Apart from being eaten mainly as vegetable in India and South East Asia, it is particularly established as a folk medicine due to its medicinal properties. It is also called bitter melon or balsam pear. Scientifically it is known by the name Momordica Charantia.
Nutrients present in the bitter gourd include phosphorus, manganese, magnesium and zinc. It is also among the best-known sources of thiamine, foliate and riboflavin.
Its vitamin content includes Vitamin B1, B2, B3 and Vitamin C. Apart from these it is also a rich source of calcium, iron and beta-carotene.
Bitter gourd is very beneficial for people suffering from diabetes. Consuming bitter gourd daily on an empty stomach is found very good and effective. Mind it do not do excessive consumption as it may lead to diarrhea and other stomach problems.
Its juice contains polypeptide, which is similar to insulin and can be used as an alternative to insulin in diabetic people. It helps in bringing down the sugar levels in blood and urine. This polypeptide is also known as ‘plant-insulin’.
Juice of bitter gourd leaves is found useful in the treatment of alcoholism. It repairs the liver after alcohol has been consumed. Its juice mixed with milk is beneficial for people suffering from piles. Paste of its root can be applied over piles for relief.
Regular use of bitter gourd juice boost body stamina and fights chronic fatigue syndrome. It also struggle blood boils and itching caused by bacterial toxic material in the blood. The beta-carotene content in bitter gourd helps in controlling eye disorders and enhances eyesight.
Since bitter gourd contains zero cholesterol and fats, its consumption lowers hypertension. It purifies blood and improves the blood circulation in the body. With its qualities, this vegetable is a natural blood purifier. It has a healthy impact on liver and is effective in controlling diabetes.
You can even apply its juice on to the affected area and cure a painful ailment such as arthritis. It has been advised that eating bitter gourd can also heal joint pains.
This magical vegetable can also work wonders in keeping up good digestion and has anti-inflammatory properties. No doubt, it is quite bitter and that is why people keep distance from it. However, the bitterer it is the more sweet it gets for your overall health care.
It is useful for people suffering from piles also. Lots of times, piles do not come under control with modern medicines and doctors suggest the patient to go for a surgery.
Such patients are recommending trying one tablespoon of bitter gourd juice along with some sugar, two times a day. Just do it at least for a week and you would feel the difference by yourself?
Further if your children are suffering stomach worms, just make them gulp one tea spoon of bitter gourd for three to four day. No medicine can be as effective as this natural remedy. You just need to persuade your child to gulp it anyways. Nevertheless, bitter gourd juice can also prevent jaundice, if taken at very early stages.
Read more on Bitter Melon for Lower Blood Sugar and eye disorders and visit for more Herbal Supplements.
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