Vitiligo affects 1-2% of the population and affects men and women of all races. Vitiligo can begin at any age although about fifty percent of people who have vitiligo, which is being developed him before they turned 25th Vitiligo is more visible, people with darker skin color because the contrast between normal skin and the depigmentation visible.
What is the cause of vitiligo?
The cause of vitiligo is not known, but there are some theories on this. One theory is that vitiligo may be caused by a surplus of active thyroid - this can indeed be tested. Others believe that vitiligo is hereditary. Some perceive that people develop antibodies that destroy the melanocytes (cells that produce melanin), in their own bodies. Some think that cause sunburn or emotional distress or make it worse just Vitiligo can. However, there is no scientific proof on any theories, which is the cause of vitiligo. Although there are some symptoms that mild trauma and pressure to say, create new spots.
There is no way to predict when these skin disorders (vitiligo spreads). For some people, the depigmentation spread but not if it spreading is usually progressive. However, there are situations in which the spots spread to different parts of the body, but there are also cases where it is not. For some people, vitiligo spreads slowly over the years for other Vitiligo occurs quickly.
Vitiligo is harmless. It is not contagious. It is more a cosmetic problem because it can be emotionally and psychologically disturbed, and today there are several ways to treat vitiligo.
Home remedies for Vitiligo:
# Take around 25 grams of radish seeds and ground them into a powder. Add 2 tsp vinegar and make a fine paste. Apply this paste on the affected area and wash off when dry. A very beneficial home remedy for leucoderma.
# In about eight liters of water, soak around 500 gm turmeric. Boil it until only a liter of it is left. Strain this liquid and add half liter of mustard oil. Apply this on the patchy areas two times a day, for at least 2-3 months. A very beneficial home remedy for leucoderma.
Neem is very effective in treating leucoderma. Try to drink a glass of Neem juice everyday. A very beneficial home remedy for leucoderma.
Turmeric mixed with mustard oil has also proved useful in leucoderma. About 500 gm of turmeric should be pounded and soaked in 8 liters of water at night. It should be boiled in the morning till only one litre of water is left, and then be strained and mixed with 500 ml of mustard oil. This mixture should be heated till only the oil is left. It should then be strained and preserved in a bottle. The mixture should be applied on the white patches every morning and evening for a few months. A very beneficial home remedy for leucoderma.
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