Incredibly, the hormone that in humans generates hair growth beard, mustache and chest is the same that causes hair loss. His name is testosterone and is responsible for indicating to the hair follicles (hairs producers throughout the body) when working or not. So it may come a time when giving the order to halt production on the head and no more hair.
This type of behavior is inherited, and against it there is very little to do. However, scholars of the issue recognize that there are some actions you can take when the factors are different genetic causes:
1. Avoid stress. Some scientific research indicates that the stress and anxiety are factors leading to hair loss. Therefore, it is best to avoid these emotional states that appear frequently.
2. Include protein in your diet. The red and white meats and fish, like dairy and egg proteins that strengthen the hair follicles.
3. Increase the iron in their diet. This and other minerals (mainly zinc and selenium) are important for your hair is not weakened. So eat chard, spinach, lettuce and other leafy greens.
4. Do not abuse it. The hair may be weakened by the frequent use of dryers and electric curlers. We recommend dry with a towel, passing slightly damp hair. Brushing is not the most violent stated, as if what is untangle gently with fingers and then move the comb in a sensitive manner.
5. Beware of chemicals. Dyes and bleaches the hair attack, and after long time use it become weak, thin and brittle. This is all enriching the scalp treatment containing natural products (oils of almond, castor and olive, etc.).
6. Do not be afraid to wash daily. Hygiene is vital for healthy hair. It is therefore important to use the type of shampoo according to their condition (dry, oily, normal). Those containing protein or collagen formula providing protection to the damaged hair.
There are many market remedies claim to prevent hair loss, but in many cases make the problem worse. So, very carefully, the solution may be worse than the disease.
Read more on natural hair care for hair loss treatment. And more about how to regrow lost hair in natural way.
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