Tuesday, April 17, 2012


For your info, when I changed my blog layout I provided a tab where you can ask anything and everything. However, I noticed that most of the questions were asked repeatedly and so I had to answer all the questions all over again. As a solution, I decided to do a post for all your questions.
To Ask Questions, just leave a comment below (please do follow the format)
Blog url (if you have one):
Your Question/s:

I will answer at least 5 questions per blog post. 

Or you may leave a question via for formspring. 

Or If you want to ask something and you don’t want it to be published on my blog, you may just click “Contact me” tab just below my banner and click “ask me anything.” I will answer your question/s as soon as I can.

You have alot of options: via facebook fan page, via formspring (sidebar), via blog post comment, via email (eloisaco20@gmail.com) and via ask me anything tab

Regarding the plugging of blog sites, please refrain from posting it all over my posts. I provided a post for your links. (or see the link on the sidebar, the one with my 1st logo: kikaysimaria: vanity of a college girl)

Let’s get organized people, so it will be easier for you and me.

Thank you! <3

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