Obesity means "a person who has too much fat "is a storage Excess fat tissue basically adipose tissue. Obesity is considered when the increase weight exceeds 20% the ideal weight for age, height and sex.
A practical way to calculate the weight of the children from 2 years old and up to 5years, Although not entirely accurate, is to multiply the age with 2 plus eight (child three years = 3 x 2 + 8 = 14 kg.), this equation give you an idea of the weight range according to age, but we remind you that the size can vary a good margin this result.
In general, parents are concerned about the issue of obesity as a social factor especially if the child is reaching the stage of adolescence, but the really serious are the complications metabolic obesity can bring.
Childhood Obesity:
In infancy and adolescence, obesity may result a complex interaction between genetic factors, psychological, nutritional, environmental and socioeconomic backgrounds.
The health and the environment where the child grows are very important in the development of obesity.
A child will have a tendency to obesity when:
Their parents are obese.
-Inadequate family nutrition habits.
Sedentary Lifestyle - produced by TV or computers.
-Eating in front of the TV.
The TV has become one of the causal reason, increases in childhood obesity, since due to constant advertisements create anxiety and if the child eats in front of the TV the more likely do not savor your food and will soon have appetite again.
More on remedies for obesity treatment and natural slimming pills to loose extra fat & be in shape...
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