Food makes blood acidic
The acidity of the blood is in no way influenced by foods that contain high or low acidity would. The acidity (pH) of blood from the power supply by a number of control mechanisms in our body is closely regulated. An increase in the acidity in the blood is only in very severe, acute illnesses which are fast terminal.
The acidity of the blood has nothing to do with the uric acid concentration in the blood is increased in gout. 99 % of uric acid in the blood is also present in the form of orate, the neutral salt of uric acid.
No food allergy
Another major misconception is that arthritis is due to a food allergy to milk or eggs for example. Unlike diseases such as allergic eczema, the majority of rheumatic patients no specific food allergy.
Food and rheumatism
There is as yet no miracle diet for rheumatism. A direct causal link between diet and the development of rheumatic diseases has never been demonstrated. A customized nutrition based on the food triangle may be an important supporting role.
Important points
• pursue a healthy body weight not too many calories;
• Significantly reduce alcohol;
• Drink plenty of water;
• Plenty of fruit and vegetables;
• Regularly eat fish;
• include sufficient calcium through diet and dairy products are our main suppliers calcium;
• Take regular exercise has a positive effect on both bone mass and muscle function.
In other words, the recommendations are consistent with a healthy nutrition and lifestyles that it is beneficial for non- rheumatic diseases.
Read more on Arthritis Remedies and Joint Pains Relief and Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatments.
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