* Being overweight is to have more body fat than would be ideal for the proper functioning of the organism.
* Although fats or lipids are required for energy, regulating body temperature, hormones and enzymes to create in excess increases the risk of diabetes (high concentration of glucose in the blood), cardiovascular diseases like high blood pressure, joint problems and certain cancers.
* Basically, the reason of this problem is increased intake of calories (energy) than those required by the body as well as hereditary factors.
* Global increases in overweight are generally attributable to the modification of diet, with a tendency to consume lots of foods rich in fats and sugars.
* At the same time, there has been considerable decline in physical activity due to the nature of many jobs, and offices, as well as changes in transportation and development.
2) How is it diagnosed?
* The Specialist (general practitioner, nutritionist) observes the usual manifestations such as increased weight and fat in the body, shortness of breath, fatigue and weakness (especially in the demanding physical activity) and presence of stretch marks, varicose veins and cellulite or "orange peel" in some people.
* It also takes the weight and records the patient's body measurements, and compared these results with universal tables of weight and height.
* One of the most accepted to determine whether someone is overweight is the body mass index (BMI), mathematical formula to assess the weight of an adult in relation to their height.
* For BMI is necessary to divide the weight in kilograms by the square of height in meters (kg/m2). For example, a person weighing 90 kg and measuring 1.70 m in height has a BMI of 26.47, as: 1.70 x 1.70 = 3.4, and 90 / 3.4 = 26.47.
* A BMI between 18.5 and 24.9 is normal, while the figures between 25 and 29.9 is considered overweight, although there may be exceptions (athletes, for example, because they have high rate, but this is due to muscle mass). Finally, a person with a BMI above 30 is obese.
* It is also useful to measure the waist circumference at the navel, without pressure and then the individual deep breath and exhale. Figures greater than 80 cm in women and 94 cm in men mean there increased risk of heart disease, diabetes or stroke.
* Another useful indicator for the physician, increasingly recognized for its effectiveness, is the waist-hip ratio. Is obtained by dividing the waist circumference between hip.
* It is common that occur parallel to overweight diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol and triglycerides, as well as psychological disorders such as anxiety, low self-esteem and depression, so the specialist can order lab tests or questions that delve into the patient's mood.
How is it treated?
* Must be altered eating habits of the patient, reducing the intake of calories from fat, sugar, refined flour and red meat, while the increases of fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains, fish and lean meats (lean) as well as water.
* You need regular physical activity (at least 30 minutes of moderate intensity, 3 to 4 days a week at least). To do this you can use exercises like walking, running, biking or rollerblading, swimming and dancing.
* It is also ideal for the specialist help treat psychological or emotional problems resulting from this condition, or that the patients go to support group or psychologist to address these issues.
How is it prevented?
* It is advisable to avoid eating fast food, soft drinks, chips and candy.
* Be preferred intake of vegetables, fruits, whole grains and lean meats, rather than high-calorie food.
* We need to increase overall body mobility, which can be achieved by reducing car use and walking for short distances, climb stairs and take a walk to the pet.
* The regular practice of physical exercise is essential, as well as helping to maintain proper weight, strengthens the circulatory system, reduces anxiety, regulates blood pressure, lowers blood sugar and blood cholesterol, and reduces the risk of myocardial.
* Finally, it is important that parents encourage their children good eating habits, and sports.
Read more on natural slimming pills and how to lose weight fast. And more about how to prevent cellulite to loose extra fat & be in shape...
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