There are many steps in the care of blood pressure. Our new format is a 14 day steps - with listings, advice and space for notes.
Take a taste...
1 Step. Try potassium for High blood pressure
Enriched with potassium, fruit drinks created for those who want to ensure your blood pressure. The potassium found in fruits and vegetables, dairy and fish may help the body to expel the excess salt.
2 Step. Reduce salt in your diet
Most of us eat too much salt, which can affect our blood pressure. Some simple steps can help, for example to avoid the salted snacks and processed foods, or even add spices instead of salt in food.
3 Step. Laugh to your heart
Laughter helps you relax, which in turn can affect our blood pressure. So do not forget are armed with humor!
4 Step. Celebrate small successes
Staying in blood pressure can feel like an endless uphill. It is easier to split the work in steps and reward yourself every time a new target.
5 Step. Energize company with a friend
Everything is easy to find an excuse not exercised. To arrange with a friend can work together is an ideal way to mobilize - and to learn the news of his company.
6 Step. Watch your weight
Obesity can affect blood pressure. With a healthy diet and regular exercise, you will soon see the difference.
7 Step. Limit alcohol
Sure is fun, but the beverage may have a negative effect on blood pressure. If you drink, do so sparingly - with the recommended amounts for relation and age.
8 Step. Love fruits and vegetables!
Fruits and vegetables are good sources of potassium, so it helps to eat a variety - try bananas, dried fruits, melons, avocados, pumpkins, orange juice and tomato.
9 Step. Ask to learn
Now that you know your numbers, do not be afraid to ask about diet, lifestyle and blood pressure when needed. Your doctor, your friends, the line consumer and the site can help you.
10 Step. Ask a friend to help you resist the temptation
One problem we share with one halved. Those who love us can help to keep away from temptations like cigarettes, salt and drinks.
11 Step. Know your numbers
You know your height, weight and size of your shoe. Why not the level of your blood pressure? Check your stress in the office of your physician or pharmacist, and then you can take your measures.
12 Step. Learn the history of your family
High blood pressure can be hereditary. Even if you have a history of hypertension in your family, there are several steps you can take your lifestyle to make sure your blood pressure.
13 Step. Find time to relax
The daily stress may raise blood pressure, so it is good to find ways to relax. The exercise, your personal time, getting together with friends and sufficient sleep is very important.
14 Step. Give a promise to yourself
It's easy to forget your goals. So if you're determined to change, why not give a promise to yourself and to record. Before you know it, you will look back and say "I did it!
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