Monday, May 31, 2010

Recipes for Strengthening and Stimulating Hair Growth

Hair Care Remedies for strengthening hair growth
Recipes for strengthening and stimulating hair growth. Seem to have a silky taking 30 grams of chamomile flowers, put them in a bowl enameled, is covered with 100 milliliters of hot water and let it infused over one hour. Infusion obtained filter and dissolve a teaspoon of honey in it. With this solution to wet hair after you wash and you've wiped well with a dry towel, and after 30-40 minutes Rinse with warm water.

If fat loss procedure is repeated every six to seven days, and if dry hair - every 10-12 days.

To strengthen and stimulate hair growth. In four parts on the grated onion add some honey and mix well. The mixture obtained is spread on hair and the root; let it act for 30 minutes, then rinse.

If very dry hair mixed before adding more and a small amount of sunflower oil or olive. With an hour before washing the hair, the mixture is spread on the hair and head covered with a plastic bag, then you rinse with warm water.

To prevent hair loss and its degradation, to restore elasticity and radiance, to normalize sebaceous gland activity and fight hair dandruff, mix a tablespoon of yogurt, a tablespoon of apple vinegar, a tablespoon of an infusion of chamomile, paste prepared in two cloves of garlic and onions once a grated, one teaspoon of honey. This mixture can also add two tablespoons of dry crust of bread, rye. Obtained mass lies on the head with two or three hours before you wash, then covered with a polyethylene film with a thick towel.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Diet and Cholesterol

Excess cholesterol in the blood promotes formation of fatty deposits on the walls of the arteries. These deposits hinder the passage of blood and may be a cause of heart diseases and circulation.

An adequate food, which reduces this excess cholesterol in the blood, is the first step in the prevention and treatment of cardio circulatory diseases.

* It should reduce the consumption of animal fats, so it: Eat less fatty meat pork, lamb, etc. .., no more three times week. Do not eat more than two eggs per week Use Milk and products Dairy decrements

* Use of olive oil for cooking, for dress is you can use oil olive, sunflower, soybean, corn ... No is advisable cook with animal fats such as butter and lard

* Avoid pastry: It generally enchiladas, croissants, bread mold, and creamy ice cream. Because they are products amounts of fats included in drafting.

* Do not sleep advisable prepared meals and snacks, with are: croquettes, cannelloni stews, potatoes

* It recommended intake of fish sardines, anchovies, salmon, tuna, etc... At least once a recalled that seafood can consumes with restraint

. * It is also advisable to increase consumption through dietary fiber and vegetable salads in general, whole fruit, vegetables, whole meal products...

* It appropriate restraint in consumption alcoholic beverages.

Get complete Information on Swami Ramdev Yoga available in Books,VCD & DVD and medicines to cure all your health problems, diseases and make "Disease Free Society"

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Nutritional tips for Healthy Hair Growth

Eat adequate amounts of the protein:
The protein consists of amino acids essential for building new cells, including hair. Five amino acids are highly relevant to hair growth - cystine, cysteine, methionine, arginine and lysine.

Inadequate protein intake over a long period can cause the hair in the resting phase to throw a few months later. It is evident then that sufficient portions of protein - rich foods should form part of your daily diet. The best sources of dietary protein are lean meats, fish, poultry, eggs, dairy products, soy, nuts, grains and seeds. At least 15% of your daily calories should come from protein-rich foods.

Eat adequate amounts of useful carbohydrates:
The carbs are a vital source of energy and help increase the body tissues, including hair. It is an important source of B vitamins that are vital to healthy hair.

It is important that you concentrate on the consumption of non-cleaned carbs than the sugars and white flour that are so prevalent in many over-refined carb products. You must enter an emphasis on eating vegetables, fruits, whole grains of brown rice and potatoes. Recommended to receive 55-60% of your daily calories from carbohydrates found in these foods.

Achieve a healthy balance of dietary fats:
The fat used in energy production and can be found and the animal and plant food. Your body needs sufficient levels of fat to maintain good health. That fat should be obtained from a mixture of lean animal and plant sources. Approximately 25-30% of your daily calories should come from those sources.

The right nutritional balance for personal circumstances:
How much of each food group you eat depends on a host of factors including age, gender, health and level of physical activity. When choosing meals and snacks, consider the following basic principles of healthy eating:

- Eat a variety of foods.
- Apply moderation in consumption of food scrap you.
- Choose natural and lightly processed foods as often as possible.
- Do not over cook.

Support a nutritious diet with some carefully selected supplements, after a nutritious diet is essential for healthy hair, but by itself it can not be satisfactory for several reasons:

- Modern farming methods can reduce the nutritional quality of food.
- High stress levels may diminish nutrients in your body.
- Dieting may affect the nutrient levels.
- Aging reduces the ability of our bodies to utilize certain nutrients.
- Exercise can reduce a few nutrients.

May be sufficient to complete a balanced poly-vitamin and mineral product but several products are available that meet specified requirements of healthy hair.

Get more information on Hair Loss Remedies, Hair Loss Vitamins. And also get Hair Care Product for beautiful hair.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Cure for Liver Cirrhosis

The High cirrhosis is a chronic inflammation and infection of the liver. Alcohol is the fact that damages the liver. When the organ is inflamed can become infected. The infected cells die and are replaced by connective tissue. These are really minor wounds. Because connective tissue, the liver functions poorly and can not revert to previous now. We develop cirrhosis everyone drinks too much, but abnormalities in the liver remain unknown to the patient or discovered in many years.

Liver disease accompanied by abnormal changes that cause hardening and inflammation of the liver.

Liver disease Symptoms:

Usually characterized by a long latency period. Some signs are: fatigue, itching, rashes of unknown origin, constipation or diarrhea, change the color of the stool, fever and indigestion. Sudden abdominal swelling, pain, vomiting blood swelling of the body in general and jaundice, which is characteristic yellowing of the whites of the eyes (conjunctiva) and skin are symptoms of an attack of illness. In late stage can lead to coma and death.

Product Suggestions:
Liv. 52: To Liv. 52 in case of cirrhosis make a clear reduction of fibrosis and morphology of the liver, evidence that there is improvement. Tests on liver function and biopsy needle samples show a clear improvement of liver function and structure. Treatment with Liv. 52 provides an increase in the number of total mass of functional hepatocytes. After treatment with Liv 52, liver enzymes returned to normal levels and increased total protein, albumin - globulins.

Read more on remedies for Chronic Liver disease and for Liver Cirrhosis Prevention. And also get Home Remedy for Liver Cirrhosis treatment

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Cellulite is not is only a cosmetic problem, but we are facing a real alteration tissue, where there is an accumulation of fat and liquid thighs, hips, buttocks and face inner knees.

What type of cellulite I have?

Cellulite hard: Skin looks compact, Pellets and cold to the touch. When tweaking we hurt.

Cellulite edematous: legs may present an increase in volume throughout the day. Is problems associated with fluid retention and its origin there are problems bad circulation, unbalanced diets, hormonal problems or hereditary.

Cellulite soft: gelatinous skin looks is endorse touch with flaccidity. Although is not painful, it gives us a feeling of heaviness.

Once you know the origin of our cellulite can show you the best treatment. Include:


It is the application of local heat. We will increase blood circulation, increased contribution and nutrient oxygen’s, and increased elimination of toxins. Altogether, we serve to remove fat and reduce volume.


Application positive pressure through a device that has boots that make a lymphatic and venous drainage which favors the reduction of fluid retention.

The camera Inflatable can be placed on the legs, arms, abdomen...


The massages are very appropriate, but must be so regular and continuous. Physical and mechanical effects help to improve circulation as both venous lymphatic. A type of massage is especially appropriate lymphatic drainage manual.

Specific products
The application of products at home is very appropriate, but do so regular continue. So we can use Anti cellulite Cream


In case there are accumulations of fat well localized, liposuction has a high degree of effectiveness.


The food is not usually a direct relationship with the presence of cellulite, although if there is an overweight, this should treated with a hypo caloric diet. We always recommend a good intake liquid to stimulate and a good supply of fiber to avoid constipation problems. Thus, we include in the diet foods antioxidants, rich in fiber, anti-inflammatory and diuretics such as pineapple, asparagus, beans, bran and the future, broccoli, blue fish...

Exercise physical

The realization of any one table exercise aerobic physical benefits it can bring.
Read more on remedies for Cellulite Removal on thigh and natural fat loss. Also Remove Cellulite Cream

Monday, May 24, 2010

Tips for Quick Weight Loss

The most effective ways to burn body fat maximize results and minimize your waist! Follow these tips for fat burning, if you want to lose weight and lead a healthy life.

1.) Drink more water one of the best kept secrets of weight loss is left soft and stick to water! Experts say that one has to take around eight glasses of water per day to stay hydrated and healthy. Instead of running a full load of calories, sugar-rich drinks, take a refreshing glass of water. In addition to flushing toxins from your drinking water system invites you to build muscle.

2.) Eat more traditional three meals a day meal plan not only cut if they are in the market to burn fat. Your body cans not quickly metabolizing large meals, and any excess fat. Many experts believe you should be eating six small meals a day. Be sure to reduce your intake of foods at each meal, or something that aims to double consumption – and doubling the storage of fat!

3.) Outside of working with weights a great way to maximize fat burning is to add a burden to their daily work. Weight training not only to their physical, it will strengthen your body and improve your overall health. Lifting weights will also burn calories and fat faster than traditional exercises, but also increase your metabolism.

4.) Choose foods rich in protein choosing increase the burden on the metabolism of proteins and allowing your body to burn fat quickly. In addition to burning fat, eat a diet rich in protein to help rebuild muscles after exercise and maintain the thinness of the muscle. Choose carefully dietary protein. Be very careful in the choice of protein low in fat does not consume additional calories.

5.) Reducing calories wisely can be seen tempted to drastically reduce your calorie intake when starting a healthy lifestyle. Instead, use a step method when cutting your calorie intake to minimize risk. Reducing calories too quickly results in your body all the calories burning fast, which reduces the metabolism. In addition, he is more prone to maintain their healthy lifestyle through this step method.

6) Avoid alcohol. Rich in sugars and carbohydrates, Alcohol is a calorie. These empty calories can quickly add and remove the nutrients necessary to be included in your daily diet. In addition, Alcohol acts as an inhibitor of fat burning, lets you store your body more quickly.

7) Try eating a low fat index diet is an excellent way to burn fat fast. This encourages people to diet, high consumption of foods with a low rating. These foods are nutritious and help the body burn fat and calories at a faster pace. This diet includes many of your favorite fruits, Vegetables Meal, Milk Products, and cereal products.

Read more information on weight loss pills and remedies for fast weight loss.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

High blood pressure, How do you know

What really is blood pressure? Approximately 60-80 times per minute the heart muscle pulls, this blood is continuously pumped through the arteries. Blood pressure is the force of the blood against the walls of blood vessels press. When the heart contracts the pressure on the vessel walls higher. This is called systolic pressure, or systolic blood pressure. Between two strokes relax the muscle and the pressure again. This pressure is called diastolic pressure, or hypertension.

What can I do to high blood pressure?
Who has hypertension it is wise to his or her diet and lifestyle habits to adapt for blood pressure treatment and hypertension treatment. Consider the following points:

* Do not eat too much salt (potato chips, licorice, canned soups, etc.);
* Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables;
* Take enough exercise;
* Ensure adequate rest and relaxation;
* Trying to lose weight if you are overweight;

Follow a cholesterol-lowering diet * as your cholesterol is high,
* Do not smoke;
* Ensure adequate sleep.

A special form of hypertension is pulmonary hypertension (PH). It is the pressure in the pulmonary artery and part of the heart increased. It is a rare, progressive and incurable disease that occurs predominately in women.

How do I find if I have a high blood pressure?
In general you can not 'feel' that you have high blood pressure, and there are no obvious symptoms. Only an extremely high blood pressure is directly associated with headache, shortness of breath, dizziness or vision problems. Even if you notice anything about it, the long-term hypertension indeed harmful to the body. Often shows that hypertension is only discovered when the damage has already occurred. Sustained hypertension should not be ignored. When in doubt, it is strongly recommended blood pressure have measure.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Characteristics of Skin to Stops Pimples

These new strategies put an end to bad skin - without any press

Natural skin beauty care and good facial not only makes you look better, but also younger

The skin is your largest organ. Give it the proper attention? Skin beauty care and good skin facial not only makes you look better, but also younger and enhance skin beauty - for a lifetime.

The first thing you should find out times, what skin type you will ever have. Hardly anyone thinks, for example, to have oily skin. On the contrary, most believe they have a somewhat dry skin.

The characteristics of dry skin
Your skin absorbs moisture creams really, but after a few minutes, she stretched again. They often look dull and blunt from, and extremely dry areas. Do you experience itching? The facial skin tends to wrinkle formation, especially around the eyes.

The characteristics of combination skin
Your cheeks feel often harsh and dry. On the forehead, nose and chin - the so called T-Zone - often form pustules (pimples) and comedowns (blackheads).

The characteristics of oily skin
Facial skin is shiny, shortly after the washing. If you move your finger across your forehead, you feel there a light film of grease. Skin is large pores. They tend to break out in the entire facial area.

And also get more info on beauty skin care products and acne skin care.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Healthy Breakfast for Weight Loss

A healthy breakfast provides weight loss. Learn how you are going to lose weight through healthy breakfast. Besides weight loss, there are many good reasons for a healthy breakfast every day use.

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. This you have heard or read down more but it's true! Your first meal will force your metabolism and gives the first energy you need for all physical and mental activities. When it comes to losing weight, then there are more good reasons to have breakfast.

By definition, the breakfast the first meal of the day after a night of fasting. There are people who skip breakfast with the goal of weight loss, but they also have breakfast, but they do so later in the day. In this article I use the word breakfast as the meal that you eat right after you get up. Maybe you do not really hungry if you're awake, or are you afraid that once you've eaten you can not stop and do you breakfast as long as possible. It is also possible that your days normally starts later than normal is.Dit are all reasons which are considered quite normal to skip breakfast in order to lose weight. They are, however, become habits contribute to weight gain rather than weight loss. Especially skipping the first meal after you get up can make you later in the day too many wrong things to eat.
Healthy weight loss begins with a healthy breakfast.

Good reasons for a healthy breakfast
Even skipping breakfast does not contribute to weight loss, then there are plenty of reasons for healthy breakfast:

The first meal of the day puts your metabolism into action and ensure that burning calories is put in motion for the rest of the day. It is important to the metabolism as quickly as possible to launch once you're up.

Breakfast improves blood sugar after a night of not eating. This gives you the energy you need to start your day.

A healthy breakfast keeps you energized throughout the morning.

A healthy breakfast has many benefits
In summary we can say that breakfast gives you the chance to many of the proteins, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamin C, calcium and other vitamins and minerals that we need to stay healthy and get inside. By skipping breakfast you miss important nutrients. It is also true that on average the people who eat breakfast have lower cholesterol than people who do not eat breakfast. Breakfast offers so many benefits and certainly your goal to lose weight.

Read more information on weight loss pills and remedies for fast weight loss. And also get more info about natural health supplement.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

3 Minutes and Stress Disappears

Under stress are most often involves the reaction of human body in a variety of emotional, physical or mental situation. It is important to know that there are various effective ways of coping with stress, based on the latest scientific knowledge.

The technique of three minutes
It is a technique that is already represented among the people and broadly applicable when it comes to stress. The best party this technique is that it removes the stress at the moment when it is most intense. Suitable for Typical stress situation - several hours of traffic delay, temper tantrums, short deadlines for the execution of a task and so on. Considering that, in these situations, it is not always possible to go on the run, or meditate, simple technique based on breathing, like this, you can be of enormous help whenever stress comes upon you.

This exercise can be done at intervals of 3 to 5 minutes and is a very effective way to stop the onslaught of anger, tension and nervousness.

Way of performing this exercise, step by step, in five points:
1. Take an upright sitting position in which you feel comfortable. Then focus on your current situation, a kind of contemplation.
2. Block her upcoming negative thoughts. Closing your eyes to make it easier.
3. Pay attention to your breathing: breathe slowly through the nose, allow yourself to take a few seconds (5-10).
4. Exhale slowly through the mouth, but by ensure that exhalation takes twice longer than inhalation. Make sure to deflate all the air from their lungs.
5. Slowly breathe again, and then continue like this at intervals of 3-5 minutes.

This exercise can be done very quickly in stressful times, or if you wish, you can increase the duration of the exercise of 15-20 minutes and do it every day, as a kind of meditation. If you are a regular and persistent with this practice, you can train your body and the body to the point that the more quickly stress relax when you find yourself in stressful situations. So you can rule in not only your body but also the stress.

In this way of fighting stress is well include children, because in this way to learn how to control its own future and the stress and anxiety.

Exercise is very simple and easy, and is based on the proverb "Count to ten." It is very effective when it comes to panic attacks, anxiety, jitters and fears.

This exercise can help and teas of chamomile, Valerian, lime and clove.

If you are unable to cope with stress yourself, you should consult a physician to overcome this unpleasant burden.

Get more information on Remedies for Depression and Natural Stress Reliever. And more on natural cure for depression.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Honey for Skin Care and Beauty

Honey is good not only for health but also help restore and enhance skin beauty of the skin. The simple formula for natural skin beauty will bring unexpected results if you consistently perform.

Skin Face Mask:
Blending a mixture of pureed banana with 1 tablespoon cream, 1 egg yolk and 1 tablespoon of honey. Apply layer of this mixture on face and neck for about 20 minutes then rinse with warm water. Mask effect healthy skin beauty care.

Skin rejuvenation:
Mix 1 teaspoon lemon juice with 1 teaspoon honey, apply all over face and neck areas, to about 20 minutes then rinse with warm water.

Blur the traces of intensive eye bags:
Mix 1 teaspoon honey mixed with 1 tablespoon water, the mixture soak into the cotton pads or cotton pad and then cover the area around the eyes for 10 minutes then rinse with cold water.

Skin Acne Care:
Apply honey to warm the affected areas of acne, for about 15 minutes then rinse with warm water, avoid using the same skin care products for oil and rose water.

With skin peeling:
Mix 1 tablespoon honey with nuts were minced, gently rub this mixture on the skin at first then wash with warm water.

Massage Acne:
Mix 2 tablespoons honey with 1 tablespoon almond oil, gently massage this mixture on the skin in three minutes later for about 20 minutes, rinse with warm water then rinse with cold water last.

Mixed hair:
Mix a few tablespoons of honey, depending on length of hair with warm olive oil. Hair Massage special attention the scalp and hairline area, for about 20 minutes and washed hair, add a few drops of lemon juice in water discharged last hair.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Foods for Radiant Complexion

Avocado, salmon, eggs ... are just some of the foods with which, if they regularly eat, you can have a perfect complexion. Read what more you can include in the menu to make it look fantastic and for natural skin care.

Menu for beauty foods for radiant complexion
To say that food is poison and remedy. Be careful about nutrition, because the results will be reflected on your face and body

This Avocado fruit is an ideal source of biotin. It is useful for dry skin care, strong nails and shiny hair. Eat it occasionally, and you can and put the slices of dried skin.
This tea is a warehouse of polyphones. Drink it as often as possible, because one of the best foods for healthy skin and is useful for fluid ejection. Ideal would be to drink a day for at least four cups of tea.

TOMATO (lycopene)
Study found that lycopene which has in large amounts of beneficial effect on sunburn. Make a paste with olive oil and use it every ten weeks. Nutrients of the vegetables slow the damage from free radicals that we take.

Scientists have discovered that this type of fish slows aging. Salmon contains high level of vitamins A, B, C, D, E, niacin, potassium, zinc, iron, and calcium, which improves skin elasticity and you, will have fewer unpleasant lines on his face.

Eggs are a source of necessary proteins. Contain biotin, which protects dry skin.

If you eat walnuts, which are rich in omega 3 fatty acids, you will have healthy hair. They are useful for maintenance of younger skin complexion.

It helps to rebuild cells that are damaged by free radicals. During digestion, protein breaks down into amino acids and amino acids help to rapidly regenerate skin cells and collagen.

Get more information on beauty skin care and shahnaz beauty skin care products.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Ideals Haircuts, Hair is Frame of Face

The widely known expression about "Hair is the frame of the face" is very true.
Nothing like a good haircut to change the look, attitude and update help rejuvenate!
A good cut should be in accordance with the type of face, hair type, occupation and objectives of each.

The coloring is also a major factor in production of visual and achieved, i.e. whether the tones are not chosen according to skin tone and eyes, the look will be compromised.

Female of 20 years
The variety of cuts and hairstyles is very large. Keep in mind the look you want and your face.
Cuts straight or round, medium size, with slight scaling and reaps right height for the eyebrows and the faces are oval and round.
The volume of wavy hair, with irreverent and looks quite loose blends well with a square face and long.

Female of 30 years
The long hair and medium scaled around or just look at the sides make a versatile and ever-present.
The classic Chanel cut is discussed in the trends of winter in many ways. The shredded with long fringe makes a bold vision and young, great for all faces.
Already the bob cut either with movement, tipped out and overturned asymmetric.

Female from 40 years
The medium and short cuts help to rejuvenate, stretch your neck and set his face.
If your face is round, use a medium cut, prefer to climb the side of the head to give the hair more movement and illuminate the face.

Hair scaled with frayed ends is great for a thin face, oval and long, especially for the face square. And gives a cheeky look cool, but deserves correction and trimming constant not to lose shape.
The hair with advancing age loses volume and sometimes it becomes thin. Refer to the hair care products that exist to give more volume to the hair treatments and strengthening hair roots.

Remember that nutrition also helps to and keep hair strong and healthy, supplements of yeast strengthens the nails, skin and hair, giving them more strength and brightness.

Read more on hair loss remedies and natural hair care products.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Weight Loss in 40 Years

Years inevitably changes the body contour. Anyway 40 aged in 20s, who has the same lines, women are in the minority surely. Birth, social life and other factors that express all the causes of increased weight. In the meantime, get used to the body's metabolism starts to slow down the rate of energy may have been started and can not burn body fat. Of commitment so that, by giving up every day act of being weighed. You know yourself and know your business best. To control your appetite to enjoy quality and quantity than you know.

* To win;
- Healthy diet and plenty of little secret hidden in that kind of understand.
- Meal preparation in your food good for your health to give priority to.

* Avoid those who need to:
- Insufficient to consume dairy products,
- You have strong bones and reduce the future risk of osteoporosis should consume per day to 1200 mg of calcium. This means that you consume dairy products 3-4 milk, yogurt, and cheese. Light even though they are not as they are rich in calcium.

* Suggestions:
- The regime certainly does not mean exactly the same meals.
- Regime do yourself a favor, you should be, not a criminal!
- Yemen's first of all notes that it is a pleasure. Otherwise you lose weight quickly taken back to the difficulties that could even lead to depressive symptoms.
- Increase the frequency and duration of physical activity. Always plenty of walk. Can be very useful to face. Take the stairs more than ever you can not do sports, dance moves that make absolutely.

* Thinning in postmenopausal women:
Unfortunately, in weight between the gender cases, men are more fortunate: the women will receive more weight as you get older. That in menopause women's hormonal imbalances, the only thing to do, is definitely more movable

Read more information on weight loss pills and remedies for fast weight loss.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Skin Diseases Caused by Lack of Substance

Area of skin covered the body with an average area, is the largest body part. Outermost layer of skin epidermis, including dead cells. Next is the package to the nerves, blood vessels, sweat glands. Located in the dermis with many fat cells. The skin contains about 70% of the water body.

Health body organs and certain diseases can be reflected on the skin. Lack of nutrients will lead to some skin diseases:

Diseases caused by protein
Because protein is the main component of the cells as well as other structures of the body, lack of protein will lead to malnutrition in general. But without increased risk of getting severe Kwashiorkor, be consistent and have skin pigment disorder.

Symptoms are often swollen body, loss of appetite, diarrhea, loss of sensation, the child is not growing. Especially our skin change color, very dry skin, scaly epidermis exfoliating thin with many wrinkles. Very sparse hair, loss of color. However, if fed properly, substances and disease will decrease rapidly.

Diseases caused by fat
Most people do not lack the body fat. However, there are some cases where the missing diet by eating very little fat, or in person must be nurtured through a long transmission line will lack some essential fatty acids such as linoleum acid. Without fat, the skin will be dry and the epidermis will peel out the thin small scales.

Diseases caused by water shortage
The skin contains about 70% water in the body, so the role is always important to the smooth skin. Water helps cut down on toxins produced by biochemical reactions in the body, improve blood flow to nourish the skin. When hydrated, the body will be forced to use liquid reserves of the body should be dry skin. Each day the body needs to be supplemented by 6-8 glasses of water.

Diseases caused by vitamin A
Vitamin A necessary to keep hair, eyes and skin healthy. Vitamin A help prevent and remove skin infections, combat dryness and peeling scales on the skin, improve blood flow to the skin causing the skin to be nourished and full color pink, soft.

Diseases caused by deficiency of vitamin B2
VitaminB2 effective health promotion because it helps cells use oxygen. It also helps produce energy from nutrients, is a component of retinal pigment, to help us create the hormones of the adrenal capsule.

Diseases caused by deficiency of vitamin B3
VitaminB3 is a component of two enzymes necessary for cell respiration, helps in protein, fat, carbohydrates for energy production, and essential for body growth, helps reduce blood cholesterol, helps to reduce risk of myocardial infarction.

Vitamin C deficiency disease
Vitamin C has an important role to help prevent wrinkles. Along with protein, this vitamin helps produce collagen and saggy skin from wrinkles, prevent skin from dry, brittle hair breaks down.

Diseases caused by vitamin D
Vitamin D is really necessary for the growth of bone, nails as well as the health of the skin and eyes. Vitamin D has many in milk, beef liver, salmon, tuna, butter, cereal germ.

Diseases caused by vitamin E
Vitamin E helps cells grow rapidly, reduce aging, increase circulation making the skin wound healing and reduce dry skin condition, hair loss and dandruff.

However, if you are sick with diabetes, high blood pressure, thyroid disease should consult a doctor when using vitamin E supplements

Some diseases caused by minerals
Some minerals have an important role for the skin. For example iron, copper, chromium, phosphorus, selenium, zinc ... also make thin flakes peeling skin, dry skin cracked corner of mouth, hair loss, brittle nails broken limbs.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Home Remedies and Treatment of Hair Loss

Some home remedies have been found useful in treatment of hair loss. The most effective among these remedies is a strong rubbing of the scalp with fingers after washing the hair with cold water. The scalp should have vigorously until it begins to tingle with warmth. This will activate the sebaceous glands and energies the circulation of blood to the affected area, making the hair grows healthy.

Alma oils, prepared by boiling dry pieces of amla in coconut oil, are considered a valuable hair tonic for enriching hair growth. A mixture of equal quantity of fresh Alma juice and lime juice used as a shampoo stimulates hair growth and prevents hair loss. Lettuce is useful in preventing hair loss through deficiencies.

A mixture of lettuce and spinach juice is said to help hair growth if it is drunk to the extent of half a liter a day. The juice of alfalfa in combination with carrot and lettuce juice, taken daily also helps the growth of hair to a remarkable extent. The combination of these juices are rich in elements which are particularly useful for hair growth. During the preparation of alfalfa juice, the leaves of plants can only use when it is available on the fresh.

Daily application of refined coconut oil mixed with lime water and lime juice in hair, prevents hair loss and lengthens them.

Application of the juice of green coriander leaves on the head is also considered beneficial. Amaranth, is another valuable remedy. His application of the fresh leaf-juice helps the growth of hair and keeps it soft.

Mustard oil, boiled to henna leaves, is useful in healthy growth of hair. About 250 grams of mustard oil should be boiled to detain basin. A small quantity of henna leaves should be gradually put in this oil up to 60 grams of leaves was so burnt oil. The oil should then be filtered through a cloth and properly stored in a bottle. A regular massage of the head with this oil will produce abundant hair.

Another effective remedy for hair loss at home is the application of milk all over the scalp and massaging it to hair loss. This will nourish the hair and promote hair growth. The honeymoon is prepared by grinding the coconut shavings and squeezing it well. Washing hair with a paste of cooked black gram dal (urad dal) and fenugreek (methi) lengthens the hair. A fine paste made from pigeon pea or red gram (arhar dal) can also be regularly applied to beneficial on bald patches.

Regular use of castor oil as hair oil helps the luxuriant growth of hair. Specific home remedies also been found useful in cases of patchy hair loss.

The seeds of lime and black pepper seeds, ground to get a fine paste, are one of the valuable remedies. This paste applied to patches, has mildly irritant action. This increases blood circulation to the affected area and stimulates hair growth. The paste should be applied twice a day for a few weeks. Another useful remedy for patchy loss of hair is the paste of liquorices (mulethi) made by grinding the pieces in milk with a pinch of saffron. This paste should be applied on bald patches at night before going to bed.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Proper Diet Helps to Fight Disease

Diabetes, cancer, migraine, arthritis - these are just some of the most common diseases that can threaten our lives or drastically shorten it. Most people know that poor diets may worsen these conditions, but few are aware that proper diet helps even their treatment or at least keep their development.

1. Rich in fiber cereals. Look for products that include more than 5 grams fiber and less than 120 calories a portion.
2. Cucumbers are rich in water and poor calorie vegetables you to sate a long time.
3. Egg whites contain a significant quantity of high quality protein. This food will increase body metabolism and help you maintain muscle mass while burning body fat
4. Sugar-free gum. Give your taste senses something sweet, to avoid to put something in your mouth calorie
5. Coffee with skimmed milk. Reason that is warm, you'll drink more slowly, which will help you feel better City. Milk and caffeine will make you feel the energy

1. Oily fish (salmon, mackerel) are good sources of vitamin D. Furthermore, the fat contained in them, reducing the risk of developing diabetes.
2. Turkey and chicken breasts contain significant amounts of quality protein, which reduce the absorption of carbohydrates and delay their entry into circulation. This prevents sharp increases in blood sugar.
3. Soy meal is also rich in omega-3 fatty acids. It is an ideal combination of valuable proteins and carbohydrates that reduce risk of cardiovascular diseases.
4. Skimmed milk yoghurt rich of calcium a food that improves insulin sensitivity and helps to control blood pressure.
5. Beetroot is a combination of carbohydrates with low glycemic index and magnesium. This plant reduces risk of diabetes by 33%.

Cardiovascular diseases:
1. Oily fish (salmon, mackerel) are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. These fish dilute blood and lower levels in the blood.
2. Banana contains magnesium and potassium and helps to maintain blood pressure within normal limits.
3. Brussels sprouts are a good source of soluble fiber, giving it the ability to lower levels of bad cholesterol.
4. Oatmeal is another good source of soluble fiber that helps maintain normal levels of blood cholesterol.
5. Sunflower seeds are extremely rich in soluble fiber and folic acid. This food fight successfully with cardiovascular disease. Best bet is to pick the sunflower seeds, which they do not add salt.

1. Enriched with omega-3 eggs are eggs from hens fed flax seed and fish mixtures. They are extremely rich in omega-3 and thus reduce inflammation as the occurrence of migraine causes.
2. Beans are rich in magnesium, a mineral deficiency that is associated with the condition of migraine.
3. Fresh milk contains significant amounts of riboflavin, vitamin B group, which plays a critical role in energy production at the cellular level. The lack of cellular energy is considered to cause unlocks Miguel.
4. Linseed is a good source of essential omega-3 fatty acids which reduce inflammation.
5. Spinach is a leafy green plant that is an excellent source of magnesium.
1. Red peppers are rich in vitamin C and many other colorful vegetables. Vitamin C is responsible for maintaining the health of collagen - the main ingredient of cartilage tissue.
2. Carrots contain beta-carotene, which is a powerful antioxidant.
3. Strawberries, raspberries and blueberries are rich in antioxidants. Furthermore, these foods reduce inflammation.
4. Oranges are a good source of vitamin C reducing risk of inflammatory processes such as rheumatoid arthritis. They can slow its progress and reduce pain.
5. Pumpkin is rich in valuable beta-carotene

Compliance with prescribed diet and eating healthy foods can be difficult, especially if it is necessary to sacrifice consumption of foods you like and are accustomed to eating. But experts say that as soon as you notice the difference in how you feel, you will continue to follow a healthy lifestyle.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Foods to Help Combat Constipation

Want to know what foods to help combat constipation?

If you suffer constipation resulting waste products that accumulate in the colon. An inadequate diet can cause constipation. Let’s talk about foods for constipation.

Suffer constipation so can source from other diseases. The stool fecal digestion of the food product should only be necessary in the intestine over time. Throughout this process intestinal flora do its function, and distributed food substances from the blood.

If there is an abnormal accumulation of food digested in the intestine, the flora not give accumulate vast and vitamins, proteins and amino acids in the intestine and subsequently become toxins.

The fundamental cause of constipation is feeding, the importance of a healthy diet including fiber, fruits, vegetables, whole grains. Instead all refined products tend to be negative, to collaborate constipation.

If you suffer constipation have not taken:
*Sugar, refined flour, white bread best bread, oats, rye, etc.
*Milk cow, usually responsible for constipation in children. Best soy milk or almonds.
*Refined cereals and rice best brown rice and whole grains
*Do not take tea, or coffee or carbonated drinks or alcoholic beverages tend to resects the intestinal flora
Food benefits against constipation
*Orange juice and other juices Fruit provide fiber and vitamins.
*Oil Olive Raw is effective against constipation. A raw olive oil fasting alongside a glass of water.
*Soy milk, almond milk, refined cereals little as oats, rye and other grains.
*Vegetable protein in the form avocado, soybean, Vegetables, rich in fiber which helps to improve intestinal transit.
*Water should drink more. If you have constipation drinking two liters of water a day can help.
*Pasta and rice all that is comprehensive, provide a more fiber in your body.
*At dinner there are fruits and vegetables, this vegetable adds fiber to your body.
*Foods like Muesli are beneficial. Bran, oats and fiber are cereals provide many beneficial properties.
*Plums , Apricots, fresh figs, pears, apples baked are very rich and digestive
*Salads are a great option to help fight constipation. Should not be sprinkled with lemon, apple cider vinegar better. Olive oil is beneficial.
*Germinated soybeans, vegetable proteins
*Cabbage, carrot
*Cookies integral
*Skinless chicken
*Just be taken not to eat a protein mix protein (meat or fish with other vegetable proteins in order not to overload your digestion)

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

How to Strengthen Immune System

The immune system defends the body against the attacks such as viruses and bacteria. Here are some tips to strengthen immune system and better protect themselves against winter infections.

The immune system is the means to defend us against common illnesses such as colds or flu but also against cancer.

Our health is intimately related to the effectiveness of our immune system. Thus, chronic fatigue, poor wound healing or recurrent infections, urinary tract infections, colds ... may be a sign of a weakened immune system.

Our lifestyles like diet, smoking, sleep, exercise, stress are all factors that affect the efficiency of the immune system. It is therefore possible strengthen immune by adopting a healthy lifestyle.

Good habits to adopt
Having a healthy lifestyle is essential for the proper functioning of our body and its immune defenses.

It passes first through a balanced diet rich in essential nutrients. Micro nutrient deficiencies such as zinc, selenium, iron, copper, calcium and vitamins A, B6, C and E make the body more vulnerable to infectious diseases.

Moreover, to stay healthy, it is important to keep a stable weight. The body mass index (BMI) is a good indicator to calculate its ideal weight.

Practiced regularly moderate physical activity not only promotes good health overall maintaining a stable weight, good heart health but would also have a direct effect on immunity.

Conversely smoking, chronic stress and sleep deprivation are all elements harmful to the immune system. To boost immune system, give yourself time to relax and a good night's sleep it takes an average seven hours of sleep per night to an adult.

Some natural remedies for immune system
In addition to a healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet, there are some natural herbal remedies that can give a boost to your immune system.

To strengthen immune defenses, you can bet on include:
• Foods rich in vitamin C: kiwi, currants, parsley, citrus fruits, cabbage
• Foods rich in antioxidants, grapes, berries, tea
• Probiotics: present in milk and yoghurt fermentation they restore the Intestinal flora.
• Some plants such as Echinacea
• Products of the hive: propolis, honey, royal jelly ...

Monday, May 3, 2010

Fat and Weight Loss: Myths and Reality

Belly falls doing abs. MYTH
Most people have some points in their body which basically store fat. To use part of the stored energy required intensity aerobic exercise (60%) for at least half an hour. From this point onwards, the body uses as a main fuel fat.

Usually, abdominal lasting a few seconds, a period which is not capable of providing energy from fat deposits in our body. Doing crunches, just working out our muscles. But they are still covered by fat tissue and therefore our expectations are not verified.

Aerobic exercise helps to improve the local thickness. TRUTH
Aerobic exercise actually helps the local thickness. What should be clear is that fat is reduced by our body as a whole, not locally. Of the points is a local fat and greater loss. Many people fail to grasp the target, either because their models are wrong, either because the structure of the body (open area) is such. However, there may be a significant improvement in body image with careful diet and exercise years.

The sauna helps to lose fat. MYTH
True that the saunas accelerate blood circulation, increases the basic metabolism, helps neuromuscular relaxation and contribute to the elimination of liquids. This is the reason why someone from leaving notes on the scales sauna weight loss. Increased basal metabolic rate is, but the duration is small enough to have a significant effect. However, it helps in the elimination of toxins from our bodies, which are excreted with sweat.

The gym, squeezes, fat. MYTH
Exercise not only squeezes the fat, but enhances combustion and therefore the loss. Some people feel or show inflated. This may be due either to fluid retention or to increase their muscle mass, however, accept changes, at least after eight weeks of systematic exercise and not blocking of body fat. The only qualm that can have one is because of the potential problems in the knees and waist, because of weight.

Protein should be taken before or shortly after training. TRUTH
The protein should take up two hours before or after the charge. This period is most suitable for better treatment from the organization. 1.5 to 1.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight is the amount needed by the body of a trainee. Larger quantities can cause kidney problems and unwanted weight gain. This plays an important role, however, is a biological value of proteins. Higher organic values are the proteins derived from animal sources, including the egg and meat, fish and chicken.

Aerobic exercise helps to reduce cellulite. TRUTH
The problem of cellulite has to do with fat deposition and local circulatory malfunction. Aerobic exercise contributes to better blood circulation in the area and reduce body fat.

The solution of massage or creams are only temporary effects and sometimes things get worse. Aside from bringing important role played by diet. Combining the two may bring, the truth is after trouble, spectacular results.

Read more information on weight loss pills and remedies for fast weight loss.