It is the largest organ in the body. It is found behind the ribs on the right side of the abdomen. The liver has two parts one is right lobe and other is smaller left lobe.
The liver has many important functions that keep a person healthy. It removes harmful material from the blood. It makes enzymes and bile that help digest food. It also converts food into substances needed for life and growth.
The liver gets its supply of blood from two vessels. Most of its blood comes from the hepatic portal vein. The rest comes from the hepatic artery.
There are many kinds of liver diseases. Viruses cause some of them, like hepatitis A, hepatitis B and hepatitis C. Others reason can be the result of drugs, poisons or drinking too much alcohol, if the liver forms scar tissue for the reason that of an illness it is called cirrhosis. Jaundice, or yellowing of the skin, can be one symptom and sign of liver disease. Liver cancer is sometimes called silent disease because in an early period and stage it often does not cause symptoms. But, as the cancer grows, symptoms may include:
* Pain in the upper abdomen on the right side; the pain may extend to the back and shoulder
* Swollen abdomen (bloating)
* Weight loss
* Loss of appetite and feelings of fullness
* Weakness or feeling very tired
* Nausea and vomiting
* Yellow skin and eyes, and dark urine from jaundice
* Fever
The most important treatment for liver disease is prevention. Treatment of liver disease involves protecting and supporting remaining liver function, minimizing further damage and complications, and addressing the underlying cause of the damage. Talk to doctors to determine the best treatment options for condition.
Read more information on remedies for liver disease and treatment for liver disease cirrhosis. And also get more information on health care products.
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