Saturday, July 31, 2010

Beauty Tips

Continuing with beauty tips bring you tips that will make you look a pretty cool Delete the pimple in the skin, vitamins for skin and Makeup


Pimples are these uncomfortable and small sometimes not so much that we leave bumps on the skin. Sucks, we all know. And is that also are quite uncomfortable to watch inconvenient. Who has not passed him that to get an appointment that day and just have a fucking pimple on the tip of the nose? Horror! As you know there are many skin care products and treatments against the beans but today we will focus on healthy habits that prevent their occurrence.

- Sleep: You'll be tired or hearing the same thing but is that true! Sleep is great in general and also for pimple. A busy life, with stress and nerves leading to secrete more male hormones that increase sebum production, the fat that makes the uncomfortable born granites. Solution: your 8 hours sleep a day and join relaxation techniques.

- Hair Cosmetics: all those products you use such as hair gel, mousse, spray and are counterproductive. Avoid giving the surface of the scalp as they are very fatty substances that clog pores. Solution: avoid contact with these products with the face.

- Alcohol: stimulates the sebaceous glands, responsible for direct enemies, the grains. Solution: avoid drinking alcohol or drinking only occasionally.

- Pillow: a nest of dirt as the fabric absorbs makeup, oil, etc. and contaminates the skin of your face. Solution: replace the case every two days.


Vitamins are very important to the skin and for this reason that many cosmetics contain them but you must know that for our body to make the most of the vitamins it is best to eat them.

Surely you are wondering what vitamins can help you most and which foods we can find. Well here's the answer:

Vitamin A: Helps maintain the skin elastic and hydrated. This vitamin is found for example in milk, fish, carrots, pumpkin, mango, spinach and cantaloupe.

Vitamin B: Helps the skin appear pink and healthy. Can be found in milk, whole grains and various fruits and vegetables.

Vitamin C: Provides firm the skin. Can be found in citrus fruits, spinach, peppers, broccoli, cauliflower, strawberries, romaine lettuce, cabbage, papayas, tomatoes and pineapples.

Vitamin E: Helps cell formation and protects skin from ultraviolet rays. We found for example in the nuts.

Vitamin K: revitalizes skin and improves the appearance of dark circles. It is found in green leafy vegetables, mustard, milk, liver and pork.

We will establish step by step process to become an oriental beauty in a simple way. First, apply anti dark circles there should be no trace of shadow on the eyes and then apply makeup base whose color must be in harmony with the skin tone of our neck to make it natural. The next step is to look into the eyes. To achieve proper intensity will have to shape your eyebrows correctly.

After we get your eyebrows with eye shadow. We apply a balm to the lid protector to be fixed then the color better. The color choice is critical, our advice: purple or burgundy. Do not forget to carefully work the outer eye and define an almond shape to be one of the keys to success to characterize them as Orientals. Finally, blurs the eye shadow with your finger, to achieve a more natural, impressionist style.

Cheeks and lips. In order not to skip the traditional use pink to highlight the cheekbones, make beautiful lines and get a cheek that capture light. For the lips do not hesitate to cover them with a protective balm first and then use a brush to give them a mushy texture and appetizing.

More information on beauty skin care and natural skin care product

How to Stimulate Hair Growth

Are there any ways or means of hair growth the hair grow faster and make it fuller? We discuss this in the following article.

The hair
The hair is daily exposed to the weather, washing and drying, brushing, chemical products such as conditioners and bleaching products etc. She can be very resilient, but even if you wear the best care for your hair, your hair undergoes a natural aging process that an affect the hair growth cycle.

How to stimulate hair growth?
The right vitamins and minerals play an important role in your hair healthy. Any nutritional deficiencies can lead to thinning hair or even total baldness.

It comes down to your hair overall condition of your body displays. If your body is healthy and well nourished, your hair will also look bright. If you suffer a health problem or you suffer from a shortage of nutrients, your hair may stop growing or show damage. If your body is in good health, your hair growth cycle to maximize through amino acid and vitamin B complex to take.

It is a known fact that an under active thyroid can result in frizzy or brittle hair, while an overactive thyroid it makes her fat and flabby.

It is also important to vitamin B -6, biotin, and folic acid as supplement to take. It was found that certain minerals including magnesium, sulfur, silicon and zinc are very important in maintaining healthy hair.

Beta - carotene is also essential for hair growth. Beta - carotene in the body into vitamin A and helps maintain a normal growth and bone development. Beta - carotene makes for a healthy skin, hair and nails. The substance is found in green and yellow vegetables and fruits.

Proteins are important
Hair is a protein. Do you follow a diet deficient in protein; can cause thinning of hair or a slowdown in its growth cycle. The reverse is also true. If you have a high protein diet will result in improved hair growth.

Some experts recommend the diet calves liver, brewer's yeast, wheat germ and a daily dose of two tablespoons of granulated sugar and lecithin to take the hair growth, strength and beauty to maximize.

Other good food sources of protein are fish, eggs, beans and yogurt. Soy protein also appears to help stimulate hair growth. Tofu is a great source of soy protein.

Factors that affect hair growth
Excessive stress and some medications are known to slow hair growth. But if you have a medical condition, you should always follow the prescribed medications regardless of the consequences for your hair. Always consult your doctor before you receive a new type of vitamin, mineral or herbal program ventures. However, if you're under heavy stress, it is useful to minimize the stress. Consider meditation or relaxation to stress to suppress.

Sleep deprivation also has a negative impact on your hair growth. Therefore provide sufficient sleep.

Provide a healthy diet, adequate exercise, reduce stress and take enough rest and sleep and you're well on your way to keep hair healthy and beautiful. Want to get the most out of your hair, use the following supplements:

* Vitamin B complex - 50 mg of the major B vitamins including foliate, biotin.
* Vitamin B - 50 mg
* Vitamin C with bioflavonoid - one to two grams per day
* Vitamin E - 400-800 IU daily
* Beta - Carotene - 10,000 to 15,000 IU of beta - carotene per day
* A recommended daily dose of magnesium, sulfur, zinc
* Silica (horsetail) - 300 mg daily
* Nettle - 250 mg three times daily
* Flaxseed oil - one tablespoon per day or one tablet
* Beta- Carotene - 10,000 to 15,000 IU beta - carotene per day

Other hair growth tips
Besides taking supplements, there are other ways of stimulating hair growth:

* Some hair loss experts have discovered that people with excellent results Diet that is low in fat.
* Stop or reduce smoking.
* Stop taking caffeine and carbonated soft drinks.
* Eat a healthy diet. Avoid foods high in sugar or fat.
* Treat your hair carefully and avoid unnecessary brushing and combing.
* Avoid using hot water, hot dryer or other hair care tools that can destroy her.
* A weekly scalp massage stimulates and strengthens the hair follicles.
* Let split ends cut so the hair healthy and beautiful appearance.

Is there an instant hair growth through, No there are no miracle drugs that hair in a few weeks to grow inches. Want to go from short to long flowing locks than can be done with hair extensions, a hair clip to obtain a nice ponytail or bun, or you can opt for long wigs. These hair extensions are made from real hair so it did not notice that you have them.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Men Skin Care, Maintain Healthy Skin

Men seldom can relate to a system of natural skin care for themselves to dismiss the woman as something of everything. Skin care for men are inherently different from women and not be too delicate. However, this can not be a reason to deny the need for a skin care regimen well.

A regimen of good skin care is essential to maintain healthy skin and preventing skin diseases, improper regardless of differences based on gender. And because of this, men are so prone to the adverse skin as women. Moreover, with age the skin tends to lose its elasticity and collagen fibers break down and resulting in the formation of wrinkles and fine lines. It is therefore important for men to have a good and proper care of your skin.

A skin care regimen involves no complication. Rather it is a simple process to follow and takes only minutes a day. These are some good tips because men care about their skin is more efficient:

Use a face wash or a mild soap to wash your face instead of regular soap body are relatively stronger in the skin. The harsh chemicals in soap can damage the skin and alter the natural texture Avoid using hot water on her face no matter how tempting it may be in the cooler hours. Always sees the cold or lukewarm water to wash over his face.

Make sure you exfoliate your skin regularly, preferably twice a week. Exfoliation of dead cells scraped from the surface of the skin and promotes new layer and soft inside. Regular exfoliation softens the skin texture and gives a natural shine.

To maintain healthy skin, it is very important that the final makeup properly and not damaging your skin. Before you start shaving your face with a layer of hot water flow because their skin absorbs the steam and hydrated beforehand. After applying the shaving cream to shave off your face and carefully, taking care to avoid any cuts and wounds.

For people with dry skin type, moisturizing creams are the only inmate. The dry skin has no moisture and has low hydration. This makes them appear flaky and acts as a good ground for premature wrinkles and fine lines that appear. The moisturizers to keep the water level in the skin and prevent facial wrinkles appear. Make sure you apply a good moisturizer after each time to close any open pores and reduce all signs of dryness. Also try to avoid products with strong fragrances because they tend to contain drying agents.

Avoid excessive exposure of the face to direct sunlight. The sun emits harmful ultraviolet radiation that can penetrate layers of skin and damage cells and alter the texture of the skin. Use a good quality sunscreen containing an SPF of 15 or more. Make sure your application before 15 to 20 minutes before going outside and reapply after every two to three hours.

More on beauty skin care and natural skin care product. And also get more info on beauty skin care products.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Skin Care Tips for Men

For many men skin care is an after thought. Beyond washing and shaving, most men hardly devote any time to skin care of their face. Proper skin beauty care is needed because your skin is the best defense against disease and sickness, plus it keeps you looking great.

These natural skin care tips for men will have you looking great into your senior years. And this includes preventing skin wrinkles as well as get rid of wrinkles if you have them.

As age, the skin loses some of its elasticity. This causes us to develop wrinkles and facial lines. So if you don't want to look like a prune start using these skin care tips for men. It takes hardly any time and you can incorporate it with your shaving routine.

Wash your face with a mild soap. Never use any of those strong deodorant soaps. Rinse with cold water.

Twice a week use a deep cleanser and wash your face using warm water. Use a washcloth that's textured to help increase circulation and exfoliate lightly. Work in round circular motions. Pat dry and use a deep moisturizer.

Every day exposure to the elements such as wind can dry out your skin so bad that it hurts. To stop this always use a sunscreen with a minimum SPF 15 and also apply facial moisturizer that has Vitamin E in it at least once a day and more often if your face feels dry.

Shaving is rough on the face so make sure you give your skin that extra TLC it needs. If you use a blade, make sure you have coated your face with a thin stream of hot water then apply your shaving cream. Let the cream settle then start shaving. Rinse with cold water and apply after-shave. If you use an electric razor, apply pre shave lotion to help your whiskers stand up and your shaver glide more smoothly creating less irritation.

Eat a well balance diet that is packed with fresh fruits and vegetables that are high in anti-oxidants and great for the skin. Olive Oil and Vitamin E should be in every diet.

Exercise will keep your skin looking refreshed and revitalized. It increases your metabolism and makes you feel great. And when you sweat, it removes toxins from the body.

These few skin care tips for men are easy to do and will have you looking years younger.

And yes, one more thing as well, to enhance your looks to the maximum, men, more so than ever before are using wrinkle and anti aging creams as well as women are using.

In fact, the lines around the eyes especially, and around the other areas of the face such as around the mouth are making men look 10 years younger than their age.

At whatever age, you will look your best!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Control High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is one of several other possible reasons for the development of cardiovascular disease. High blood pressure can be controlled by medication and despite making changes to the lifestyle as well.

The regular exercises like walking and yoga or physical activity for five or more days of week, for about at least 30 minutes also helps entry-level blood pressure.

Also try to reduce excess weight to control high blood pressure. Losing extra weight has other health benefits too.

You must reduce the salt. The amount of salt you eat can also increase your blood pressure.

Potatoes although useful in the treatment of high blood pressure. Boil it with the skin and so they absorb less salt. Potatoes are rich in potassium.

Mix 200ml of orange juice with only 100 ml of coconut water. Drink a half a glass of juice this two or three time a day.

Do not fry foods to eat fatty food, such as fatty meats, cheeses, a full-cream milk, fried food, butter, etc. If you fry, then choose oil less calories.

Avoid drinking alcohol, because it has a direct effect on blood pressure.

Boil 6-7 leaves of olive tree that, in a glass of water for five minutes, three times to drink a day. It is a good remedy for hypertension.

Grape is also very useful in the treatment of high blood pressure.

Lemon juice is another also found to be moderately useful for the treatment of high blood pressure.

Home Remedies for high blood pressure

Consuming garlic is very effective in reducing hypertension and such as it prevents thrombosis and deposition of plaques in the arteries.

Drinking water of lime around 4 to 5 times a day helps prevent hypertension.

Amla (Indian goose berry) is very effective in the treatment of such high blood pressure.

Watermelon is also a good remedy to prevent blood pressure problem.

Fenugreek seeds should be taken twice daily in an empty stomach is a good medicine against hypertension.

Leaves of Tulsi and neem in number than two are being consumed in fasting to relieve high blood pressure.

Consume papaya in fasting for 15 to 20 days to help cure the hypertension.

Way to Cure Arthritis and Joint Pain

Arthritis or joint pain is a common chronic disease affected many people around the globe. The main symptoms of arthritis or joint pain are joints become swollen and painful. There are many people who suffer from this disease. It appears that home remedies and Ayurveda are the best way to cure arthritis or joint pain.

The main reason behind the cause of arthritis and joint pain is regarded as hereditary and lifestyle. The exact reason has not been found. Many scientists are still working to find the cause apt. But according to some scientists, it said that women are more likely to develop arthritis than men. As you age affect the risk of arthritis or joint pain also increases. It also said that emotional stress plays an important role in the development of arthritis.

According to Ayurveda, arthritis is classified into three categories, Vata, Pitta, kapha joint pain. Drought is the main symptom of arthritis is swollen joints as Vata Pitta for arthritis. In this case, the joints feel hot and pain increases when you move the members. The third type is kapha rigidity that comes with swollen joints. In kapha arthritis, a person may feel cold in the joints, and when you move your members will feel very relaxed.

There are many herbs that could cure arthritis. Ginger is considered one of the herbs effective for reducing joint pain or arthritis. Apart from these herbs turmeric, ashwagandha, alfalfa, guggulu, carrot juice, cucumber juice, garlic, etc. is also said to be beneficial for arthritis or joint pain.

Arthritis must be treated from the first phase in themselves. Women should be very careful and should include a strict and healthy diet that includes vegetable soup, raw vegetables, drinking coconut water, massaging the joints etc. Regular exercise also helps to reduce arthritis and joint pain. Indigestion, constipation, eating more, less physical activity causes arthritis and should do an activity and reduced intake of food helps to prevent or reduce joint pain or arthritis.

There is an online consultation section where expert medical treat him for arthritis or joint pain. Many home remedies are, as it is very easy and effective to cure his anti illness. There is a herbal supplement called rumlaya forte that cures arthritis and strengthens the bone tissues. It is regarded as the best antioxidant and helps to increase energy level.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Hepatitis, Different Types of Hepatitis Viral

The Hepatitis implies inflammation of liver characterized by the presence of inflammatory cells in tissues of the body. The condition can be self-limiting, healing itself or may progress to fibrosis scarring and cirrhosis.

Hepatitis can occur with or without symptoms, but often provides jaundice, anorexia, appetite and malaise. Hepatitis is acute if it lasts less than six months and chronic when it persists longer. They are a group of viruses known as hepatitis viruses that cause most cases of hepatitis worldwide, but can also cause hepatitis toxins especially alcohol, drugs and some plants, and other infections autoimmune diseases.

There are different types of Hepatitis viral:

* Hepatitis A: is a liver disease caused by virus Hepatitis A. It is transmitted by contact with stool of another patient, for lack of hygiene in the home or the consumption of contaminated food and badly washed as vegetables irrigated with untreated water or contact with vectors, like flies or cockroaches. It can affect anyone and have epidemic character in those places that do not have adequate treatment of their wastewater. In most developed countries, Hepatitis A affects mainly isolated cases of individuals, although epidemics have occurred that have come to cover large areas in the past. While today there are vaccines that can prevent the conditions of sanitation and hygiene within the home is the most effective way to prevent its development.

* Hepatitis B: is a serious disease caused by a virus transmitted by blood or through relation from a patient with active hepatitis or a healthy carrier of hepatitis B virus. May cause acute infection and persist throughout the life blood, causing liver Cirrhosis diseases, liver cancer, liver failure and death. There is also a vaccine for its prevention.

* Hepatitis C: Hepatitis C is a liver disease caused by hepatitis C virus that is in the blood of people with the disease. Hepatitis C infection also is transmitted through contact with the blood of an infected person on stage or carriage of the virus activity and also due to chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis, liver failure and death.

* Hepatitis D: It is a defective virus that needs the hepatitis B virus to exist. The hepatitis D virus is found in the blood of people infected with the virus.
* Hepatitis E: is a virus transmitted in much like the virus of hepatitis A. It spreads through contaminated water.
* Hepatitis F and G: It's the newest viruses, little is known. It is believed to be transmitted through blood especially in people who use intravenous drugs, and is supposed to be related to other diseases and treatments related to coagulation.

Stomach Ulcer

Ulcer called open any internal or external wound.

The term is mainly used for open wounds stomach

Concerns most young males, this is an erosion mucosal of the stomach depending on its depth determines the severity of the disease. Shows often relapses even after complete healing.

Is usually diagnosed in the first squadron of Stomach because of the intense action of gastric acid in the region.

Factors affecting the appearance are:
* The balance between defensive mucus, good blood flow and aggressive Factors
* Genetic factors
* Environmental factors drugs - particularly non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, smoking, alcohol
* Other diseases: diseases of liver, lung
* Microbial agents: H. Pylori

The infection by H. Pylori is considered today as one of the major factors causing Stomach ulcers.

The characteristic symptom is pain localized in upper abdominal especially abdominal and typically occurs before meals. Stress, fasting, taking drugs and infections can act as releasing factors.

Main signs and symptoms are:
* Pain or burning in the upper and middle section. The abdomen, below the end of the sternum, where it ends rapier appendage. The pain may improve after eating but returned after a few hours or overnight
* The epigastria pain ulcers may be worse with a meal or occurs when the stomach is full 2-3 hours after lunch
* The epigastria pain of Stomach Ulcer to relieve meals but then reappear in several cases, the wakes patient evening
* Changes in appetite loss or weight gain
* Nausea or vomiting
* Indigestion by creating increased gas in the digestive tract and flatulence

If the patient presents one of the following symptoms should directly benefit medical examination as may be evidence of a more serious situation:

* Expression of a sudden, severe, strong pain does not go away in the epigastria region
* Stools that are colored Black or bleeding that smell really bad. The stools were black due to bleeding of the upper digestive tract
* Vomiting blood or brown which may be due to gastric

Serious complications can present patients with ulcer are hemorrhages the perforation the site of ulcer risk of peritonitis and pyloric stenosis where a chronic ulcer that develops near the pylorus.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Natural Stress Relief

Find natural stress relief is not far of reach for more and more people are starting to that awareness of environments for natural stress relief. For those of you not all that sure about what kind of methods to use when you are looking to eliminate the tensions here are some natural methods to relieve stress naturally everything that can be used.

Herbal Supplements
There are many other herbs that are great for relieving stress and even they are also known to be very safe. The use of herbs is becoming popular for relieving stress and herbs have been used to heal and revitalize its users from time immemorial, though. To this day, the herbs are considered more attractive both to relieve stress.
These are the best natural herbs to support the stress:

Ashwagandha or: this is a great herb for the normalization of the adrenal glands and other bodily functions work, but greatly helps the body to increase your energy levels, works as an anti-inflammatory and promotes the energy. Ashwagandha has anti-inflammatory properties that are very useful in times of stress due to excessive stress may be even responsible for systemic inflammation.

valerian root, if one of their symptoms of stress is having trouble sleeping (insomnia), this herb is a great natural stress relief because it is known to calm nerves and also has sedative effects. This herb has been used extensively before going to sleep so I can sleep better at night.

Siberian Ginseng: This herb is a big YES! To relieve stress. This herb has many benefits are:
- Combat the mental fatigue
- Strengthens the body's nervous system
- Relieves depression, anxiety and fatigue
- Increase energy
- Increase resistance to stress
- Reduces lethargy and irritability

Have a positive attitude
Negative life and work and relationships also contribute to increased stress levels certainly. Having a positive attitude is also a natural stress relief! Sometimes a positive attitude in this world that is full of so much cruelty and negativity can be difficult, but you would do a world of good to have a positive attitude.

Take a break
We must all work to pay bills, put food on the table and then wears well on the back or the back of our family. You must take breaks and get air! Take breaks to relax so you can really help relieve stress naturally.

Exercise regularly
The exercises not only keep you fit and healthy, can keep stress at bay.

More information on Remedies for Depression and Natural Stress Reliever

Friday, July 23, 2010

Natural Skin Care Tips

Tip on proper care of your skin, the right way to wash your face, to the best moisturizers and UV protection. The skin is the largest organ of our body. With good skin care, you can not only keep you healthy, but also maintain the youthful appearance longer. Beauty Skin care tips are another easy way to gradually improve the quality of life. If you understand what makes a good skin care product, you can shop intelligently the next time you're at the pharmacy and see an improvement, even without adding extra products to your daily routine. Appropriate use of moisturizers or certain ingredients can slow down aging, increasing the brightness of his skin and combat blemishes and spots. You should eat at least five daily servings of fruits and vegetables to cleanse the body of toxins that can affect your metabolism. Vitamin E is an antioxidant that may help prevent free radical damage to skin.

Oily skin requires the opposite approach - instead of putting an emphasis on food, you should concentrate on removing excess oil from it, and hydration, cleanliness enlarged pores, and prevents or treats acne. Wash your skin about 2-3 times a day, but use a mild soap only once a day, because otherwise oil glands will be stimulated to produce more sebum. Use only non-greasy moisturizers and tone your face often with alcohol-free herbal tonics or ice cubes, which will restore health and balance of your skin. The best masks for oily skin are those featuring drying and hydrating ingredients, for example, clay, papaya, or yogurt. Apply once a week and be sure to carefully wash your face with cold water after about 20 minutes. In case of acne, remove the sugar and other carbohydrates in your diet and make sure not to eat any processed foods.

Focus on hydrating
There is no way around this, you must increase the use of moisturizer in the winter months. Exposure to cold air literally robs your skin of its natural healing ability, and this leads to dryness, flaking and cracking. You need a three-step moisturizing process to maintain healthy skin in these conditions. First, use a gentle body soap that is designed to provide moisturizers. Follow this by applying body lotion after your shower to lock in moisture. Finally, invest in a good facial moisturizer that is free of perfumes and other unnecessary additives. Apply immediately after this time you wash your face.

Natural Skin Care Tips
Avoid getting cold sores in the first place by not sharing things lip balm, toothbrush, or drinks with other people who have cold sores. The virus that causes cold sores is transmitted through the nose and mouth.

Use sunscreen. Apply SPF 15 in winter and use a higher SPF sunscreen if you're on vacation on the slopes or the beach.

An apple a day - Have an apple with the skin as a snack.

Vitamin B helps keep your skin tone healthy.

If you makeup, look for brands that are free of dyes and flavorings that can aggravate eczema.
Facial treatment that is very useful for those with oily skin.

Remove your makeup before going to sleep.

We all know that the sun can damage skin, but you knew that you can contribute to eye problems, too? Protect your face and eyes with a hat and sunglasses that provide 100% UV protection.

Cold water fish - Sardines are a good source of essential fats. Salmon is another good source; however these salmon accumulate toxic polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in their body fat during the 95 percent of their lives they spend at sea.

Protect your lips. Lips can be especially prone to dry skin because it has no oil glands. Do not lick your lips to moisturize them. Instead, use an oil-based wax or lip balm.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Foundation of Healthy Living

The foundation of healthy living healthy nutrition, the most important rule of healthy nutrition and healthy, safe food is consumed.

In fact, safe food means healthy food. Safe healthy foods not lose nutritional value, physical, chemical and microbiological aspects of fresh food that is intact.

Contaminated with microorganisms food consumption; human infection, infected food and intoxication or food poisoning is caused to cause significant health problems. Microorganisms that can cause disease through food Bacillus, Clostridium, nitrobacteria, Escherichia, Salmonella, Shigella, microorganisms such as Staphylococcus can be given.

Microorganisms, toxins, inorganic elements that affect food consumption; poisoning, continued increases in the risk of internal bleeding and death. The most well known of these toxins in nuts and spices is common.

Safe food preparation:

Choose safe food for food processing

Cook your food exactly

Eat cooked foods immediately without spending time
Store cooked foods carefully

With all of the cooked foods are subjected to repeated heating processes. Against microorganisms that may occur during storage is the best form of protection.

Cooked foods and raw foods to prevent contact between

Adhere to the rules of personal hygiene

Keep all kitchen surfaces clean carefully

Food, insects, rodents and other animals to protect

Use clean water.

Get complete Information on Swami Ramdev Yoga available in Books,VCD & DVD and medicines to cure all your health problems, diseases and make "Disease Free Society and more on herbal remedies and natural health supplement and ayurvedic herbal remedies for health care

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Foods make Thin, Healthy, Smart and Strong

What foods make men leaner, healthier, smarter, younger, what more you want

Low calorie food | This salad can refine as you want

The leaves provide a crisp backdrop against which to shine the other ingredients and fill your stomach with ridiculously low in calories: 12 k cal/100g.


Low-calorie foods | sweet and delicious

Despite its sweetness it affects your blood sugar level and makes little by taste and colors each slender fruit salad for a delicious snack.


Low calorie food | Water plays an important role in our diet

A unique food! It has no calories itself, but to his recovery's energy needs - not much, but still: Even small animals make crap.


Low-calorie foods | A tangy lemon refreshes

Water is the lifeblood to lose weight - ideally two to five liters per day. This is boring. A dash of lemon in the glass adds to the variety.

Cream cheese

Low-calorie food

Even the double cream version has not even half as many calories as butter, tastes just as well. Even more you save with reduced-fat versions.

Poultry sausage

Low calorie food | The low-calorie sausage

This also sausage fans get their money, because poultry sausage charged the account a lot less calories than other varieties. Raw ham is also good.


Low calorie food | Crisp and delicious

Prototype of the fast-enough vegetables: It cut into morsels and suitable for nibbling. Delicious dip it - then every potato chip bag remains sealed.

Low calorie food | As long as you do not use it in masses, is also olive oil for a low-calorie diet suitable

Do not be in front! It refines and vegetables often make it only really tasty. If there were no olive oil, you could simply browse, instead of eating salad.

Nut cream

Low-calorie food

Sweet enjoys consciously, instead of mindlessly - nut cream is well placed to practice. Very slowly lick the spoon!


Healthy Food | Access fish back often, because who does good for the heart and brain

The richest source of omega-3 fatty acids, which protect not only the heart but also for brain function are good.

Healthy food | The greens may protect against cancer

An excellent cancer killer - whether he works in the body as well, could be a question of genes, more recent studies.

Healthy Food | Chocolate is good for the heart. Please still do not enjoy in quantities

Dark contains more flavonoids than light. Protects you on multiple because of the heart.

More information on weight loss pills and remedies to lose weight fast. And also get more info about weight loss tea.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

How to Take Care of Your Oily Skin?

A good way to see if you have oily skin is halfway through the day to take a tissue and press your face. If an oily substance on the tissue will usually want to say that you have oily skin. Oily skin is usually much thicker, faster and you have open pores, blackheads and clogged sebaceous glands.

How do you clean an oily skin?

A good cleaning is very important for the care of oily skin. It prevents the clogging pores and blackheads. Do not use harsh facial cleanser. If you use a cleaner that contains alcohol or aggressively cleanse the skin, your skin produces more oil and you get an even oilier skin. A good way to clean an oily skin is an oil-based cleaner to use or even pure oil. Oil and water do not mix so the best way to get oil from your skin to get a facial cleanser is based on oil and then wash off. You can also gel cleansers or cleansing milk go. Oily skin you should clean both morning and evening.

Oily skin hydration

Do not forget to moisturize if you have oily skin. I know many people with oily skin cream does not want to use, they do not want a layer on the skin. But you can skin even if you have oily skin get dehydrated. So use a moisturizer both morning and evening after cleansing your face, but use small amounts across the face and forget your neck because these areas are rapidly aging. Make sure you also one day wearing sunscreen, at least 15-fold or more. A light oil-free moisturizer is the best choice for oily skin.

Oily skin peeling or exfoliation

If you have a thick, oily skin can peel up to 3 times per week. Please use a peeling or cleaning granules in, rub it well into the skin and pay special attention to areas that are very fat or where you are congested skin you like the chin, nose, forehead, short t- zone you often get blackheads. And because an oily skin can become very dehydrated you may also remember at least 2 liters of water a day to drink.

More information on beauty skin care and natural skin care product. And also get more info on beauty skin care products.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Vitamin Deficiency Symptoms, How to combat it

The insufficient supply of the organism with vitamins can include lead to fatigue, headaches or inflammations. But really suffering so many of massive vitamin deficiency? If so, how to effectively act against it?

Vitamin deficiency symptoms
The human body requires for the proper functioning of its mechanisms, among other important nutrients, above all, an adequate intake of vitamins. Thirteen vitamins are responsible for these support functions of the body. Four of them are fat soluble: A, D, E and K. The remaining nine, among which are the vitamins B and C are, are water soluble. Each vitamin has different roles in cellular metabolism. With a massive under supply can cause occur, but allegedly for lack of proper feeding of the vitamin completely escape again.

Deficiency of vitamin A may cause mucous membranes and skin problem, weight loss and night blindness. A deficiency of vitamin B1 and B2 can include Growth and nerve interference, while a deficiency of vitamin B3 cause inflammation and discoloration of skin and mucous membranes, and - just as too little can cause vitamin B5 - nerve disorders. Those who take too little vitamin B6 -containing foods can, including suffering from inflammation of the eyes and mouth, nervous disorders and skin damage, while a vitamin B12 deficiency include the synthesis of protein and interferes with anemia favored. Folic acid deficiency can lead to inflammation of the mucous membrane, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and the blood.

The lack of vitamin C - ascorbic acid or called - led earlier, particularly among sailors to scurvy. Today, with vitamin C deficiency increases the susceptibility to infection particularly disturbed cardiac activity or decreases the bone and tooth substance. Taking too little vitamin D to itself, it may inter alias come to rickets in children and osteoporosis in adults. Vitamin D is also the only vitamin that the human body can produce itself - with the help of sunlight. If you have a deficiency of vitamin E, may reduce the capacity and the fertility and the risk of suffering from anemia and muscle atrophy, is increased. Biotin, Vitamin H, or called, in turn, supports the growth of skin, hair and nails and reveals a deficiency in hyper excitability and changes in skin and mucous membranes.

Vitamin K promotes blood clotting and ultimately prevents internal bleeding. Since the various physical phenomena and defects may well have multiple causes, a vitamin deficiency with naked eye is not really visible. Only a blood test can provide clarity. But preventively with constant fatigue, listlessness and inflammation vulnerabilities ever to eat a balanced can not hurt!

Higher vitamin requirements in smokers, pregnant women and seniors
To a lack in the sickening sense like some experts - based on our latitudes do not speak -. If it were more likely to undersupply, which need not necessarily cause a deficiency symptom or disease? At risk for such deprivation are mainly people who, feed through constant dieting unilaterally, predominantly nutrient - and vitamin- poor take fast food for themselves or by smoking, alcohol, anti - birth control, pregnancy, breast feeding, serious physical or mental stress diseases such as infections or cancer have an increased vitamin requirements.

In addition, children in the growth phase an increased supply of vitamins. Even the elderly, chronic patients and vegetarians are usually affected by a shortage of individual vitamins.

A balanced diet helps prevent deficiency
To prevent deficiency, or rather shortage, one should - as is preached for decades to feed - with carefully balanced and versatile especially good cooked vegetables, fruits, whole grains, but also meat and fish.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Face Masks for All Skin Types

How do I get a skin face mask in a hurry evening? Perhaps out of the refrigerator? This may sound funny, but in fact they themselves produce from the dairy wonderful cosmetics for skin and hair. And in a very short time and with simple means...

But why do you actually use dairy products for beauty skin care? This is due to the proteins and fats, which supply the skin. Milk also contains various vitamins: Vitamin A - what does perk up tired skin, vitamin E, which regulates and regenerates, and vitamin B, which smooth the skin.

For natural face mask you can milk, cottage cheese or yogurt with fruit, ground corn, bran, various oils or mix with honey. On the following pages you will find a few recipes:

Face masks for bad skin
Apple - sour cream - mask
The apple - sour cream - mask is suitable for all skin types. Rubbed an apple and mixes it with two tablespoons of sour cream.

jojoba -oil Mask
Anyone who suffers from dry skin to estimate the quark -oil mask crush: A banana and mix with a tablespoon of cottage cheese and a teaspoon of jojoba oil to a paste.

Oatmeal mask
Even an oatmeal mask does here good service: this is simply mixing two tablespoons of oatmeal with three tablespoons of hot milk. Apply the paste is still warm to the skin. Wash with a cloth and the face once the mask is cool.

Bran paste
A quark- bran paste of three tablespoons of cottage cheese, a teaspoon of sunflower oil and a tablespoon of bran also makes the skin soft as a peach.

Chamomile milk mask
After the summer meadow fragrance chamomile milk mask: in about 75 ml of warm milk is different to a handful of chamomile flowers, and can pull this mixture covered a quarter of an hour. After boiling and half a teaspoon honey and a tablespoon of bran to add. This mask is particularly recommended sensitive skin because the skin chamomile is usually very gentle.

Rosemary Mask
For large-pored skin, rosemary - mask is very good. For this mix one tablespoon rosemary decoration with a tablespoon of milk and apply on the skin.

Almond Scrub
For this mix three tablespoons of natural yoghurt with three tablespoons of ground almonds, a teaspoon of Lavender extract and a teaspoon of honey admix. The mixture on the face several minutes massage. The almond flour carries away the dead skin cells, while the contained almond oil makes the skin supple. The yogurt makes sure that the skin flakes come off better, and the marigold support the renewal of the skin.

For all masks: Clean the face thoroughly before applying the mask. The exposure of the mask is usually 10 to 20 minutes. After removing the mask from his face and remains creams when required as normal.

More on skin care product and Natural cosmetics products

Friday, July 16, 2010

Hair Loss Dandruff and Dryness

Hair can be one of the most important points of our appearance, however, apart from appearance, and are an equally important indicator of overall health.

What promises then, the signs of hair loss dandruff and dryness?

This is what we are studying, talking seriously ... hair!

Hair loss problem

This time you wake up and your pillow is ... the rest of your scalp. Do not worry! It is perfectly normal to lose some amount of hair daily, if they are replaced by the much more available to the roots ... your skull! Thus, except when you find a severe problem areas such gaps have not reason to panic.

Dense hair loss

If you have noticed the start of a sustained loss begins to create gaps, possible cause is iron deficiency combined with a diet of deprivation that may follow. The above reasons for creating disorder prevent the body to maintain the protein receives, thereby excluding all others, costs and severe hair loss. Of course, that as, this way of life continues and so is the loss, but, over time the hair is lost can not be replenished. It is clear therefore that in such a case, first of all we need to regulate your diet program.

Another thing that may cause hair loss is pronounced the thyroid gland, and he did a turn as set corrects the problem of loss of hair.

Hair Dandruff

There are many people who believe that the peeling created by dandruff due to dryness apparently troubled the scalp and therefore more hydrating the scalp solve the problem. And indeed there are such cases. But there are others which, according to research and fungal cultures of people suffering from the problem of dandruff, the responsibility rests with the fungus. The fungus that lives in the air and when multiplied on the scalp, creating well known scales. For this reason it is difficult to treat and other times the problem is nonexistent, and other more intense. In any case it is advisable to use a medicinal shampoo that is appropriate for this case.

Tips for healthy hair care:

• Always protect hair from sun
• Avoid sun mainly in summer
• Use chemical-free products
• Do not handle often break because of ponytail
• Trim the edges often

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Breathing Exercises

With breathing exercises you learn specifically to breathe consciously. Most people breathe too fast permanently. Possible consequence of a too rapid breathing rate can be
* Body Fatigue,
* Difficulty concentrating,
* Sleep disorders and
* Indigestion.

Notice before each breathing exercise
Before you start each breathing exercise, you should note that if you perform this in the room:
* Oxygen supply
Ventilate the room well before the start of exercise, so that the room air enriched with oxygen.
* Comfortable room temperature
The room temperature should not be too low because of cold air from the bronchi is not well tolerated.
* Gymnastics mat
A conscious abdominal breathing can be most easily learned while lying on a gym mat or similar comfortable surface.

Chest breathing
A conscious Chest breathing helps you to achieve a good breathing in heavy physical activities. With a conscious chest breathing are the upper and middle third of the Lungs ventilated, which is sufficient under these pressures.

Practice the chest breathing technique every day for10 minutes, preferably in the morning before breakfast and at night before bed. In the first days of each exercise should comprise 10 breaths? Then it can take 20 breaths. Always breathe through your nose and out through your mouth. Never attempt in the chest breathing too much air and exhale or accelerate the breathing! After finishing the exercise, you should not stay up immediately, but still for a few minutes and breathe calmly and evenly, as usual.

* Lay down
Set relaxes on a comfortable surface.
* Hands
Place both hands with fingers slightly spread on each side of the chest. The little finger is placed on each of the lowest ribs. You can also leave one hand, as described on the chest and push the other hand under your back and then lie down on the chest.
*Normal breathing
Breathe in and out 3 times, as you breathe normally.
*Inhaling through the nose
Close your eyes. Disconnect the fresh air very slowly through your nose with closed mouth in the chest. Imagine this; imagine a wave that rolls slowly up and down through your body in your chest. The oxygen-rich air flows down through your throat, trachea and bronchi in the lungs. Feel how your rib cage expands to the rear and on both sides? Your waist does not move it. Have you noticed that your two hands on the chest of each other is moving away or a hand away on your chest by the chest center and the other hand under your back through the chest expansion - this is when the chest wall bulges outwards - pressed into the surface is?

* Little respite
Keep all the fresh air inhaled briefly in your chest until your brain gives the order to exhale.
*Exhale through the mouth
Her eyes are still closed. Breathe through the lip brake, that is, with lips slightly apart and slightly swollen cheeks, the air from quite slow and long. Always breathe out twice as long as one. Consider this before that the campaign now in the opposite direction from your chest up through your body rolls and leaves him. The carbon dioxide -rich air flows from the lungs through the bronchi, trachea, and the slightly open mouth to the outside. Feel how narrowed your chest? Have you noticed that your hands are on the thorax moved towards each other or moving a hand on your chest to chest towards the middle and the other hand under your back through the chest constriction - this is the chest wall is flat again - again lifted from the substratum ?
*Little respite
Do you have all the stale air exhaled, followed by a brief respite, until your brain gives the command to re- inhalation.

Abdominal breathing
A conscious abdominal breathing is not only coping with stress by interrupting the body's reactions to stress factors. A conscious abdominal breathing also helps with indigestion: When inhaled, the diaphragm muscle moves in and presses against the bowel. This regular massage stimulates the passage of food through the intestines and thus the digestion. With a conscious abdominal breathing, you can cough up more easily. Furthermore it improves the Heart action and the circulation of blood and lymph vessels in each stomach.

Practice the abdominal breathing technique every day 10 minutes, preferably in the morning before breakfast and at night before bed. In the first days of each exercise should comprise 10 breaths? Then it can take 20 breaths. Always breathe through your nose and out through your mouth. Never attempt in the abdominal breathing too much air and exhale or accelerate the breathing! After finishing the exercise, you should not stay up immediately, but still for a few minutes and breathe calmly and evenly, as usual.

*Lay down
Set relaxes on a comfortable surface.
Place both hands with fingers spread slightly above the navel to your stomach. The thumb is placed on each of the lowest ribs, the fingers of the other fingers touching.
*Normal breathing
Breathe in and out 3 times, as you breathe normally.
*Inhaling through the nose
Close your eyes. Disconnect the fresh air very slowly through your nose with closed mouth in the lower abdomen. Imagine this, imagine a wave that rolls slowly up and down through your body in your lower abdomen. The oxygen-rich air flows down through your throat, trachea and bronchi in the lungs. Feel how your rib cage is pulled down to your diaphragm lowers and raises your waist while slightly upwards? Have you noticed that the fingers are moving your hands on your belly away from each other and do not touch your fingertips?

*Little respite
Keep all the fresh air inhaled briefly in your lower abdomen, until your brain gives the order to exhale.
* Exhale through the mouth
Her eyes are still closed. Breathe through the lip brake, that is, with lips slightly apart and slightly swollen cheeks, the air from quite slow and long. Always breathe out twice as long as one! Consider this before that the campaign now in the opposite direction from your lower abdomen up through your body rolls and leaves him. The carbon dioxide -rich air flows from the lungs through the bronchi, trachea, and the slightly open mouth to the outside. Discover how to lift the chest and diaphragm and it is just your waist again? Have you noticed that the fingers of your two hands are moved towards each other and touch the fingertips again?
* Little respite
Do you have all the stale air exhaled, followed by a brief respite, until your brain gives the command to re- inhalation.

If your hands and feet start to tingle and you feel dizzy, stop these breathing exercise. These symptoms are signs of hyperventilation, that is, for a quick succession, followed by increased breathing deeply inhaling and exhaling. In a hyperventilation increases carbon dioxide is exhaled. As a result, decreases the concentration of carbon dioxide in your blood and the oxygen level is too high in comparison to this. You can hyperventilate when you have speeded up the abdominal breathing or have too much air inhaled and exhaled. As a remedy, you are not just lie and breathe as normal. Stand on it and move.

Read more on Swami Ramdev yoga exercises and yoga for beginners. And more on breathing exercises techniques by Swami Ramdev Ji

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Cellulite: What to Eat and What Not to Avoid Cellulite

It is purely feminine case of only one hundred men to show cellulite. In contrast, seven out of eight women and not just those with some extra weight, or greater accumulation of body fat are struggling with the eternal enemy. The struggle is unequal;

Cellulite reported to the uneven distribution of fat. Specifically, cellulite's due to selective accumulation of fat and fat cells, swelling just below the skin and is the result of disruption of the adipose tissue due to fluid retention and toxins. The result could be loss of elastic fibers of connective tissue, which causes the skin known as orange peel appearance.

Cellulite can appear on thighs, buttocks, inside of the arms, stomach, abdomen and legs. Moreover, depending on whether caused by water retention or fat or both, is divided into three types: hard, soft and correlated, respectively.

The main reasons that cause this are:
Impaired blood circulation
Hormonal disorders
Obesity - poor diet eating foods rich in fat and salt, alcohol, decreased water intake
Smoking - Alcohol

The correct choice of food we consume should be our main concern that we have a nice, firm body, without blemishes, cellulite, and relaxation. Given that beauty starts from within, the intake of nutrients through the food we eat is the first and most significant move to address it. In particular, vitamins B6 and folic acid metabolism strengthen and protect the vessels, and vitamin E in combination with vitamin C show strong antioxidant activity and improves skin texture, giving uniform, smooth and firm. In addition, fish oil, which is very rich in omega-3 fatty acids are well known for its beneficial effects on the skin. Finally, increased fiber intake helps to combat body cellulite. This is due to the ability of fiber to bind bile salts, which are responsible for the absorption of fat, while passing through the intact gastrointestinal tract and lead to the elimination of one part fat to get from food, resulting in less stored fat.

What to eat:
Fruits - green vegetables
Plenty of water
Juices, green tea
Unsalted nuts
Fat fish salmon, mackerel, tuna
Whole grains
Milk, yogurt, low fat
Maintenance of normal weight
Physical activity

And what not to avoid cellulite:
Animal fats - red meat, butter
Sugar - Sweet
Stock change weight
Alcohol - Smoking
Sauces, cream, full fat
Caterer type fast-food

Read more on remedies to get slim fast and cellulite removal cream

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

What to Eat to Keep Beauty

Each of us wants to be beautiful, with an enviable body and a beautiful and luminous skin. One of the factors that influence how we show it constitutes daily diet. There are certain foods that help us maintain our health and beauty, others to be avoided.

• Apple Vinegar: This vinegar has many healing qualities do for your health beauty help skin to regain its beauty and suppleness. Apple vinegar fortified with enzymes that help remove dead cells. Also help burn body fat and allow proper digestion.
• Carrots: Prevents premature aging and provide amazing skin suppleness.
• Cheese: It should be always present in your daily diet. Cheese helps to prevent multiplication of bacteria in the mouth and cavities.
• Citrus fruit: The fruit keeps the skin cells together, forming collagen. You can use either as such or as juice, but not necessarily natural.
• Garlic: Helps to combat skin wrinkles and restores tissues.
• Nonfat yogurt: It is rich in calcium, thus helping to care for teeth.
• Sweet Potatoes: They are rich in vitamin A, vitamin known as an agent against wrinkles. Will refresh your skin will become visible and so thin that the skin of a baby.
• Tomatoes: These vegetables can do wonders to your skin. They are rich in vitamin A, vitamin C and potassium.
• Wheat germ: If you want to get rid of blackheads, make sure the daily diet to eat 2-3 linguine wheat germ. For a more pleasant taste, you can combine them with cereals, yogurt or fresh cheese.

Here are some advices that may be useful in the daily diet:
• Vegetables: you should have between three and five tables that do not miss vegetables, preferably raw.
• Fruits: Eat fruit 2-3 times a day, especially in spring season, when the body needs them more than ever.
• Dairy: Eat at least two times a day. Milk and yogurt can do wonders to your skin.
• Fats: Try to prepare salads with olive oil. Avoid cooking in butter, oil or mayonnaise. And if you do, limit yourself to 2 times daily. Eat these foods and you'll notice after a short period of time that you look more beautiful than ever.

More information on beauty skin care and natural skin care product

Monday, July 12, 2010

Leucoderma, White Spots and Patches

Leucoderma is a rare skin disease characterized by white spots and patches. In this distressful but not contagious disease is a progressive loss of pigment melanin asked the layers of the skin resulting in white patches? Leucoderma can start with a small patch, but slowly and steadily spreads throughout the body. The real cause is not yet known, although there have been several studies on the subject. Some causes are perceived emotional stress, hereditary factors, worms, sunburns and physical illness.

What causes Leucoderma is not yet known. Despite advanced research, medicine is still trying to figure out the exact cause of Leucoderma.

Whatever the cause, the disease course is uncertain which is the destruction of pigment cells. But because it affected only certain areas or parts of the body, despite the fact that the pigments present in cells throughout the body, then why not this disease has affects the entire body remains a mystery. However, there are many health experts who believe that the main causes of leucoderma excessive mental stress.

Chronic or acute diseases of the stomach may contribute to Leucoderma. People who have impaired liver function, such as jaundice, attacks by the worm and other parasitic infections in the digestive tract are prone to have white spots. White patches are not always spell doom, as only a fraction of them could be the dreaded Leucoderma. Majority of cases, including Leucoderma spots because they are white and are amenable to medical management.

Leucoderma symptoms may include hair loss, premature graying of hair and white patches. The whiteness is generally viewed as a small discolored white / pale brown or later point spread in size. The spots are whiter day after day and finally to become milky white. There may be a general weakness and fatigue and the victim may have sensitivity to cold. Patches or marks may be caused by many reasons; most common among them is infected by the worm and / or calcium deficiencies. These spots can produce much psychological pressure on the victim.

It is worth noting that Leucoderma can be caused by the consumption unlike food, like fish / onions in milk. Vitamin C-rich foods, which were once thought to promote the process of disruption is no longer or reduced. Several studies demonstrated a beneficial role as antioxidants.

The majority of cases, including why Leucoderma spots are white and are amenable and confirm whether a white patch Leucoderma or not, have a border of darker skin should be irregular in appearance, the gradual increase in size and appear milky white with a UV light.

Leucodermal conditions have tremendous psycho-social implications. No age is exempt and genetic reallocating exists. When areas most affected by the disease include the hands, neck, back and wrists in sequence. The situation will not cause damage to organs. Those with Leucoderma should consult a doctor and would be wise to consult mental health professionals and doctors before you fall victim to depression or anxiety.

Read more on remedies for leucoderma and leucoderma home cure. And more on natural home remedies for sunburn

Healthy Diet help to lower Cholesterol Level

Reduce cholesterol is an important step to reduce risk of heart disease. Indeed, it could be the most important step! The risk of heart attacks and strokes are directly attributable to high cholesterol levels so the wise, the essential, thing to do is lower the cholesterol in as many ways as possible.

Lowering cholesterol through diet is a way to have a better balance between LDL cholesterol and your HDL cholesterol.

Here are some alternatives that healthy diet will help lower your cholesterol significantly followed regularly.

Breads and cereals: healthy bread contains whole grains, not too much sodium. Whole grains are not only rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber. In addition, they contain phytochemicals that may help reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer.

Use whole grain breads
Hominy grits

Fish: Omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to reduce triglycerides, which are a type of fat in the bloodstream. Experts are not sure of the exact mechanism. Omega-3 fatty acids may also slow the growth of plaques in the arteries and reduce inflammation throughout the body.


Beans: The beans may reduce your cholesterol, too. The reason for these high-fiber legumes are so effective is because they contain pectin. The more of these beans you can eat, the greater the benefit.

Lima beans
Navy beans

Oils: Learn which oils are good for you and which are bad. The following oils are good try to get them to lower cholesterol.

Canola oil
Grape seed oil
Flaxseed oil

Chocolate: dark chocolate may actually help reduce cholesterol level. This is good for the chocolate lovers around the world, but remember that milk chocolate contains much fat and not good for you!

Nuts: Some nuts are good to help you reduce your LDL cholesterol and raise your HDL level. A perfect balancing food. Some of the best nuts are:


These are just some of the most common foods and food groups that, if eaten regularly, can help lower cholesterol level naturally.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Diet for Summer Care

If you want a better looking body in the summer, there is no need to feel tension to look good on the beach after making your diet more light. The secret to weight loss is to choose healthy foods and fewer calories than you burn body fat.

It's easier to choose healthier foods during the summer, when heavy’ dishes with many calories are less attractive. The best foods in summer are light, refreshing and most importantly, keep you away from the hot kitchen.

In summer, supplies us with delicious fruits and vegetables. Except that they contain few calories, we stimulate with vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants them.

Fruit which will inspire us with the taste, freshness and freshness. Leaving apples and oranges in the winter, we can pick melons, vegetables, tomatoes, berries, cucumbers and other fruits and vegetables of summer. As a bonus, points out specific, you can forget the amount in respect of fresh fruits and vegetables.

The proposed six specific foods that help stretch and ways of cooking for the summer:

Cold soups
The cold soups offered as food with few calories. Low calorie soups at the beginning of the meal brings a feeling of satisfaction then eat less.

Who does not like to dive into a slice of cool watermelon when it's hot? Half of watermelon is water. It's a nice way to quenching, while eating something sweet.

Grilled Vegetables
A plate of grilled vegetables is essential for the summer. Propose grilled onions, peppers, carrots, asparagus and garlic. Can be combined with cottage cheese or used in pies vegetables.

Salads are a quick and healthy meal that does not require a prescription. They use vegetables with low fat cheese, a few walnuts and light vinaigrette. Within minutes you have a meal. The expert proposes to have the taste of your salad, add various herbs to skip the dressing. If you are adding fish or meat in the salad, to consider as an accompaniment to vegetables.

Drinks with few or no calories
Sweet coffee, tea and soft drinks consumed easily in the summer, but we filled calories. Soft drinks during the summer because we need lots of fluids to keep it cool. The proposed special white wine with lemon or lime.

Desserts fruit
* Grilled pineapple with rum
* Frozen sweet cherries
* Grilled peaches with honey and blueberries
* Frozen bananas with chocolate
* Frozen grapes
* Roasted banana ice cream low fat

More on remedies for beauty skin care and natural skin care product. And also get more info on beauty skin care products for summer care.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Asthma and Its Type

Asthma is different for each individual and the intensity and duration of asthma attack or episode can greatly determine the severity of a disease. In fact, there are four categories covering the severity and have different characteristics.

Mild Asthma
what is mild asthma? Well, from the name, is a general, minimum, which occurs sporadically. It can also be considered a temporary condition. The main symptoms of mild asthma include shortness of breath and wheezing and can be experienced a couple of times a month. Precipitating factors may include physical events, such as exercise. Attacks of this type are only mild and symptoms are only present during the attack itself.

Moderate Asthma
Unlike the mild asthma that occur only a couple of times a month, this type occurs a couple of times a week. Asthma symptoms such as coughing and wheezing are present usually at night.

Exercise can be one of the triggers. Symptoms can last for several days at a time and can result in impaired to boost immune system and over-all health of an individual. When a person is having a mild asthma attack, medical help and intervention may be necessary to avoid complications and other problems.

Severe Asthma
People who are diagnosed with severe asthma suffer from persistent symptoms and has to live through frequent episodes of asthma. The attacks in people with this kind are definitely more frequent than the crises experienced by individuals who have mild or moderate.

Individuals who have this type have to change or adapt your lifestyle for your condition will be monitored and will not be worse. The overall activities of people diagnosed with affected and there are some activities that they can not do or accomplish due to his medical condition. It is also common for people who are diagnosed with this type of experience sleep disorders.

Hospitalizations and doctor visits are not new to people who have severe asthma. This type requires close monitoring and care for the disease can be controlled and better treatment for each patient.

Some common causes of severe asthma include exercise, common allergens, and cold air. There are medicines available that control the attacks, but the best and most reliable way to deal with crises is through hospitalization.

Brittle Asthma
Brittle asthma is said to be the most serious level of all categories of asthma. Is really a very rare medical condition. This type is said to be a very unpredictable medical condition and the attacks are said to be extremely serious and can be fatal.

To help control and relieve this medical condition episodic and asthma preventive medication is available. Read more on Home Remedies for Asthma

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Balanced diet in Daily Lives

Stress, bad mood, many hours reading, poor quality sleeps, erratic eating is what make their daily lives. The supplies needed by our organization to meet this very stressful period are: mental clarity, enhance memory, reduce stress problem.

All that we can obtain the following general advice, which will develop as follows:
* Balanced diet
* Eating breakfast
* Increased consumption of liquid so we are in a good state of hydration
* Sufficient and good- quality sleep, about eight hours a day
* Reduce use of toxic substances such as tobacco and alcohol
* Mild daily exercise

Food preparation

The main points are:

1. Daily consumption of breakfast: Daily breakfast especially carbohydrates such as bread, breakfast cereals and honey increased performance because of the increased memory capacity and their concentration.

2. Small and frequent meals at regular times: Eating meals at regular times helps to maintain stable insulin levels in the blood.

3. Mild daily exercise: Moderate exercise increases the availability and dominates a pleasant feeling. This is perhaps due to the secretion of some hormones and because of the elimination of stress prevailing during the day.

4. Choosing foods from all food groups.

5. Adequate fluid intake: Drink green tea and fresh fruit juices and limit coffee and soft drinks containing caffeine. Avoid alcohol completely during this period and impairs memory.


* Milk or low fat yogurt with whole grain breakfast cereals
* Bread or toast with margarine and honey
* Fruits
* Boiled egg

* Fruits
* Nuts
* Low-fat yogurt
* Bread Sticks / Crackers / Biscuits whole grains, no sugar


Choosing foods from all food groups, with emphasis on fatty fish, legumes, in oil, pasta and chicken. always accompany our dinner salad.

Read more information on weight loss pills and remedies for fast weight loss. And also get more info about natural health supplement.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Baby Skin Care

The newborn baby at home and try to adjust to your new program. To keep it warm and fed is your priorities. Baby skin care is just as important. The newborn’s skin is sensitive, as the immune system.

Chemicals, fragrances and colors of clothes, baby clothes and detergent products can cause skin irritation, dryness and redness. However, there is much to do to protect your baby from skin problems.

The newborn is in skin creases and protective layer that exfoliates. This is normal procedure in the first week. There is no need to rub or to put lotions or creams.

As for skin care of newborn, that is, the less is best. Pediatricians advise that the common bathroom in babies and widespread exposure to chemicals and other allergens can be the basis for skin allergies later.

Do not use baby care products in the early months. The immune system is still developing baby. If you have a family history of skin problems, allergies or asthma are especially important to protect the immune system of the baby and the baby from irritating allergens.

Wash baby clothes before worn. Only use baby detergent containing no flavor and color. Wash clothes and blankets separately from the rest of the family clothes and rinse very well in clothes.

To resist the temptation to make frequent bathroom baby. The frequent washing removes natural oils to protect baby's skin. These leave the skin vulnerable and thus react to allergens causing reactions such as eczema.

Apart from the saliva and change the diaper, newborn not very dirty. For the first month or a sponge bath two or three times a week will keep your baby clean, safe. In the meantime, just clean the mouth and the area where the diaper is worn with a little water or detergent.

Dry skin, eczema
The majority of newborn skin problems like eczema or diaper rash do not appear the first or second month. The eczema appears as itchy red rash, mainly on the face and head, elbows and behind knees.

Some tips to prevent dry irritated skin and eczema:
* Try bath once a week to allow the skin to retain natural oils.
* Restrict the use of pediatric skin products. If necessary use only a small amount of lotion to dry skin areas.
* Make sure baby wears only soft clothing.

When the baby has an allergic reaction the result could be rash. Rashes under the diaper may be eczema and not flushing the diaper. Allergy in the colors of the nappy can lead to this reaction. The change diapers without color, where it may be necessary to prevent future occurrences.

Consult your doctor about whether to use lotions or creams that are sold freely in pharmacies to treat eczema. You may need a prescription.

Diaper rash
Most times, the diaper rash is caused by moisture from the soiled diaper. The rash may also occur when the baby's skin is not well to dry after a bath.

Sometimes an infection from bacteria or fungi can cause diaper rash. Babies who take antibiotics are especially prone to diaper rash due to fungi, because these drugs allow fungal growth.

Most types of diaper rash do not need medical attention. To troubleshoot the diaper rash and prevent further problems in the skin of the newborn:
* Check the diapers often
* Change diapers immediately when wet or dirty
* Wash the area where the diaper is worn with a light fragrance-free detergent or plain water. If the rash is severe, use a spray bottle to clean without rubbing
* Use a clean soft cloth, not wipes. The fragrance or alcohol that exists in many wipes can further irritate and dry baby's skin
* Dry. Do not rub. Leave the nappy area to air dry completely before putting a new diaper
* Put a thick layer of petroleum jelly product (such as Vaseline) or a protective ointment
* Avoid using talcum powder.

See a doctor if the rash does not disappear in two to three days. If caused by eczema, bacterial infection, fungal or other situation, you may need therapy after prescription.

Sometimes it is important to massage the newborn. Like so cuddly and massage is one way to give the message of love and affection to your child. In fact, research shows that the survival of the baby depends significantly on the touch than others, and touch releases hormones, increases immunity and helps fight disease. Also, babies that massage is quieter, peaceful sleep better and cry less.

There is no particular technique for a massage chair. Find a wooden floor in a warm room. Simply recline your baby blanket or a soft cloth. Put some gentle lotion or baby oil and warm it in your hand. Gently massage the chest and abdomen. Keep eye contact and talk to your baby. To sing softly.