it down to the floor. Repeat 10 times. Rest the eyes either by blinking rapidly or by covering them with palms.
• Look straight ahead at eye level and then slowly to left and right. Repeat 3-4 times.
• Draw a circle with eyes first in clockwise then in the opposite direction. Repeat five times.
Spancenelor care and genes:
• Eyelashes and eyebrows should be brushed daily with a small brush
• Rub eyebrows and eyelashes with olive oil, coconut or almonds to boost their growth.
• For cleaning and feeding them with massage spancenelor egg and rinse after 10 minutes. As eye makeup choose the right colors and shades to complement your personality. Choosing eyeliner and mascara should be compatible with the natural color gene. A good fit is essential to have beautiful eyes and attractive.
Read more information on remedies for eye disease and chronic conjunctivitis treatment. Also get more products for eye problems.
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