Recipes for strengthening and stimulating hair growth. Seem to have a silky taking 30 grams of chamomile flowers, put them in a bowl enameled, is covered with 100 milliliters of hot water and let it infused over one hour. Infusion obtained filter and dissolve a teaspoon of honey in it. With this solution to wet hair after you wash and you've wiped well with a dry towel, and after 30-40 minutes Rinse with warm water.
If fat loss procedure is repeated every six to seven days, and if dry hair - every 10-12 days.
To strengthen and stimulate hair growth. In four parts on the grated onion add some honey and mix well. The mixture obtained is spread on hair and the root; let it act for 30 minutes, then rinse.
If very dry hair mixed before adding more and a small amount of sunflower oil or olive. With an hour before washing the hair, the mixture is spread on the hair and head covered with a plastic bag, then you rinse with warm water.
To prevent hair loss and its degradation, to restore elasticity and radiance, to normalize sebaceous gland activity and fight hair dandruff, mix a tablespoon of yogurt, a tablespoon of apple vinegar, a tablespoon of an infusion of chamomile, paste prepared in two cloves of garlic and onions once a grated, one teaspoon of honey. This mixture can also add two tablespoons of dry crust of bread, rye. Obtained mass lies on the head with two or three hours before you wash, then covered with a polyethylene film with a thick towel.
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