Use the peel
Especially now that the clothes will be shorter, the sweaters and jackets in the closet disappear notice that the skin in winter quite has suffered. What can you buy in a good way to do it. Eat an avocado once, they are healthy and the peel can be used for rough spots on your skin. You do not difficult or juice out of it, just the inside of the peel rub the spots. The inside of peel helps dry out pimples like a potato, cut the potato in half and rub the skin to puistes to dry. A less palatable but tip for people with severe acne solution from Grandma, save your morning urine and rub your face in the evening with the urine, uric acid leaves after just two weeks to see visible results. In the morning wash with warm clean water. Well, you will not get it for free.
A nice humid needs help from the inside so drinking a half to two liters of water per day, preferably with a dash of lemon. Its summer and fries after a day at the beach with ice cream or best if you can only move towards healthy fruit. Keep your muscles working as you lie in the sun. Pull the regular upper and lower leg muscles and keep these ten counts, do this with the upper arm and abdominal muscles. Outside the skin keeps you moving soon also have a nice tight skin on. Watch out with all creams and ointments that are offered. Water really works best for a beautiful skin; with water clean your pores all lubricating cream with them shut.
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