Thursday, September 1, 2011

How to Reduce Nervous Colitis Problem

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), better known as colitis nervous, upset that increases both emotional instability as eating habits. Women are most affected in proportion of 3 to 1.

It is a functional bowel disorder very common nowadays, which is presented as chronic pain or abdominal discomfort and bloating accompanied by altered bowel movements (diarrhea or constipation) and gases.

IBS is a condition that affects normal bowel function in mild, moderate or severe. It occurs in young adults, but also extends to adolescents and the elderly. Significantly affects the quality of life of people, which causes it to be because of absenteeism.

The impact of IBS is comparable to diseases such as migraine or diabetes, hence the importance of not suffer in silence and discomfort at the first visit to a gastroenterologist, as currently there are several therapies that can control it effectively.

Disease peculiar

* Colitis nerve mostly affecting the female population, women 25 to 40 years of age are those who suffer more frequently.

* Mostly patients do not go to the doctor because they believe that only appears to suffer from stress or anxiety.

* 20% of people worldwide suffer from IBS, regardless of gender, age or social status.

The causes of this irritation of the colon are unknown and because the results of laboratory tests show no alteration, it is categorized as functional disorder. In this diet are often associated, emotional disorders (anxiety and depression) and intestinal infections.

Indeed, the factors affecting this table may be multiple, implying that the management of patients covering various aspects such as food, medication management and, of course, psychological therapy.

Addressing multiple

IBS can be controlled as long as the patient to change their dietary habits, set the best schedule of meals, exercise on a daily basis and, as depressive disorders or anxiety, receive care from a mental health specialist.

As for the eating plan, avoid irritants, spices, spicy, fat, soft drinks and some vegetables like broccoli, zucchini, potatoes and beans and legumes such as beans, as they often produce lots of gas.

Regarding medication, including the use of fiber supplements when there is constipation, in addition to medications for pain and diarrhea. In addition, if you suspect the presence of intestinal tract infection, antibiotics or worming.

It is desirable that there is good doctor-patient management of this disease, largely because overcoming the problem depends on the lifestyle and how the affected person learns to manage their emotions.

Handling emotional

Although IBS is not a mental illness, it directly involved the patient's emotional status, mental status, attitude to life and support of others. It is precisely for this reason is often called nervous colitis.

It is important to note that high percentage of those affected suffer from stress, depression, anxiety or neurosis. Therefore, if colitis symptoms persist despite being treated with medication and diet, it is important that the patient be referred to a mental health expert, who may prescribe antidepressants as a second option, as has been shown that these drugs relax the intestine, reducing pain and inflammation.

But because the emotional affects both men and women, is important for individuals to integrate into your daily life activities that reduce stress, anxiety and depression. There are excellent antidotes recommended by doctors and tested by many patients, such as walking, reading, gardening and especially yoga.

The latter is an ancient discipline of the Indian sages who works with the energy of the abdomen, which ensures that houses our emotional side, and decreases the nerves, tension and fear that cause colitis. It also improves digestive activity, reduce inflammation of the colon.

In Yoga also practiced breathing techniques and meditation as stress management and relaxation is achieved that leads to profound state of inner peace, effective in controlling anxiety.

IBS is a chronic, episodic, i.e., there are stages in which the person feels fine but suddenly experiencing discomfort. Although not evolve to higher complications such as bleeding or cancer, it is essential that is attended by specialists in gastroenterology and mental health, because patients are not treated promptly can develop other conditions such as reflux, worsening their quality of life.

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