Area of skin covered the body with an average area, is the largest body part. Outermost layer of skin epidermis, including dead cells. Next is the package to the nerves, blood vessels, sweat glands. Located in the dermis with many fat cells. The skin contains about 70% of the water body.
Health body organs and certain diseases can be reflected on the skin. Lack of nutrients will lead to some
skin diseases:
Diseases caused by protein
Because protein is the main component of the cells as well as other structures of the body, lack of protein will lead to malnutrition in general. But without increased risk of getting severe Kwashiorkor, be consistent and have
skin pigment disorder.
Symptoms are often swollen body,
loss of appetite, diarrhea, loss of sensation, the child is not growing. Especially our skin change color, very dry skin, scaly epidermis exfoliating thin with many wrinkles. Very sparse hair, loss of color. However, if fed properly, substances and disease will decrease rapidly.
Diseases caused by fat
Most people do not lack the body fat. However, there are some cases where the missing diet by eating very little fat, or in person must be nurtured through a long transmission line will lack some essential fatty acids such as linoleum acid. Without fat, the skin will be dry and the epidermis will peel out the thin small scales.
Diseases caused by water shortage
The skin contains about 70% water in the body, so the role is always important to the smooth skin. Water helps cut down on toxins produced by biochemical reactions in the body, improve blood flow to nourish the skin. When hydrated, the body will be forced to use liquid reserves of the body should be dry skin. Each day the body needs to be supplemented by 6-8 glasses of water.
Diseases caused by vitamin A
Vitamin A necessary to keep hair, eyes and skin healthy. Vitamin A help prevent and
remove skin infections, combat dryness and peeling scales on the skin, improve blood flow to the skin causing the skin to be nourished and full color pink, soft.
Diseases caused by deficiency of vitamin B2
VitaminB2 effective health promotion because it helps cells use oxygen. It also helps produce energy from nutrients, is a component of retinal pigment, to help us create the hormones of the adrenal capsule.
Diseases caused by deficiency of vitamin B3
VitaminB3 is a component of two enzymes necessary for cell respiration, helps in protein, fat, carbohydrates for energy production, and essential for body growth, helps
reduce blood cholesterol, helps to reduce risk of myocardial infarction.
Vitamin C deficiency disease
Vitamin C has an important role to help prevent wrinkles. Along with protein, this vitamin helps produce collagen and saggy skin from wrinkles, prevent skin from dry, brittle hair breaks down.
Diseases caused by vitamin D
Vitamin D is really necessary for the growth of bone, nails as well as the health of the skin and eyes. Vitamin D has many in milk, beef liver, salmon, tuna, butter, cereal germ.
Diseases caused by vitamin E
Vitamin E helps cells grow rapidly, reduce aging, increase circulation making the skin wound healing and reduce dry skin condition, hair loss and dandruff.
However, if you are sick with diabetes,
high blood pressure, thyroid disease should consult a doctor when using vitamin E supplements
Some diseases caused by minerals
Some minerals have an important role for the skin. For example iron, copper, chromium, phosphorus, selenium, zinc ... also make thin flakes peeling skin, dry skin cracked corner of mouth, hair loss, brittle nails broken limbs.