Sunday, October 24, 2010

It's SHOPCOHOLIC's birthday contest!

October is still my most favorite month of the year. Guess why? Because it's my birthday!

Anyways, another girl will be celebrating her birthday this month! It's Khymm! Yes, the author of Shopcoholic for Makeup. I've known her even before I started tweeting and blogging. LOL. I was following her posts through searching "shopcoholic for makeup" in google search. Just recently, I learned the easiest way to follow her posts. (through twitter, blog and email subscription) Yey, now i'm more updated than ever!

Enough of how I knew her, now here's more on her contest!
Because she's generous and it's her birthday, Khymm will be having a contest where at stake is 1 pc. 88 Metal Eyeshadow Paletter valued at Php 950! 

Copy the click to know more:

HAPPY BIRTHDAY KHYMM! More power to your blog! :)

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