Drug addiction is defined as a pathological condition in which the person has lost control of the use of the toxic substance. Teen consumes most of their time to buy stuff, to use and to lift itself by its results. While stopped use or reduce the quantity displayed withdrawal symptoms, which show characteristics depending on the content, manifested through physical symptoms. The most common are: discomfort with muscular weakness; chills; diarrhea, pain in the abdomen, the waist and joints, sweating, trembling, seizures, insomnia, and pugnacity strong desire to use the substance.
The most commonly used are toxic:
A. Cannabis (marijuana, hashish)
It is most known substances derived from cannabis plant. Usually smoked mixed with tobacco hand-rolled cigarettes and a release characteristic smell. Because cannabis does not cause strong biological dependence proposed as a harmless drug and its use is widely spread. Teenage students have tried and often make use cannabis. The Cannabis is the first step to dependency and has been used by total of all those who report using other substances.
The effects peak thirty minutes of smoking and last for two three hours. Induced euphoria, laughing, relaxing. Increased sensitivity the recruitment of sensory stimuli colors are brighter, the years stretched and stimulate confidence. In some cases shown negative effects of stress, discomfort, pugnacity, strange fears and paranoid thoughts. At the level of somatic symptoms observed increased appetite, tachycardia, dry mouth and dilation of the pupil eyes. Chronic taking high doses can cause insomnia, anorexia, damage the respiratory, immune and reproductive systems. Psychological level of chronic cannabis users have anxiety and panic attacks difficulty concentrating, loss of interest, apathy and social withdrawal. The Cannabis metabolites in the blood can be detected within seven to ten days in cases of habitual use and fifteen to thirty days when taking large doses.
B. opioid (morphine, heroin)
Derivatives of opium used as analgesic pharmaceutical substances it can relieve pain and cause euphoria. Ranked to hard drugs because they cause rapid tolerance and dependence, so after a few days of use to an increase in dose and discontinuation to observed withdrawal phenomena. Heroin is taken intravenously or orally or inhaled in the form of steam heated dust on foil. The action is fast described as a flash and causes a feeling of intoxication, euphoria, calmness, and tension in sensory recruitment and feelings. In physically observed slow down respiration, constriction of the pupil, muscle contractions and tremors. Under the influence of the substance remains the user three to four hours to look vacant and distant. We want to be bothered by noise and bright light seem to be interested in what happens around him. A period to four hours of normal behavior. But then he becomes irritable, Curt, can not concentrate and need a new dose.
C. stimulants (amphetamine, cocaine)
Taken by mouth, nose, or intravenously and cause euphoria feeling fatigue, intensity of attention and concentration, loss of appetite and insomnia. At the course of action the user has toned confidence and improved skills. The systematic use but causes intense psychological dependence and phenomena of tolerance, resulting in an increase in quantity can individual to function even minimally. Chronic or excessive uses cause irritability, hyperactivity and psychotic reactions, paranoid type.
D. LSD, mescaline, ecstasy
Cause worsening of cognitive functions and tension or deformation of the sensory recruitment, leading the user to experience visual and auditory hallucinations. The feeling is very volatile, sometimes euphoria sometimes depressing. Content the illusion can cause intense anxiety, which leads to suicidal behaviors.
E. Inhaled volatile substances;
Industrial products such as glues, aerosols, soluble paints, polishes, substances removing nail polish, dry cleaning compounds used mainly by adolescents because it is lawfully possible to obtain easily and cheaply. Inhaled through the bags and cause euphoria, blurred consciousness and hallucinations. Chronic use causes loss of appetite, vomiting, visual disturbances vision diplopic, photo phobia and hearing and discoloration, Skin scars on the face or other body parts. There is also an increased risk of death by suffocation due to plastic bags.
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