An adequate food, which reduces this excess cholesterol in the blood, is the first step in the prevention and treatment of cardio circulatory diseases.
* It should reduce the consumption of animal fats, so it: Eat less fatty meat pork, lamb, etc. .., no more three times week. Do not eat more than two eggs per week Use Milk and products Dairy decrements
* Use of olive oil for cooking, for dress is you can use oil olive, sunflower, soybean, corn ... No is advisable cook with animal fats such as butter and lard
* Avoid pastry: It generally enchiladas, croissants, bread mold, and creamy ice cream. Because they are products amounts of fats included in drafting.
* Do not sleep advisable prepared meals and snacks, with are: croquettes, cannelloni stews, potatoes
* It recommended intake of fish sardines, anchovies, salmon, tuna, etc... At least once a recalled that seafood can consumes with restraint
. * It is also advisable to increase consumption through dietary fiber and vegetable salads in general, whole fruit, vegetables, whole meal products...
* It appropriate restraint in consumption alcoholic beverages.
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