Monday, November 1, 2010



I really love Nivea Lip Care in Strawberry. (I'll be reviewing it soooon)

So, when I saw this Nivea Angel Star at Robinsons Super Market I fell in love. Ohhh, It’s pink and glittery. I really love pink just in case you don't know.LOL! So, that’s the story behind my Nivea Angel Star. It was the pink case! Haha!

So, I went home. Unpacked it. And.. I fell inlove more. What a beautiful pink color and it smells good too. But when I applied it to my lips, everything changed. That’s the day Nivea broke my heart.
Well, enough of the drama. Here’s my review on this cuttie balm.

I was expecting too much from this because Nivea Lip Care works very well on me. During the days when I don't want to apply any lipstick on my lips, I use Nivea Lip Care alone. It never fails to give me healthy looking lips. 

As you can see in my swatch, it has glitters, not shimmers! I don't want wearing disco ball on my lips. So, I don't really like that. I think, the glitters are too much... too much for me to handle lol!. Though, I still think, maybe, that when you are on your early 13's-16's, this may look okay on you. But, for me, definitely a no no!

>I love pink packaging (pink!)
>It smells good
>Okay as lip balm only if those shimmers (or glitters) are not present

>It looks good on tube but not on my lips
>It’s not shimmers! Its glitters! (It’s too much!)
>The packaging reminds me of Vicks Vaporup Inhaler only with pink glittery casing LOL

PRICE: Php 80 something :)
Rate: 2/5
Would I recommend this? Nope! ;p

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