If you are a parent or your dependents have a little with asthma, it is important that they know:
* There is no reason that justifies the suspension of treatment.
* Leaving medicine for asthma during spring and summer due to the absence of symptoms increases the likelihood of crises in cold weather, requiring even hospitalization.
* In winter, virus infections, like flu, are the main trigger of asthma attacks.
In warm weather, the absence of symptoms is the perfect opportunity to prepare small and avoid future crises. To do this, consider the following recommendations:
* If treatment was stopped without consulting a doctor, you should restart soon.
* Visit the specialist to verify that the prescribed therapy is well controlled asthma.
* Teach the little how to act in a crisis.
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Mom, I'm not sick!
Often asthma patients stop taking their medication when they feel good, especially in summer, but the reality is that stopping treatment may put them at increased risk of asthma attack.
Sometimes crises turn out to be an isolated event, however, the majority of cases the condition occurs in repeated episodes, i.e. as a chronic disorder, which is why for many people the word "asthma" evokes the image of a continually sick individual, however, There is big difference between having asthma and always sick.
The cases vary. Some are serious, when children have many problems between one crisis and another episode mild with few symptoms for a short time, and intermediate, but follow the right treatment, as indicated by the physician, can forget the image of sick chronic and lead normal lives.
During the heating season, asthma attacks in children are usually more frequent as respiratory infections caused by viruses produce alterations in the cells lining the bronchi, leading to inflammation, increased mucus secretion and bronchial muscle stimulation that contract, thus reducing the diameter of the airways and causes symptoms.
While this reaction is less common in hot weather, and even the patient may experience no symptoms of asthma, no reason to discontinuation. There are increased risks of severe disease symptoms in the fall if the dose is reduced or abandoned medicine for asthma during the summer months.
Why I have to use medications for asthma?
Medicines for asthma long-acting are taken daily to reduce inflammation of the lungs and prevent flare-ups of the disease. Thus, although the patient may feel good, your lungs depend on the therapeutic effect of these drugs to control inflammation.
Meanwhile, those who are short-acting (rescue), should be used as the doctor says and only when immediate relief is required, and to help control the symptoms but not cure the condition.
Inform and educate the young about their condition is essential because it ensures that in future life and daily activities will not be compromised.
Get more remedies for asthma children and treatment for asthma.Information on bronchial asthma treatment
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