Asthma is such a common disease now that everybody has heard of it and probably knows a few people who have it. In general, asthma is caused by an irritation of the airways. What causes the irritation varies between people and between attacks. Some common irritants or triggers are:
* Dust
* Pollen
* Dust mites
* Tobacco
* Allergens
* Hay fever
* Viral infections such as a cold or flu
* Animal hair
* Sudden weather or temperature changes
* Exercise
If you have ever wondered how to get rid of Asthma you are not alone. Asthma has infected literally millions of adults and children all over the world and many more are finding out that they have this frustrating disease every day. So How to get Rid of Asthma is something on people’s minds and was also on mine for a long time as my wife has suffered with severe Asthma from childhood.
The nebulizer is likened to a metered-dose inhaler and it has been argued that nebulizers are no more effective than inhalers used with a spacer. But patients experiencing a severe asthma attack may not be able to inhale deeply and renders inhalers ineffective even after several attempts as the medications may not be delivered deeply into the lungs.
Cereals must be oat or rice based. Mid afternoon, have a grated stewed apple with cinnamon/clove, or half an avocado to prevent cravings for sweets or crisps, Perhaps a bowl of vegetable broth or chicken soup for dinner.
However, the highest concentration of dust mites is found in the place where you spend one third of your life - your bed. Dust mites thrive in the warm, dark, humid conditions that your bed provides and most particularly in the mattress.
The more you eat Vitamin C, the better it is for your asthma, and the easier your natural asthma control becomes. Things such as Limes, Lemons, Oranges, Strawberries, and Tomatoes, are all things that have Vitamin C.
For patients having their first asthma attack, it is wise to see a doctor soon afterwards to discuss the disease. By learning about asthma and your triggers, you can manage it and reduce the likelihood of attacks.
Having asthma is serious but need not change your life very much. Learning about your disease is the first step to leading a normal life, and then some simple precautions can be followed to minimize attacks and complications.
Get more remedies for asthma children and treatment for asthma. Also find women health product for allergy asthma in women.
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