Do organic fruits vegetables legumes and shoulders unsalted nuts center of your diet. Remember the golden rule, "we are just what we eat!" Eating fruits and vegetables in large quantities as you can raw or very lightly cooked. It is live foods that shield health. Prefer a cooked meal of the day and the rest prefer to be fruits, vegetables, salads and juices. This way you'll never need to diet because vegetarian, let alone a raw food diet do not put restriction the quantity of food.
Avoid eating after 8:00 p.m.. The agency has entered a process of rest and bear it if have to digest food. Eat at rest and chew your food well. The digestive process begins in the mouth and saliva and is the most difficult operation of the human body. Let the fights, the tension and nerves outside table is sure to get as much time as you need it all.
Avoid processed foods type of fast food. Avoid so-called white murderers, salt, white sugar, white flour. Processed foods, alcohol, cooked meals as opposed to raw, meat and many are the products we fatten. The cooked food to cook at very low temperature for longer. Olive oil, add at the end of the meal since we closed the fire. Rid of the pan, the microwave and pans with non-stick base.
If you eat meat try to limit as much as possible. Eat organic meats because they have no hormones and antibiotics and the animals fed organic feed is more expensive but have a huge difference in quality and taste. If the limit would considerably outweigh the costs. Prefer lean white fish and red too fat and accompany it with salad and vegetables. Fruits to eat everything on their own at least two to three hours after meals. Leave the pasta, potatoes and rice for another meal. Eat always a main food (meat, fish, cheese, rice, pasta, legumes, nuts) with salads and vegetables. Thus helping digestion and does not fall on your body.
Limit or cut out smoking. There are many ways and many methods to quit smoking one, but the intention is driving, if you think you try it, change at all levels will reward you. If you're unabashed s Smoking s sure to get sufficient amounts of vitamin C in combination with antioxidant formulas so you can help your organization.
Shop smart. Eat better foods in small quantities, rather than mass market products that reach the trash. Keep your refrigerator "hermit". Try a shop check the quality, you have a personal relationship and you know where the products are.
The diet is very important to let the hands 'other'. Find out as best you can and get your life in your hands. Deal with what you eat, the quality of your food, the habits you have around it and you'll see a lot about yourself. Do not judge only delicious food but the whole of what you offer, whether it is nutritious, although its production is environmentally friendly. Changing diet changes in your body, your health and appearance and the psychology is so obvious that will not ever regret your choice. The best doctor yourself you're by yourself, just do not know.
Get a more positive attitude towards life. Except that we are what we eat, we are and what we think. Enjoy the little everyday things, as you can offer to other people, leave aside things that you just charged.
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