1. Grimace and Wrinkles
The wrinkled surface on which the skin pores on narrow, slow process of breathing of the skin. Over time, this low-lying areas will shrink skin, forming wrinkles on the face. Always remember a smile with a supplement of ten months. Smiling not only helps you have a pretty face, but also help you live a psychological comfort.
Despite busy work anywhere, you should sleep 7-8 hours / 1 day. A good sleep will help defeat the anxiety, fatigue of a working day, the body time to rest to prepare for the new.
2. Frequent sun exposure
When skin exposure to direct sunlight for farming, the collagen will cause skin damage become dough than, and the magnet stain on the face began to appear.
Frequent sun exposure can lead to skin cancer.
3. Smoking & alcohol
Nicotine in tobacco affects shrink blood vessels under the skin, so people can smoke aging sooner than 10 years compared with normal people. In other words, smoking is the cause before making your old age. Alcohol will also reduce the amount of fat under the skin, often causing skin condition water shortage, to directly influence the function of the skin.
4. Eating foods with stimulants, less vitamin
Habits and eating spicy foods that contain stimulants not only make it easy to skin rashes, but also not good for the cardiovascular system. Therefore, experts recommend adding vegetables and fruits regularly. The green vegetables contain many vitamins and minerals, is beneficial for youth.
5. Face the fresh
The help smiling mood is great, but with always smile at the lips is not good. When facial muscles smile will stretch to the maximum strain. So if any condition to face at maximum throughout the day, long gradually reduces the elasticity of the skin, causing skin fast aging more.
6. Drink water
Many people have the habit of drinking only when thirsty, drink only one day even a glass of water. However, the country accounts for one fifth of body weight, water is the source of life. Water not only nourish the muscle cells but also the " power " key for the skin. Lack of water, the body will quickly get tired, dry skin, low blood pressure... So, supplement from 2-3 liters of water each day, whether you're not thirsty.
7. Inactive
Many people think that, for the parts of the body to rest is the process of maintenance best but in reality is totally different. The low use of common parts was invisible to disable the functionality inherent. Over time, these parts can not perform their abilities.
In addition, inactive reduced ability of blood circulation in the body, accelerate the skin aging process of the parts.
Demand for skin beauty care has become indispensable for modern women. However, it is important for removing clean before bed. If skin cosmetic product still left on it will destroy skin cells, making skin die faster.
8. Inappropriate cosmetic use
Do you really understand your own skin? Find out your skin thoroughly and activity of cosmetics before buying. The cosmetic use is not appropriate, it can cause mild allergic reactions, can cause more severe skin burns, skin ulcers, dermatitis, etc... And when the skin has been damaged, it is difficult to restore the status head.
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