Sunday, September 4, 2011

Tipping point in Libya Which Obama sees

President Obama sees Tipping point in Libya.On Tuesday, President Obama became clear that Diplomatic efforts to stop the brutality dictator Col. Muammar Gadhafi weren't working. Obama isn't quite ready to declare the end of Muammar Gadhafi's regime. He interrupted a quite meal of take out seafood Sunday night with his family to convene an emergency conference call of top administration officials including defense secretary Leon Panetta and National security adviser Tom Domilon.Obama said that the momentum against the Gadhafi regime has reached a tipping point that night in a statement he drafted after 8 p.m. at the vocation rental of his senior adviser Valerie Jarrett. The united states has joined other countries in recognizing the rebel forces,the translation National Council as the Legitimate government in Libya. Obama said that a season of conflict must lead to one of peace. He call on the dictator and his remaining brackess to give up peace full avoid additional bloodshed with Gadhafi's fate still uncertain. Obama wrote that Gadhafi need to acknowledge the reality that he has no longer controls Libya and he needs to relinguish power once and for all.

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