Is the deterioration of mental faculties to such a degree that interferes with work and social activities that people perform normally? Thus, memory, thought, opinion, concentration, communication and learning skills are diminished, in addition to any deterioration of the personality. It is not an isolated disease, but several long-lasting conditions worsen over time, i.e., they are chronic degenerative diseases.
Dementia usually develops in people over 60 years, but this does not mean that part of the normal aging process or rule that may appear before, for example, from the fourth decade of life. Also, can occur in younger people due to accidents, illness or exposure to toxic substances.
It is important to stress that the lack of memory in older people, called benign senescent memory loss, not a sign of dementia, and the second is a more serious deterioration of mental faculties and gradually worsens
Thus, while older people may forget details that usually do not affect its existence, dementia sufferers completely forget recent events and changes that prevent them from having to fend for themselves.
Disease or Alzheimer's disease. It is the most common disease of this type because, according to estimates, is responsible for 50% of all cases. Not yet determined its cause, but is known to cause microscopic damage to brain tissue, it consists in the formation of abnormal protein clumps called amyloidal deposits and the appearance of neurofibrillary tangles and degeneration in structure of networks of neurons.
Parkinson's disease. It arises from the gradual destruction of nerve cells in the brain that controls movement and where it produces a substance that allows neuronal communication, called dopamine. It causes tremors and difficulty coordinating movements, as well as in severe cases mental deterioration general triggers, i.e. dementia.
Common manifestations
Although dementia is due to different causes, generally manifests itself through certain symptoms:
Progressive memory loss short and long term.
Inability to concentrate.
Difficult to locate in time and space.
Place objects outside their usual place.
Hallucinations and confusion.
Altered perception.
Inability to recognize familiar objects or people.
Impaired sensory interpretation.
Sleep disorders, like insomnia or desire for more sleep.
Problems coordinating movements (inability to dress, walk, or draw geometric figures).
Inability to learn, perform mathematical calculations or solve problems.
Impaired ability to read, write and / or speaking.
Personality changes (depression, irritability, anxiety).
Lack of spontaneity and loss of initiative.
Inability to care for himself.
Anyone notices some of these symptoms should see a doctor (neurologist, geriatrician) as soon as possible, to determine whether they are due to dementia or not. Also, when these signs are found in a familiar, it should convince you to see the specialist assessment, for its part, the person with this problem can go on their own with the doctor and tell what happens, for guidance. A rapid diagnosis can conduct a more effective treatment.
Dementias caused by cerebral micro-bleeds not have treatment that eradicated, but their evolution is minimized by controlling blood pressure and sugar levels in the blood.
The behavior modification can help some people control unacceptable or dangerous attitudes, and consists of rewarding appropriate or positive actions, and ignore inappropriate. The constant orientation and location in reality may also help reduce problems.
Also, due to the significant wear involving the patient's care, psychological treatment should be given to those closest to the patient to decide to take care.
Finally, advance directives, power of attorney and other legal actions may facilitate decisions regarding the care of the person with dementia. Legal advice should be sought at the beginning of the disorder, before the person with dementia is unable to determine what is best. Ask Your Doctor
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