Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Winners of the Summer giveaway

Giveaway link HERE.

To all Sponsors, thank you so much for your generous sponsorship! This wouldn’t be possible without your help. Hope you would still support my blog after this giveaway! :)

To Ana and Andy, thank you girls for collaborating with me!

And ofcourse, to all 425 participants (8437 entries)! Thank you thank you thank you! 

I couldn't say thank you enough!

Now to the winners,



 There are two girls who gained the most number of entries (155 entries) namely:
Crystal Mizune and Joanne Olaes

I’ve checked all their entries and all entries are valid! (which makes this even harder for me)
The winner who will get the chance to choose which of the packages she likes is:

Choosing the first winner is the hardest part of this contest for me since I’ve seen all their efforts (especially with several IP addresses, they probably used different computers just to make their entries valid for a day) during the contest. Choosing only one winner  SERIOUSLY breaks my heart. T.T I keep praying that Crystal would win the 2nd or 3rd place. Unfortunately, fruit machine did not picked her name T.T Anyway, I’d still like to give credit to Crystal Mizune for all her efforts. Thank you so much, sis! 

To all Winners, kindly email me your name, contact number, package you like and shipping details. Make sure to use the email address you put in your form.

You have until April 22 to email me or else, I will draw another winner.

To those who did not win this giveaway, don’t worry there’s always next time. In fact, I have a new giveaway (although, not as bongga as this!), please don’t forget to join!

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