Can Angelina Jolie have renounced riches and have turned to charities and volunteering, but when it comes to appearance, allowing herself a few moments of luxury ... As revealed several publications a year earlier, the beautiful actress makes exfoliation ... caviar to keep her face pale! The treatment costs above $200 and Angelina turned to it to remove skin wrinkles gained with her pregnancy.
A snake bite can be fatal, but some famous actors, such as Gwyneth Paltrow and Debra Mesingk argue that snake venom can do wonders for the face! The treatment, which costs $ 185, has anti-aging properties as well as the SPA, the state that apply poison tightens facial muscles, reducing wrinkles.
You wonder what is the secret of Demi MooreWho at the age of 47 looks at least ten years younger and has won the heart of a man less than 15 years. As revealed by the actress a few months ago in the television broadcast of David Letterman, has the facial skin of young and vibrant thanks on ... leech! The Demi Moore travels to Australia, where it undergoes a special treatment sticking to leech!
All the odd tips for hair care that you heard from your grandmother surely can not be compared with the treatment applied by one of the most popular beauty salons in London. The institute uses Hari's a mixture of bull semen and a rare plant from Iran, Which is ideal for those with damaged hair care from styling. According to officials of the institute, the bull semen contains proteins that nourish and strengthen hair...
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