Sunday, January 16, 2011

Behold! The Havaianas 2011 Collection

Long time no post. I’m sorry ladies, I’ve been busy ..again.  (i know) You see, it’s hard being a businesswoman and a student and a blogger at the same time. Haha!

Just recently, I received an email from a guy I least expected. ;P Attached to his email is the video below.

Sneak peak of the new collection:

Oh yes, it’s the NEW 2011 Havainas Collection. As comfy, cool and colorful as ever! Aren’t they adorable?  Admittedly, I’m not a huge fan of Havainas, but it never hurts to have one. I got my Havainas at Robinsons and believe me, it’s worth every cent. I like that it’s comfortable on my feet since I do a lot of walking. Plus, I feel comfortable wearing them inside Starbucks or Coffee Bean while sipping a cup of tea or coffee, with my legs crossed. ;) And oh, I’ve been using my havainas for quite a long time and I can attest to the quality of this baby. So, what are you waiting for? Grab yours now. Nothing beats comfort with style and class right ladies?;)

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