Cellulite reported to the uneven distribution of fat. Specifically, cellulite's due to selective accumulation of fat and fat cells, swelling just below the skin and is the result of disruption of the adipose tissue due to fluid retention and toxins. The result could be loss of elastic fibers of connective tissue, which causes the skin known as orange peel appearance.
Cellulite can appear on thighs, buttocks, inside of the arms, stomach, abdomen and legs. Moreover, depending on whether caused by water retention or fat or both, is divided into three types: hard, soft and correlated, respectively.
The main reasons that cause this are:
Impaired blood circulation
Hormonal disorders
Obesity - poor diet eating foods rich in fat and salt, alcohol, decreased water intake
Smoking - Alcohol
The correct choice of food we consume should be our main concern that we have a nice, firm body, without blemishes, cellulite, and relaxation. Given that beauty starts from within, the intake of nutrients through the food we eat is the first and most significant move to address it. In particular, vitamins B6 and folic acid metabolism strengthen and protect the vessels, and vitamin E in combination with vitamin C show strong antioxidant activity and improves skin texture, giving uniform, smooth and firm. In addition, fish oil, which is very rich in omega-3 fatty acids are well known for its beneficial effects on the skin. Finally, increased fiber intake helps to combat body cellulite. This is due to the ability of fiber to bind bile salts, which are responsible for the absorption of fat, while passing through the intact gastrointestinal tract and lead to the elimination of one part fat to get from food, resulting in less stored fat.
What to eat:
Fruits - green vegetables
Plenty of water
Juices, green tea
Unsalted nuts
Fat fish salmon, mackerel, tuna
Whole grains
Milk, yogurt, low fat
Maintenance of normal weight
Physical activity
And what not to avoid cellulite:
Animal fats - red meat, butter
Sugar - Sweet
Stock change weight
Alcohol - Smoking
Sauces, cream, full fat
Caterer type fast-food
Read more on remedies to get slim fast and cellulite removal cream
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