Your body sends you messages often about your health. Unfortunately, these important messages are suppressed or ignored. Tinnitus, pain in the sinus and ear are all Posts of your body to say that something is wrong!
By ignoring these messages course, the symptoms worsen dramatically. Same as your house was on fire and the alarm goes off. Because only the alarm off stop the fire.
This is what happens to by tinnitus deal with Conventional methods, Medicine, sound therapy, recreation resources, etc... You ignore your body so that tinnitus will deteriorate in the long term. This can occur as complications of damage to the nerves in the ears, sinus problems, or severe ear infections. It may even happen that operations do not work or even aggravate the tinnitus (like me).
In other words, tinnitus is NOT a disease that you should lay down next to you or to learn to live with!
The only way to heal tinnitus is by listening to your body. Adequate measures and healing can take place.
For an alternative therapist, the hum in the ear is a challenge to explore the human history in depth. This is because it involves many factors: physical, lifestyle and diet and mentally. Some possible causes may be:
* Prolonged exposure to loud sounds, profession or business ( sound engineers, musicians, listeners, rock music or walk-man, workers in compressors and other noisy machinery, military, hunters ). The ear has some sensitive nerves (as hairs) which are responsible for the perception of different frequencies of sound. These nerves may be damaged or destroyed after exposure to loud sounds or sounds directly into the ear.
* Excessive use of aspirin and / or some antibiotics have shown that can cause hum.
* Deteriorating health movement - cardiovascular system. Especially when we wear the smallest capillaries, this may indicate inadequate perfusion of the ear is less nourishing and re-establishing it with nutrients and detoxification at the same time difficult. Also atherosclerosis in the vascular system will affect the health of the ear, something we take seriously into account.
* Great use of alcohol, cigarette or coffee has been shown that aggravate the symptoms, probably through damage to blood vessels, the intoxication of the body and the mobilization of adrenaline cause.
* Sudden swings in blood glucose and syndrome ' X '- hyper-insulinemia may exacerbate a roar through the establishment of inflammatory processes and damage to capillaries.
* Deficiencies in nutrients, especially information involving the health of the nervous and circulatory system such as B vitamins, vitamin E and minerals zinc and magnesium. Especially when talking about older people think that the use of vitamin B12 can lead to improvement of the ear problems, because as we age is difficult to absorb the vitamin from food. Please note that vitamins B6, B12 and folic acid, helps both the nervous system - Vitamin B12 is used to create myelin of neurons - and the vasculature, since lowering homocysteine levels in the body.
* Excessive body detox. Sometimes I have been surprised by the reversal of some people buzzing after simple changes in lifestyle and diet, a good detoxification or simply a reversal of chronic constipation. These cases are not the norm - even sometimes the symptoms worsen just before a fall - but it deserves to be explored this area.
* Psychic factors. Emotions and trauma can cause temporary or more permanent hearing loss and hum. The key question we should ask our fellow man: There is something in your everyday life is set to embarrass or shock when they hear it and do nothing to hear?
* Through all these possible causes of the therapist should look at what may relate to each person individually and propose appropriate solutions individually. Nevertheless I could mention here some general principles that I have seen value in preventing or reversing problems in the ears.
Probably the most important factors for vascular health are our right vegetarian diet. This has been shown by many studies and epidemiological studies. People who eat more plant foods - focusing on vegetables legumes and fruits - have less atherosclerosis and fewer heart attacks and strokes, and this means healthier blood vessels. The vascular system is uniform; when we do something to improve your heart health will affect the health of the eyes, ears, genitalia, etc. The ideal of course is to get a personalized nutrition plan living and addressed the specific needs of each individual.
Read more on remedies for tinnitus and Natural Cure for Tinnitus
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