Menopause is a natural event that occurs between 45 and 55 years of age. Its common symptoms include:
* Heart pounding or racing.
* Hot flashes
* Cold sweat.
* Redness of the skin.
* Sleep problems (insomnia).
At the end of their reproductive lives, women experience hormonal changes that favor the occurrence of overweight, diabetes, stroke and bone weakness. To avoid these conditions, exercise and balanced diet are allies you can trust.
The last menstruation or menopause is a natural time, but critical in the life of every woman. Occurs between 45 and 55, and starts the menopause, which is defined as the time of completion of cyclical generation of eggs (reproductive cells) and recorded decreased production of hormones (estrogen).
Specifically, these new organic conditions are associated with two fundamental problems:
* Bone loss. Generates weakening of the bones (osteoporosis), spinal deformity and increased risk of fracture.
* Weight gain. It is linked to fat accumulation in arteries (atherosclerosis), myocardial infarction (lack of blood supply to the heart), diabetes (high blood sugar), high blood pressure, breast cancer and joint damage.
However, it is important to note that the occurrence of these conditions can be avoided or delayed with a personalized eating plan that includes an individual, appropriate physical activity and, if necessary, medication.
Nutritional Guidelines
While attention and diet of the woman who lives the climacteric should be supervised by a specialist (gynecologist or dietitian), as only they can determine the patient's ideal weight and ideal amounts of food to eat, there are some principles basic worth knowing.
Let's start with those that help prevent bone weakening of the system:
* It is advisable to drink 2 to 4 servings of dairy a day, as their calcium intake can maintain adequate bone health. One serving equals one cup of milk, 2 cups of yogurt or 80 grams of fresh cheese.
* It is also important to include more foods rich in this mineral, including fish such as sardines or mackerel (with bones) in oil or tomato, clams, spinach, chickpeas, soybeans, broccoli, hazelnut and walnut.
* It is important to improve the intake of vitamin D, because it promotes the binding of calcium in bones. In addition to this nutrient intake in dairy and egg, is ideal moderately exposed to the sun for 15 to 20 minutes a day with appropriate filter for the body to produce it.
* Avoid excessive consumption of protein (mainly from meat) and phosphorus, plus it is necessary to stop or reduce consumption of snuff, coffee, black tea, cola and alcohol, which increases the removal of minerals.
However, to prevent overweight problem and ensure adequate nutrition of the body, it should follow the following guidelines:
* Reduce consumption of saturated fats, which abound in them meat, offal, sausages, dairy foods, confectionery industry and others that include coconut or palm oil. These products promote obesity and encourage the formation of fatty plaques in arteries.
* Replace the above items by moderate amounts of vegetable oils (olive and canola oils, mainly), as they provide energy and protect the circulatory system.
* It is strongly recommended to increase consumption to 4 servings of fish a week; it also contains fat that helps the blood stream.
* Do not consume more than 5 eggs a week.
* Include high-fiber foods (vegetables, fruits, vegetables and whole grains), by improving the intestinal transit, help whet the appetite and regulate the amount of fat absorbed during digestion.
* It is beneficial to take at least five servings of fruits and vegetables each day, as their nutritional content and antioxidant ensures the smooth functioning of the body in general (one serving of these products amounts, almost always, a medium piece or cup).
* It is advisable to eat pasta, rice, potatoes and vegetables for 2 to 4 times per week in moderate portions.
* You have to limit your intake of sugar and salt.
* In case you experience hot flashes (hot flushes), should avoid products that are initiated, such as sauces and marinades, spicy, chili, caffeine and alcohol.
* You need to drink at least 2 liters of water a day (8 glasses).
Another essential step to achieve a healthy lifestyle is learning to read labels of industrial products in order to meet nutritional and caloric value, without forgetting its salt content.
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