Risks in them
One of the main causes for the mature woman gains weight is the decrease in the generation of sex hormones after the menopause (last menstrual period), as this alters the mechanism to regulate the distribution of adipose tissue and the ratio between muscle and fat. To this we must add that the body it is much more difficult to metabolize lipids and lipoproteins as before, i.e., assimilation, utilization and disposal of fats, leading to overweight.
As noted above, the risk of problems focus on women's bone machine, but also affected others, the most important: Osteoarthritis. Degenerative disease characterized by wear or destruction of cartilage and deformation of the surface bone of one or more joints. In general, aging and stress cause the cartilage to wear out, so the joint loses its natural cushioning system and bone deformities have slight manifested through pain and limited movement, affects mostly weight-bearing joints or who have excessive movement, such as hips (specifically in groin and inner thigh), knee (on the inside) or feet.
Osteoporosis. Skeletal disease characterized by decreased bone mineral density (calcium and collagen) due to imbalance in the cycle of bone reconstruction (less formed bone tissue is destroyed), which causes bones to become porous, thin and fragile, therefore, susceptible to fracture at the slightest effort or not. This disorder is very common in the elderly, and affects mostly postmenopausal women due to lack of estrogen, hormones that the body stops producing when given the last period.
What about them?
The older men tend to increase in heart disease from the accumulation of fat; hence we can talk about problems like high cholesterol, fatty compounds that our body gets from two aspects: one, food and the other that makes the body itself.
Cholesterol is required to perform many functions, such as hormones, assist in the formation of bile and vitamin D, and maintain the body's cellular structure. However, when levels are elevated in the blood of the compound health problems arise, the main: Atherosclerosis. cholesterol tends to accumulate on the walls of the arteries, which adds to waste and muscle cells and blood calcium causing atherosclerotic plaque is called, which reach a size that hinders the passage of blood causes the disorder, which usually occurs in the coronary arteries (which carry blood to the heart muscle) in the aorta (the most large body), and in the brain and limbs, especially thighs and legs.
When athermanous plaque partially or completely cover the arteries, causing decreased or total lack of blood flow, which causes the organs do not receive enough oxygen to work or not have it at all (complete occlusion), resulting in the death of cells. The latter is what is called an infarct and, as is known, can occur anywhere in the body where the blood stops circulating. Thus, infarction occurs in heart, brain, eyes, intestines and legs (herbalcureindia.com/weight-loss/weight-loss-pills.htm ).
Moreover, it is noteworthy that there are other conditions that are common to men and women for the overweight, among which we mention: Gout. As part of the daily renewal of the cells that make up our body discards each day a compound called uric acid, which naturally is excreted in urine, but when this happens, it accumulates in the blood and gradually settles in the joints, as crystals, causing inflammation and severe pain. Among the causes of uric acid is not removed properly can include obesity and diabetes, diseases that cause kidney malfunction, leading to accumulation and determines the appearance of calculi (stones formed by mineral salts and discarded).
Hypertension. High blood pressure affects one third of people over 60 years, this disease is that the smaller blood stream narrowed or the arteries lose their elasticity, which forces the heart to pump harder to supply blood to all organs. A major cause is the accumulation of fat in blood vessels, constant situations of stress and distress, kidney ailments and diabetes, sedentary lifestyle (with very little physical exercise), eating too much salt, snuff and alcohol.
Diabetes mellitus. Diabetes is a syndrome characterized by excessive accumulation of glucose in the blood due to a deterioration in all or part of the secretion and action of the hormone insulin, produced by the pancreas and is responsible for maintaining normal blood sugar levels. If left unchecked can lead to complications such as blindness, kidney and vascular damage and leg amputations.
There are two types: the first develops in people in which insulin production is low or nil. Most patients with this condition develop it before age 30.
In contrast, type 2 or mellitus occurs when the pancreas continues to produce insulin but the body develops resistance to its effects. Generally, this type of diabetes occurs after age 30.
Cancer. Quite simply, this condition can be explained as a failure in the mechanism that regulates the development of cells that are found throughout our body, made to appear that some of these causes to grow without altering their genetic control, and thus are most likely to develop cancer. One of the factors that can accelerate the accumulation of fat in the body as well as polluting compounds, viruses and ultraviolet radiation from sunlight.
Actions to be taken
Although the elderly require special care naturally, we must take particular care when overweight or obese, so that attention to the following precautions:
Hormone replacement therapy. It is not uncommon for many menopausal women continue hormone replacement therapy, i.e. artificially receive estrogen that your body no longer produces, among other benefits it helps to prevent weight gain, however, receive is of Hormones discussion in the scientific community, it is associated with cases in which women develop cancer. Is indicated consulted gynecologist about risks and benefits administration.
Exercise. For more happens in the body energy expenditure is necessary to promote exercise. With this, it will increase muscle definition, improve insulin sensitivity and decrease cholesterol levels. The walk, for example, is excellent sport, and you do not need physical condition or special accessories.
Eat and chew. Chew slowly lets shred food into a bolus perfectly digestible otherwise, the organs involved in digestion working at top speed, generating indigestion, stomach pain, gas emissions and inadequate metabolism fat.
Food. Possibly the main point which shows many problems, hence the need to pay attention to:
* Eat little but often, a well distributed supply allows you to lose excess fat, while only one meal a day promotes fat storage.
* Drink 2 liters of water a day to rehydrate the skin and digestive tract.
* Avoid salt, because it facilitates the formation of small balls or lumps of fat in artery walls. Instead, try to incorporate garlic into your meals, it prevents the formation of small balls (like grapefruit) and promotes good blood circulation.
* Say goodbye to the snacks and replace them with fruit or vegetables (cucumbers, carrots, etc..), Since no fat and suppresses appetite.
* Compare the calories, protein, fats and sugars you eat all their food and seek balance. Make simple evaluation on our tables of essential food groups, minerals, vitamins and proteins (located in section diagrams, the left side of the screen).
* Use olive oil for cooking and seasoning, as this product reduces the concentration of harmful cholesterol, while increasing the so-called good.
* Eat in moderation tortilla, bread made with refined flour (substitute whole wheat bread in small amounts), sweets and alcohol.
Beyond the cosmetic issue for many people a lot of weight, obesity should be treated in the elderly, since this will be gaining in health have no doubt about it.
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