Liver that converts molecules into simpler or more complex forms in accordance with the requirements of the body
The functions of the liver are essential for life and include:
1. Processing and elimination of useless body substances
2. The metabolism and elimination of toxic substances
3. Storage and release of glucose in the blood when energy needs of the organization require.
4. Produced large number of substances and proteins without which life is impossible (albumin, bile, cholesterol, clotting factors and immune system)
Liver cirrhosis is a progressive loss of liver condition tissue and replacement by fibrous tissue. Loss occur gradually liver functions with disastrous consequences for the patient.
There are a number of simple but effective measures can apply for liver care:
1. Avoid drinking alcohol.
Alcohol is highly toxic to the liver. It is the main cause cirrhosis. Caution on the consumption of alcohol should be made to measure or even be preferable to avoid fully.
2. Drugs.
Some drugs such as cocaine, cause damage liver.
3. Vaccine against hepatitis B.
Hepatitis B can lead to cirrhosis and liver cancer. The vaccine against hepatitis B protects against the disease. Human’s greater risk of hepatitis such as professionals in the health sector and others must not fail to vaccinate.
4. Medicines.
Many drugs may be toxic to the liver. Should not be taken medicines without the advice of a doctor. Also not to be taken higher doses than recommended.
5. Nutritional supplements and other pharmaceutical preparations.
There are marketing several formulations of the pharmaceutical form vitamins, combinations of vitamins and minerals, dietary supplements pills available without prescription. Consumers should be aware that there are substances sold without prescription which can damage the liver.
6. Avoiding contact with body fluids of other people.
The hepatitis viruses are transmitted through body fluids. Unprotected relation, sharing personal hygiene items such as razor, toothbrush, and intravenous drug use with shared needles among drug users, needle piercing accident patients included in the grounds of transmission of infectious agents and toxic to liver.
7. Be careful what you breathe in and what affixed to your skin.
Today we use all sorts of sprays for various reasons. When used to spray insecticides, antimicrobials particularly those against fungi, paint, it is necessary to follow the manufacturer's instructions. The use of masks and proper ventilation of the area to protect the wearer the spray. When using sprays or spray with insecticides or other toxic substances, it should cover the skin with special gloves, mask, glasses and hat.
8. Avoid excessive consumption of fat.
A healthy diet and exercise, helps the liver to perform vital functions smoothly. Excess fat in the diet unnecessarily burden the liver
9. Obesity.
Obesity causes fatty liver. The fatty liver (storage fat within the liver cells) is a pathological condition observed initially and alcoholism. Is there any development inflammation and risk of cirrhosis.
10. Early diagnosis.
If there are signs or symptoms associated with liver problems such as jaundice yellow coloration of the skin and whites the eye, itching, stool without color, swelling or pain abdomen, very dark urine, chronic fatigue, anorexia, nausea should necessary to ask doctor
So we see that there are many things each of us can do to protect from liver diseases. It is simple and inexpensive, but can offer the maximum for the valuable instrument who has given us by nature.
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