Sunday, August 21, 2011

Luview Cosmetics Event

We invite you LUVIEW

Once we reach to 1004 likes fans,
We’ll share
the Secret of 1% of the top ranked Asian celebrities
with our 10 angels!!!

■ Event Period: From the date of reach to 1004 likes ~ 10 days
■ Event join:
STEP 1 click “like” of LUVIEW fan page
STEP 2 visit LUVEW official home page:
STEP 3 Leave your
(1) nationality
(2) select 2 products you want to have
(3) Your feeling & though on our brand
on our event page in our website

■ Winners announcement: We will give You 2 products to total 10 winners!
■ Hidden quiz: What’s the meaning of 1004? Leave your guess on our face book fan page! Something special secret presents are waiting for only one angel?

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