* Body Fatigue,
* Difficulty concentrating,
* Sleep disorders and
* Indigestion.
Notice before each breathing exercise
Before you start each breathing exercise, you should note that if you perform this in the room:
* Oxygen supply
Ventilate the room well before the start of exercise, so that the room air enriched with oxygen.
* Comfortable room temperature
The room temperature should not be too low because of cold air from the bronchi is not well tolerated.
* Gymnastics mat
A conscious abdominal breathing can be most easily learned while lying on a gym mat or similar comfortable surface.
Chest breathing
A conscious Chest breathing helps you to achieve a good breathing in heavy physical activities. With a conscious chest breathing are the upper and middle third of the Lungs ventilated, which is sufficient under these pressures.
Practice the chest breathing technique every day for10 minutes, preferably in the morning before breakfast and at night before bed. In the first days of each exercise should comprise 10 breaths? Then it can take 20 breaths. Always breathe through your nose and out through your mouth. Never attempt in the chest breathing too much air and exhale or accelerate the breathing! After finishing the exercise, you should not stay up immediately, but still for a few minutes and breathe calmly and evenly, as usual.
* Lay down
Set relaxes on a comfortable surface.
* Hands
Place both hands with fingers slightly spread on each side of the chest. The little finger is placed on each of the lowest ribs. You can also leave one hand, as described on the chest and push the other hand under your back and then lie down on the chest.
*Normal breathing
Breathe in and out 3 times, as you breathe normally.
*Inhaling through the nose
Close your eyes. Disconnect the fresh air very slowly through your nose with closed mouth in the chest. Imagine this; imagine a wave that rolls slowly up and down through your body in your chest. The oxygen-rich air flows down through your throat, trachea and bronchi in the lungs. Feel how your rib cage expands to the rear and on both sides? Your waist does not move it. Have you noticed that your two hands on the chest of each other is moving away or a hand away on your chest by the chest center and the other hand under your back through the chest expansion - this is when the chest wall bulges outwards - pressed into the surface is?
* Little respite
Keep all the fresh air inhaled briefly in your chest until your brain gives the order to exhale.
*Exhale through the mouth
Her eyes are still closed. Breathe through the lip brake, that is, with lips slightly apart and slightly swollen cheeks, the air from quite slow and long. Always breathe out twice as long as one. Consider this before that the campaign now in the opposite direction from your chest up through your body rolls and leaves him. The carbon dioxide -rich air flows from the lungs through the bronchi, trachea, and the slightly open mouth to the outside. Feel how narrowed your chest? Have you noticed that your hands are on the thorax moved towards each other or moving a hand on your chest to chest towards the middle and the other hand under your back through the chest constriction - this is the chest wall is flat again - again lifted from the substratum ?
*Little respite
Do you have all the stale air exhaled, followed by a brief respite, until your brain gives the command to re- inhalation.
Abdominal breathing
A conscious abdominal breathing is not only coping with stress by interrupting the body's reactions to stress factors. A conscious abdominal breathing also helps with indigestion: When inhaled, the diaphragm muscle moves in and presses against the bowel. This regular massage stimulates the passage of food through the intestines and thus the digestion. With a conscious abdominal breathing, you can cough up more easily. Furthermore it improves the Heart action and the circulation of blood and lymph vessels in each stomach.
Practice the abdominal breathing technique every day 10 minutes, preferably in the morning before breakfast and at night before bed. In the first days of each exercise should comprise 10 breaths? Then it can take 20 breaths. Always breathe through your nose and out through your mouth. Never attempt in the abdominal breathing too much air and exhale or accelerate the breathing! After finishing the exercise, you should not stay up immediately, but still for a few minutes and breathe calmly and evenly, as usual.
*Lay down
Set relaxes on a comfortable surface.
Place both hands with fingers spread slightly above the navel to your stomach. The thumb is placed on each of the lowest ribs, the fingers of the other fingers touching.
*Normal breathing
Breathe in and out 3 times, as you breathe normally.
*Inhaling through the nose
Close your eyes. Disconnect the fresh air very slowly through your nose with closed mouth in the lower abdomen. Imagine this, imagine a wave that rolls slowly up and down through your body in your lower abdomen. The oxygen-rich air flows down through your throat, trachea and bronchi in the lungs. Feel how your rib cage is pulled down to your diaphragm lowers and raises your waist while slightly upwards? Have you noticed that the fingers are moving your hands on your belly away from each other and do not touch your fingertips?
*Little respite
Keep all the fresh air inhaled briefly in your lower abdomen, until your brain gives the order to exhale.
* Exhale through the mouth
Her eyes are still closed. Breathe through the lip brake, that is, with lips slightly apart and slightly swollen cheeks, the air from quite slow and long. Always breathe out twice as long as one! Consider this before that the campaign now in the opposite direction from your lower abdomen up through your body rolls and leaves him. The carbon dioxide -rich air flows from the lungs through the bronchi, trachea, and the slightly open mouth to the outside. Discover how to lift the chest and diaphragm and it is just your waist again? Have you noticed that the fingers of your two hands are moved towards each other and touch the fingertips again?
* Little respite
Do you have all the stale air exhaled, followed by a brief respite, until your brain gives the command to re- inhalation.
If your hands and feet start to tingle and you feel dizzy, stop these breathing exercise. These symptoms are signs of hyperventilation, that is, for a quick succession, followed by increased breathing deeply inhaling and exhaling. In a hyperventilation increases carbon dioxide is exhaled. As a result, decreases the concentration of carbon dioxide in your blood and the oxygen level is too high in comparison to this. You can hyperventilate when you have speeded up the abdominal breathing or have too much air inhaled and exhaled. As a remedy, you are not just lie and breathe as normal. Stand on it and move.
Read more on Swami Ramdev yoga exercises and yoga for beginners. And more on breathing exercises techniques by Swami Ramdev Ji
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