What promises then, the signs of hair loss dandruff and dryness?
This is what we are studying, talking seriously ... hair!
Hair loss problem
This time you wake up and your pillow is ... the rest of your scalp. Do not worry! It is perfectly normal to lose some amount of hair daily, if they are replaced by the much more available to the roots ... your skull! Thus, except when you find a severe problem areas such gaps have not reason to panic.
Dense hair loss
If you have noticed the start of a sustained loss begins to create gaps, possible cause is iron deficiency combined with a diet of deprivation that may follow. The above reasons for creating disorder prevent the body to maintain the protein receives, thereby excluding all others, costs and severe hair loss. Of course, that as, this way of life continues and so is the loss, but, over time the hair is lost can not be replenished. It is clear therefore that in such a case, first of all we need to regulate your diet program.
Another thing that may cause hair loss is pronounced the thyroid gland, and he did a turn as set corrects the problem of loss of hair.
Hair Dandruff
There are many people who believe that the peeling created by dandruff due to dryness apparently troubled the scalp and therefore more hydrating the scalp solve the problem. And indeed there are such cases. But there are others which, according to research and fungal cultures of people suffering from the problem of dandruff, the responsibility rests with the fungus. The fungus that lives in the air and when multiplied on the scalp, creating well known scales. For this reason it is difficult to treat and other times the problem is nonexistent, and other more intense. In any case it is advisable to use a medicinal shampoo that is appropriate for this case.
Tips for healthy hair care:
• Always protect hair from sun
• Avoid sun mainly in summer
• Use chemical-free products
• Do not handle often break because of ponytail
• Trim the edges often
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