Monday, September 6, 2010

Ways to Boost Immune System

Our immune system consists of glands, tissues, leukocytes, and products of cells that protect the body against pathogens and other foreign matter. Our immune system is affected by many factors such as weather, lifestyle, exercise, nutrition, stress and anxiety.

The strength of immune system determines our ability to withstand daily attacks by pathogens or disease-carrying pests. Here are some ways to increase immune system:

Get enough physical activity: Recent studies have shown a link between moderate exercise and a strong immune system. Moderate physical exercise increases the production of macrophages, the cells that attack bacteria and viruses. It is believed that regular, consistent exercise can lead to a significant increase in immune system health extends over a relatively long time.

Drink 6-8 glasses of water a day: Our body loose three liters of water every day from sweat, urine and breath. Less fluid in the body suppresses the effective functioning of blood and lymphatic system leading to mental fatigue and loss of energy. Water is also essential for many chemical reactions in the body. It helps in digestion, assimilation, metabolism and flushing of toxins from fat cells. Water is also essential to carry nutrients such as oxygen, vitamins and minerals for the body. Lack of fluid in the body affects all these responses and, consequently, the immune system. Minimum 6 to 8 glasses of water a day is recommended to keep plenty of fluids in the body.

Lessen your stress:
Many studies have shown that stress prevents the immune system. Positive emotions and stress-free life greatly enhance your immune system. Identify stressors in your life and try to minimize or eliminate altogether. You can practice yoga or breathing exercises to reduce the level of stress in your life.

Enrich your diet with antioxidant vitamins and minerals: There is a strong relationship between diet, nutrition and immunity. You can enrich your diet with antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. Antioxidants, vitamins and minerals enhance the normal immune system. Includes fresh fruits and leafy vegetables in your diet. Fresh fruits are rich in vitamins and minerals, and green leafy vegetables such as broccoli are rich in antioxidants.

More on remedies to boost immune system and boost immunity. And Ashwagandha Churna for build immune system.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Arthritis, Changes in Diet to Combat Arthritis

Arthritis is a common symptom of many diseases. Characterized by pain in movement or palpation of the joints. The joints may show signs of inflammation such as redness, swelling, soft tissue hypertrophy of the synovial cavity (diarthrosis) and an increase in synovial fluid.

The arthritis is a total of more than different diseases causing pain, inflammation, stiffness and functional problems in one or more joints.

Sometimes persons try to relate disease progression to different foods they eat. There is no special diet or a miracle food that offer cure for persons with arthritis.

In some cases when persons avoid or, conversely, when they eat certain foods, can produce changes in the course of their illness.

For example, persons suffering from rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis are better when they grow in their diet as fat from fish. In persons with gout, avoid alcohol and foods rich in protein, it helps.

It is very important that the person before making any changes in their diet to combat arthritis, to consult their doctor first.

There are indications that arthritis is caused by some kind of food or food allergies. So it is not appropriate for a person to impose restrictions on foods or taking supplements without taking preliminary advice from his doctor.

A person with arthritis is good to have a Balanced diet. We must avoid drastic diets or various fasts. The calcium intake should be increased for purposes of prevention of osteoporosis later in life.

Persons with arthritis are good to drink plenty of fluids and avoid alcoholic beverages. The weight must be maintained within normal levels. The consumption of fat should be normal order and the weight remains normal.

Obesity worsens the symptoms of arthritis. Joints affected by arthritis suffer more from excess body weight.

Overweight or obese persons with arthritis of the knee joint and spine suffer more because of the burden on joints with unnecessary weight. Also, excessive body weight increased risk of osteoarthritis.

Increased physical activity and exercise help in weight loss. But this is difficult for persons with arthritis who have pain or other functional limitations in the joints.

The methods of weight reduction in these persons include a diet rich in nutrients but low in calories. Sports activities such as swimming can be fun and contribute to the loss of overweight.

Persons with rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis accompanied by inflammation, consumption of fish containing omega-3 fatty acids reduce inflammatory reactions caused by the person's immune system.

Persons who eat fish one or two times a week can take advantage of the beneficial effects of omega-3 fatty acids. Also several studies have shown that eating fish with this frequency can be effective and to prevent other diseases such as asthma and prostate cancer.

In persons with gout, uric acid is a product of the protein accumulates in the joints like the big toe then causes pain and inflammation.

Persons with gout are good to avoid alcohol, drink many soft drinks, and avoid eating too much meat, liver, kidneys and brains. It is also good to avoid shellfish and anchovies.

Except that we have mentioned above, there is no evidence to support that there are more links between food and arthritis.

If a person noticed that a particular food aggravates the situation, then you should take notes to see whether this happens regularly or randomly. Should not impose hardship or restrictions for a category of food without getting the advice of the doctor.
It is important to note that in many cases, arthritis may show improvement or deterioration without obvious reason.

The development of the disease may accidentally coincide with a change in diet and do not necessarily mean that a change in diet or a specific food is responsible for the improvement or worsening of arthritis.

Read more on Arthritis Remedies and Joint Pains Relief

Friday, September 3, 2010

What is Vitiligo?

It is a common acquired skin disease characterized by severe circumscribed, discolored spots.

This is a pigmentation disorder in which melanocytes are destroyed.

What is affected by the Leucoderma?

It affects equally the male and female population of the planet, regardless of skin phototype or race and can people of all ages. The Leucoderma has been shown to be common in people with other autoimmune diseases such as thyroid dysfunction, diabetes mellitus, alopecia areata, megaloblastic anemia, etc.

Autoimmune disorders which is and vitiligo, which has not clarified whether it is disease or syndrome would be better to characterize eternalness i.e. when the body’s immune system reacts against its own organs and tissues, and an antibody does not recognize as his own, however, these elements produced. This is caused by a lack of functional melanocytes, skin discoloration as a result of disruption of melanin transfer.

The incidence varies between 0.1 % - 2 % in most populations of the land, except areas with genetic and environmental influences humidity, temperature, sunlight where the proportion is as high. In 35-40 % of patients find that there is a family first and second grade have vitiligo. The genetic data do not speak for multi-factorial inheritance - gene not obey, and due to an abnormality that alters the composition and distribution of melanin.

The exact cause of vitiligo, however, remains unclear.

What are the symptoms of Leucoderma?

The discolored spots located in the body and are of various sizes are often in places exposed to sunlight, such as - face - mouth - hands - legs - arms. Other sites are hallowed elbows - knees - breasts - the sternum and the skin areas surrounding the cavities, such as around the eyes, mouth, navel, genitals, and anus. Quite often there are discoloration eyebrows, eyelashes and generally all body parts.

The skin with vitiligo do not differ in anything from sound to the look and feel only in the area of damage, and in some cases presented pruritus and hyperhidrosis. The Leucodermas did not belong to infectious or contagious disease and is not spread by physical contact from the patient to stay healthy.

Out whose responsible factors affecting the expansion of the spots?

Unfortunately not find a way to predict the extension of the spots of vitiligo. Usually the disorder is progressive and over time spread to other parts of the body. In smaller proportions, the spots are stable for decades. Finally some people are spread so rapidly to cause panic and other slow or even for several years.

The extension may assist a number of factors reflecting the releasing factors of vitiligo, such as:

1. Skin Injuries: Bruises or simple injuries or significant damage from accidents, chemical burns, sunburns.
2. Intense stress: stressful everyday events - Deaths - disappointments - losses.
3. Hormonal disorders such as pregnancy, menopause, puberty.

Form of a Leucoderma

There are many divisions. The winners are:

Focal = Discoloration on one or a few areas.
The partial lesions occur unilaterally usually follow the path of dermatomes.
Generalized = Discoloration on different parts of the body and occupies a large portion of this area.

What determines skin color?

Skin color is determined by the absorption of radiation of sunlight on skin color:

a) Melanin (skin)

b) Hemoglobin (blood vessels)

c) Bacterium (subcutaneous tissue)

The vitiligo is a consequence of the absence of melanin.

Melanin is the substance that gives color to skin, hair and eyes and is produced by melanocytes in the epidermis.

Get more information on Leucoderma Treatment and remedies for Vitiligo. And More on Natural Remedies for Psoriasis

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Take Supplement to Maintain Health

Need to take Supplement daily to maintain our health. Where can we find and what to watch.

Initially we start with the basics. The protein formed by the combination of amino acids and is a key building block not only our body and almost all living beings.

Our body has a multiple role as it creates muscle, enzymes, antibodies and others. Therefore to maintain our health is essential to daily intake.

Sources of protein are both animal and plant kingdoms. But it is richer foods of animal origin e.g. meat, cheese, fish, etc.

However, not only nature that gives us the necessary protein. There are artificial sources of protein such as taking food supplements. At this point one must be very careful.

The Health Organization recommends for non- athletes, taking 0.85 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day. This recommendation is the following very simple reason: to prevent the burden on our health.

More on diabetes treatment and diabetes supplements.

So even if a player is increased protein intake does not lead to increased athletic performance or support the nutrition of the body more efficiently. Quite the opposite. The excess proteins:

• It is stored and converted to urea, ammonia; burden the entire system of regulation of acid-base balance.

• Converted to fat.

• Often cause increased levels of uric acid in the blood, coupled with the parallel side and excretion of calcium.

• Predispose to dehydration and electrolyte loss while because of the increased removal of nitrogen for removing gr. Needs 50 grams of nitrogen Water

• Interfere with the absorption and metabolism of other amino acids. It is therefore obvious that the consumption of standard protein supplements, which do not contain the correct proportions of all essential amino acids, will lead to unbalanced uptake of amino acids.

• Incurred in renal and hepatic function. Of course there is some concern, for the amount of protein to fully clarify to be borne by the kidneys.

• The consumption also long-term animal protein has been associated with research results in the increased risk of cardiovascular disease, hypertension and certain cancers.

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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Holistic Approach to Tackle Obesity

Obesity is psychological causes?

Obesity is a multi-factor disease that may be due to inherited and somatic diseases, medications, wrong food habits and sedentary lifestyles. For each individual case is a holistic approach that can tackle the problem.

Undoubtedly, in many cases obesity is a symptom of a bigger psychological problem rather than the problem itself.

A large percentage of people using food as a protection and emotional way - to fill an emotional void to forget the unpleasant situations and thoughts.

Many people admit to eating without hunger or boredom, loneliness, anxiety and sadness. Others eat to reward or punish themselves.

It is understood that in such cases should be investigated and dealt with the psychological problems that lead to overeating and hence obesity.

By sticking to reserved emotionally somewhere and feel better, then worse, feeling guilty and ashamed of our inability to stop the evil that we ourselves over - eating is a dependency like any other drug deserves attention and immediate intervention.


Many people use one thousand excuses if they do not want to admit that they are not willing to make changes to in their lives. They try to convince themselves and others that they can control, insisting that they have confidence problem and that the burden is not a problem in their relations.

At this point, of course, there are serious doubts whether they can apply the above statements when someone has the ability and choice to dress as he wants to travel because they do not fit in an airplane seat or in the cafeteria of a chair, when forced to deny the relational lives of when they can not tie shoelaces.

Obesity apart from that a very serious threat to the health and lives of individuals condemned the obese person into a life of multiple compromises in everyday life inevitably adversely affect self-esteem and general psychology.

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It is understandable that many people find it difficult to change thinking and behavior and especially to face that haunts them and encourages them to overeat.

The important thing is to love ourselves as a necessary condition to make it better, rather than the love as it is refusing to help him, and in many cases to save him from the worst.

The process of psychotherapy and the therapist, using different techniques, can drive to understand and enhance the personal efforts of individuals helping to develop a new way of thinking that will help get rid of the dependence of eating and obesity.

Let us not forget that all the answers and solutions regarding health and our bodies are in the minds and therefore the choices we make.

More info about weight loss pills, remedies for fast weight loss and info about natural weight loss product.