The food must have a balance between fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. In children, the process of development is even more important. Here are the compounds you should not miss the guys, and what happens if this comes to pass.
Let's start by vitamin A, found in carrots, bananas, spinach, egg yolk, beans, liver, cheese and butter. It critical in the development and growth of the body, plus it works in the cure of infectious diseases and strengthening of the retina eye so that no difficulty seeing at night. However, no be present, is lost significant support in recovery from illness skin, tissue reconstitution and wound healing.
For its part, vitamin C promotes the formation of antibody increases resistance to infection and helps the iron act by preventing anemia, among other functions. However, its prolonged failure occurs that weaken the body's tissues (scurvy) and pains joints. Is your relationship with your skin? Helps in the generation of collagen (Essential in the consistency of the skin and hair), prevents bleeding gums and spontaneous bruising. Vitamin C is present in almost all fruits and vegetables, tuna, whole milk and egg yolk.
Another vitamin in the growth of bones in child is that unlike the above is not ingested, but is formed in the skin from the effects of ultraviolet rays. For this reason is very important that children take frequent sunbathing. When this not, can give rise to a condition called rickets, which soften the bones of the skull, and can affect normal development.
The lack of minerals such as iron can cause threatening anemia development of physical abilities and intellectuals. Others such as phosphorus, potassium and sodium influence the formation and strengthening teeth and bones, protein synthesis and help maintain proper water balance in the body. Therefore, the smaller should eat fish, seafood, rice, vegetables and fruits.
It is equally important to consume amino compounds essential proteins, such as L-lysine, since failing to appear in food, the child will be prone to skin lesions, have poor musculature, your hair will be brittle and thin, in addition to manifest growth retardation.
The proper development of children rests with parents. Do not neglect and be part of their healthy growth.
From plate to mouth...
Eating a balanced diet has benefits not only reflected in adequate size and weight of the infant, but also in the development of skills. Food is basic care during the first three years of life, when there is the most important neurological development. If the nutrient supply fails at this stage, the child will have an intelligence quotient (IQ) is not abnormal, but low.
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