Thursday, September 1, 2011

Hair Dye FOR Beautiful hair

When it comes to female grooming, particularly hair care, you should take advantage of the tone given by nature to combine easily with dyes and achieve harmony between the new hue and the skin.

Sometimes not even to resort to radical processes. For example, to make colorful flashes is sometimes sufficient to use simple rinse away easily with washing hair.

That is why "in the use of natural dye (washes with simple rinsing) and the artificial (with chemicals) to decorate passes nuances degradation, a process that must be done taking into account the balance of colors with skin color and type of makeup used to, so as not to clash or cause unpleasant reactions to the hearing by the imbalance. "

Dyes: the first thing to decide is the type of dye, recognizing the permanent, temporary and vegetables, of which more anon. Almost all brands handle lines that protect the hair with minimal damage (mild cases of dandruff, split ends or itching) and give good results.

Of these, the permanent remain in the hair longer and cover better because they contain ammonia (binding substance) and other chemicals which, although strong, are safe, although some people prefer to avoid them to be safe for your skin it affected by these components. These products are in wide range (greater than their counterparts) and cover gray very well, being recommended if you want to lighten the tone hair.

As for the time, mentions that gradually disappear as you wash your hair, many of which are prepared from plants and contain fewer chemicals. These formulas do not damage the hair in most cases, but the downside is they do not cover as much as permanent, and the palette is limited. If you want to brighten and clarify 1 or 2 tones, this line provides good results.

With respect to plants, which are on sale in health food stores mainly represent a challenge, because the colors are limited, do not cover hair in its entirety, they can not be used to clear more than one tone, and sometimes the results are not the same when applying the stain again, but used the same color. As an example of this is the henna pigment containing plant extracts and minerals, and that despite its disadvantages, stands out because it does not damage the hair fiber.


Simple rules to obtain the desired brightness in the coloring process:

* Prior to staining, apply deep conditioner and wait 2 or 3 days before using the dye.

* These products should be used preferably when the hair is not totally clean (i.e. without washing them thoroughly 1 or 2 days before), it is better that the scalp is protected with the natural oils that it produces against damage.

* Divide the hair into two sections (half of the skull) and apply the dye on each of them, paying particular attention to the roots that absorb the product and will fade as they grow naturally.

* While choosing a permanent dye, hair dye is continuous activity, so you should tweak the color frequently, in addition, with practice you will get increasingly better results.

* When you use henna dye should not be applied on it because it produces unwanted reactions, changing the color. We have to wait until it disappears before dyeing your hair again with another product (and vice versa).

Finally, one last recommendation is that before applying any stain is a test of sensitivity, which is spread small amount of product on the forearm. If you experience discomfort, it is best not to use it.

Read more on natural hair care for hair loss treatment. And more about how to regrow lost hair in natural way.

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